Hey Guys!! I hope you are all doing well! I didn't mean to abandon you!! I have been getting ready for my show and decorating. Is there really 24 hours in a day??? lol...I'm telling you...I just can't seem to squeeze everything in! The show is creeping up on me and I still have so much to do. I will get it done though...I'm sure!
I wanted to show you the house I decorated the other day. Alot of you have seen this house in the past...I have posted it for the last two years. We added even MORE ornaments to the tree this year and did some cute things in the kitchen too. Every year it gets better and better! This tree took almost 5 hours to decorate! I really enjoyed it...the hardest thing was moving the huge ladder around the tree. I don't know how tall it is, but I can barely reach the top! This tree is fun and whimsical! Ha Ha...if you look out the window it's fall, but inside it's Christmas! I had to start early this year!

Love the cute skirt she found to put around the bottom...perfect!

She has so many cute

Here is what I used to make the tree topper. I cut the ribbons to give more of a whimsical look, instead of a bow sitting on top of the tree. I wired them with
chenille stems all around the top of the tree. Then I stuck all of the fun stuff in the tree around the ribbons. Did that make
sense? I'm not the best at explaining stuff.

Here is a closeup shot of the top of the tree...

This house is very beautiful and decorated in a contemporary style. In case you are wondering...that is a wooden sculpture in the middle of the cabinet. It's very unique!! The stairs turned out really pretty... I added a few more ornaments this year. Love the stockings and lighted presents!

LOVE this kitchen!!! It is just beautiful! I wish I could steal those granite
counter tops!!
lol...That's exactly what I want in my kitchen. Anyway, look at all of the fun stuff in here! Love the Christmas tree platter and drink
dispenser. Too cute! She bought those cute little towels from me. I ordered those for my show.

More cute stuff! She also bought the gingerbread cookie plate and Christmas tree chip and dip from me. Love them!!

Love this light fixture! It was very easy to decorate...I cut garland to fit around the base of the light and added the ornaments and ribbons. I used wire ornament hangers to attach the ornaments and used the greenery to attach the ribbons.

Isn't this cute? An
initial for each member of the family...

Her bathroom is cute too...I spy a santa frame!

On another note...I went to my friend's house yesterday to visit her sweet little baby, Lily. Please pray for Lily and her family. Lily was born with a very rare disease and is not expected to live over 6 months. She is 3 and a half months now. The family is celebrating every day of her little life. I know this has to be the hardest thing ever...I can't imagine! She is just the sweetest little thing...please keep this family in your prayers...

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas pics! Are you ready to start decorating?? I know we all get caught up in the hype...but remember the reason for the season!! Have a great week!!
Oh Kristen! How horrible! Little Lily has my prayers!
Beautiul decorations! Well done:) Prayers and love to Lilly and her family!
As soon as I saw the picture on your Blog entry I thought awwww wow! Its just so very beautiful! And it made me feel so refreshed looking at it! Thank you so much its such a happy wonderful Blog today!! xoxoxo
Wow!! Amazing decorations!! Sending prayers to Lilly and family!
What beautiful eye candy for me so early in the morning...Girl you do an awesome job with all you do...You have magic in your fingers my Dear friend..
I'm so praying for Lily and her family...I really don't know if I would be strong enough to endure that kind of pain...Many Blessings to you my friend and thanks for the wonderful pictures today...Hugs and smiles to you Gl♥ria
Beautiful tree and decorating displays.
That is so sad about your friend's baby Lily. I will say a pray for them right now.
You did a lovely job on her tree and holiday decor. I am so sorry to hear about the precious child..
Hi Kristen. First of all my heart goes out to your friend and her family. I can not imagine how they must feel. I will keep little Lily in my prayers. We serve an awesome God and He can do anything. I'll pray for a miracle!
Oh, that tree is gorgeous! I love how you've decorated it. I copied a picture of your tree explosion on top! I don't know what to call it but I love it! I want to try and do something like that for my tree this year! You're amazing dear one.
Oh, I love her kitchen! So beautiful and so cute with all of the Christmas things around. I have just recently gotten new granite countertops for my kitchen and they look just like this! I love it.
Have a wonderful weekend and you're always a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your decorating is gorgeous. I love the ornies with the family initials..may have to copy that one!
Sweet Lily...I am sure her family is enjoying each precious day. It has to be sooo hard...
Hi Kristen! I look forward to seing your Christmas decorations every year! They are always so beautiful! I know that your client and her family will enjoy them! And my prayers go out to little Lily and her family...so sad! I cannot even imagine....hugs...Debbie
I absolutely love your decorating. In fact, I copied your tree topper last year and it came out looking pretty good for someone who doesn't do that well. Where do you sell the kitchen towels and plates? I couldn't find them on your etsy shop.
I am so very sorry to hear about this sweet, beautiful baby. I will keep her and her fsmily in my prayers. You did an awesome job doing this house! I am doing one next week too. I WISH I could do mine: but we are hosting a surprise birthday apsrty next weekend so it has to wait til after that. Have a great week!!! XO, Pinky
First, let me talk about the pretties, because I'm already teary about your friends Lily.
The tree looks fantastic - it is so big I would never be able to climb up to decorate it with my fear of heights! I love those dishes in the kitchen, are they too fragile to sell online? I'm hoping to have some fun with some new decorations in my kitchen this year.
I am devastated to hear about your friend's baby. My granddaughter is 3 1/2 months and laughing and smiling now. I just love her so much and can't imagine life without her now. My prayers are with your friend, her family and Lily. I'm sure that baby will have more love given to her than any baby ever.
How hard it must be for your friend and how wonderful that she is facing this with the courage to celebrate every day. I will keep her in my prayers.
The house and tree are wonderful. I can't imagine being decorated this soon...but I've used that bright green/red combo in the past and I love it!
I pray for Lily and her family.
What a beautiful job you have done on the tree. You are such a joyful person, I can see why you do such nice work on the Christmas decorations.
WOW, the pictures and decorations are gorgeous! When I saw your post, I dashed right over here for ideas! *smile* I love everything and the tree topper is so fun. I have the some of the same items in my tree too! So far, I have 4 trees up...been busy decorating the past few days.
I'm so sorry to hear about baby Lily...that just breaks my heart. Lily and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers...((Hugs)) ~Liz
Oh my! Your client has to be over the moon with joy! Everything about these decorations is just fabulous!! You should be really proud of this great job!
Many blessings to beautiful little Lily....lets hope she proves the doctors wrong..tis the season for miracles
Oh my word your decorations are amazing!! You did such a great job. I love all the cute ornaments and decorations. Those kitchen accessories are so cute.
Sending prayers for Lily and her family. With my son being 6 months now I couldn't even imagine losing him. What a hard struggle. Lots of prayers coming their way.
I love what you did to the top of the tree! All on a ladder, too I suppose, you are very talented. Love your blog and praying for baby Lily!
Kristen, I love your work! You are a talented lady. Thanks for sharing. I will be praying for baby Lily!
You are very talented Kristen!
When i saw the pic of beautiful Lily and read the story I just had tears in my eyes.
I will pray for her, OMG that is so hard.
Loved seeing the house...great job....
What a stunning job and home to decorate Kristen. That tree is huge!
I'm so sad about the baby. I cannot imagine.
LOOOOOOOOOOVE it all! Kristen you ROCK! Im tellin ya, you and me together could Rock out some Interior Design work!!! Im guessin that tree is at LEAST 10 ft! The tallest ive done is 11 or 12 ft and ITS SCARY UP THERE!
You and I are raz queens! I recognize some of those decorations...you and me, 2 peas in a pod!
Enter GIVEAWAY on my blog
I will be praying for Lily...I am so very sorry...We never know Gods plans...
Hi Kristen! I have followed your blog for some time, even got some info on decorating trees for sideline money during the holidays but I was shocked to see baby Lily. Is her mother Susan Pruit? If so this family does definitely need your prayers. This is my husbands niece. What a small world we live in.
I thought that looked like Susan. I haven't seen her in years. No I do not live in Ft. Smith, but in Pine Bluff. Susan's mom and my hubby are brother and sister. Susan's dad also has cancer so their family is definitely needful of prayers. It is so sweet for you to solicit prayers for them. I still can not believe what a small world it is. Hope you have a great day
love all the decorations. . .thanks for some neat ideas too:)
I am in tears....how heart breaking. I will be praying....(((HUGS)))
That tree is gorgeous!!!!
I love everything you did, I know the homeowner is thrilled- you can come help me :)
fai delle decorazioni spettacolari
Just came across your blog when searching for a "how to." Not only was I happy your instructions were so helpful, but even happier to see you are local to NWA.
Your booth at the NWA Boutique show was beautiful!
I have a question about tree decorating - where do you start? Do you do the lights first, the garland, the ornaments? I always want my tree to look like yours, but it is always closer to Charlie Brown's tree, I'm afraid...
Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!
Good Article
Hope to see same more information in futere.
I really liked your article.
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