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Saturday, March 5, 2011

~~Glazing Painted Kitchen Cabinets~~

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!

I have been busy busy...I think I said these cabinets would take about 5 more hours...Ha! More like 10...or more! I've been working on them in between other stuff, but it is a little more time consuming than I remembered.

I glazed these cabinets before we moved in the house almost 8 years ago. I had the painters paint them a cream color. I think the name of the color was alabaster... I'm going to have to check on that. You can see in the bottom cabinets that I put a very light glaze on them. I didn't want to mess them up at the time and really didn't know what I was doing either. Through the years I've always thought they needed a little more glaze to darken them just a little and add more warmth to the kitchen. Finally... after almost 8 years I've decided to tackle this project again! As you know I am also adding new hardware which really updates these cabinets! Love it! Click to enlarge the pics and you will be able to see the difference. It's not a huge change, but just enough to add a little more warmth and update to the kitchen.

This is the stain I used this's called special walnut. The lady at the paint store suggested it. I am going to attempt to show how to do First, wipe your cabinets down really good! You might even have to use a degreaser, especially on the cabinets by the stove. I haven't gotten that far yet...

You will need rags for staining and wiping and drop cloths for the floor...oh, and gloves unless you want brown stained hands like mine!

Dip the rag into the stain and rub it on the cabinets letting more stain seep into the creases.
Messy Messy! Be sure to cover the entire surface with the stain.

Last, with a clean rag start wiping it off in an up and down motion (especially in the middle) getting all excess stain off. You can leave as much as you like in the creases. That's all there is to it!'s pretty easy to do. Just a little messy, time consuming, and you will get your exercise! lol..I had to turn on the air!

If the cabinet paint is chipped it is going to show up dark when you add the stain (I found that out pretty quick) so you need to touch up all chipped paint. If you enlarge this last pic you will see some chips on the right hand side. Some of my cabinets have several chips in them so I am going Monday to get more paint. Once I touch them up I will just add a little stain over it and they should look fine.

If you have any questions please let me know...I am no expert on this, but will try and answer your questions on this post.

Just as soon as I'm done I'll post the entire kitchen!

Question: Does the stain have a sealer in it or do you have to apply a poly topcoat to protect the finish?

The stain does not have a sealer in it. I talked to the lady at the paint store and she did recommend a topcoat, she said alot of people don't put one on though. I did not apply one last time and it stayed on just fine. I am going to recommend it and when I'm done with everything I plan on putting a topcoat on.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

I am joining Carrie at Dittle Dattle and Susan at Between Naps On The Porch. Please pay these wonderful blogs a visit!
P.S. If you make a mesh wreath please e-mail me a picture to feature here on my blog!


TanyaLea said...

question: does the glaze stain have a built-in sealer? ...or do you have to put on a poly top coat to protect the finish??

They're looking GREAT! :)

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Beautiful! I even like the chippy look too. Love your easy tutorial as well!

Becca Bertotti said...

Beautiful! I agree with DD in that I like the chippy look where it's darker in the spots where the paint chipped away. Great tutorial! Hugs, Becca

Traditions By The Seasons said...

WOW, I love it! Thanks for showing us how to create that look!

Girl with the Curlz said...

Great job they look amazing.

Jeanette said...

Wow! What a great job! I know that this is so time consuming but, look at the end result! Great Job:)

Allyson Pecilunas said...

It looks so good Kristen!! The bathroom cabinets at our new house are white and I think this would be a good touch. Ill have to ask the inlawas and show them your post :)

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Kirsten, the cabinets are coming along beautifully! I really need to tacle my kitchen cabinets too. Thanks for answering the question about appling a finishing topcoat. I was wondering the same thing. PS~ I really love the new hardward!!

Sue said...

This is one of those projects that the moment you do one door you really have to follow through! I think it is brave to attempt it and they are turning out great. I hope you will post a picture when they are all done. Great tutorial.

Melissa Miller said...

They really look good Kristen!

L said...

Wonderful, Kristen! I love the warmth it adds to the cabinets. The new hardware is perfect. It is amazing what new hardware can do for cabinets.
I agree with some of the others..I like the chippy look, too!
All this hard work will be so worth the end result. Beautiful!
have a nice day~ L

Shar22 said...

The cabinets look awesome-beautiful job! That new hardware is the perfect finishing touch. You said the paint color is alabaster--what brand would that be?

Anonymous said...

Love it, Kristen! I really do like this look. I've never been brave enough to glaze anything! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Vintagesouthernlife said...

They look great! My cabinets are white and I have been afraid to glaze them. After your tutorial, I may have to give them a try.

Suzanne@thriftstoredecorjunky said...

This is really pretty. Thanks for showing us how. I have a friend who wants me to do hers, so this was just in time.

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

They look super!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

They look great...this glazing looks so good...I have been doing some project using it and love it!!!


Gayle said...

I found your post just as our painters are trying figure out what product to use to get the effect I desired. Thank you for the visuals and product recommendations! Beautiful result.

Gayle said...

I found your post just as our painters are trying figure out what product to use to get the effect I desired. Thank you for the visuals and product recommendations! Beautiful result.

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Kristen the cabinets look beautiful! Love the warmth the stain gave them, it was just enough. In the next few weeks I am going to attempt to paint and distress my kitchen island black, and the hubby is going to add beadboard around the sides and back.Have a great week, Martina

Dear Sweet Home said...

Love it! I want to do our back pack cubbie area. Thanks for showing how to do this!

Jodie said...


Your cabinets look fantastic! The color goes perfectly with your backsplash and countertops. My husband and I recently painted and stained our oak cabinets, it's amazing how a little paint and stain can totally transform a space! I love this look, so warm and inviting!

I've been a follower for awhile now and enjoy your posts. I would love if you stopped by sometime.

Warm Wishes,
Jodie said...

Hey Kristen!!! Ive been missin you girlfriend! I see you are BUSY with the GLAZE! Eeekk! Ive done about ALL the glazing I can do! You are ROCKIN with the glaze and doing a BEAUTIFUL job!!! They look AWESOME! I cant wait to see it all finished!!! I LOVE your Easter wreath too!

miss you! xoxokara

Amanda said...

Just came across your blog and I love it! Love your style! I'm going to be moving into a new house in 2 weeks and I can't wait to decorate it! You have given me some ideas!

Kay said...

Kristen I ran across your blog doing a search on how to glaze cabinets. Its funny because we have the exact same cabinets and the exact same birdcage hardware. We have been trying to figure out what to do with our cabinets for a while, we just put in a new counter top (custom concrete) and did a tile/glass mixed backslash this weekend. Now we need to change the color of the cabinets. This is very inspiring for us and I love the pics you posted. Great job and thanks for sharing!

Gypsy Heart said...

Really, really nice!!

Betty said...

I just found your blog and it is great. You have given me so many ideas for my home.

Erin said...

Your cabinets look amazing! I found your blog at Between Naps on the Front Porch. You have such great ideas and I'm your newest follower! I'd love it if you'd follow me back:
Again, you did a fantastic job with this!! :-)

Sara said...

I want to do this! I'm obsessed with glazing. In the next house I will definitely be doing a very similar look! Thanks for sharing

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Girl this is just awesome you did an outstanding job on these and all your hard work paid off..Thanks for sharing this..Hugs and smiles Gloria

Denese said...

Kristen, your cabinets are beautiful!! would you find out exactly the base color you used and whose paint it is and also if you used acrylic or oil, and was it satin, or semi gloss??
Appreciate VERY much!

Denese in Atlanta

Melissa Miller said...

Kristen I do like this style of font better for your blog. You're right good choice!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kristen. I happened upon your site when I was searching for instructions on refinishing cabinets. I have oak cabinets that have been stained and poly'ed. I know I will have to sand them somewhat to add a coat of paint but I am wondering what type of base coat you used? Is it a satin finish? And can you apply the stain right over that? I love the look you achieved on your cabinets and would like to do the same on mine. Thanks!!

MK said...

I have the exact paint/finish on my kitchen cabinets and quite a few nicks now that really bother me. I do NOT know the color of the cabinet or the glaze/stain. I want to touch them up but what happens if I start and the paint isn't the right match? I don't want to mess it up and have to paint the entire kitchen again!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE what you have done to your cabinets. I hate to repeat the question of the brand/color of paint you used but it looks like your responses must have gone straight back to the questioner since the blog did not publish your answers. After doing what seems like a bazillion searches on this topic I am finally inspired by your project!!! Ready to tackle some work and get a new look.

Melanie Newman said...

I'm curious. Is the gel stain as oil based finish? Once you apply it, do you have to topcoat with and oil based or waterbased topcoat. I've been experimenting with glazes, and am still unsure what to do. I like the look of the Masters stain, but don't want to run into a problem with using different products that could be a disaster if used together. My cousin applied a new waterbased paint to her cabinets, and the paint ended up peeling off, because they were oil based. Thanks for a great post.

Lauren said...

I saw a couple of people ask, but I didn't see a response, so I thought I would say that Old Masters is an oil based product. I don't know about the stain that she used, but I used Old Masters oil based GLAZE for cabinets and THAT product has a sealer built into so that you do not have to top coat with anything. Additionally, as far as I know, Old Masters is really the only company that offers that in their glazes (for instance Gemini glazes have to be top coated with an oil based polyurethane). That cabinets look very nice, by the way, good job! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. This really looks so easy, a little messy but surprisingly very easy. My current cabinets (even for closets Bergen) are somehow the same with what you originally have so I guess this is going to be a wonderful idea. Again, thank you for sharing these steps. I really appreciate it. Keep on posting.

Anonymous said...

Do you think I could use this stain color over white painted cabinets?

Anonymous said...

Can you put a different glaze on dark brown
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Pam Krugman said...

The cabinet paint is alabaster in what brand of paint please? This are the same cabinet color I have from the manufacturer and you did a beautiful job on the glazing!

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Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for the information. I tried this out this weekend and I'm so happy with the results! I have a question though, my dresser feels sticky. Will it dry or do I need to put a coat of some kind on top?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

what about a really good top coat as a sealer

Anonymous said...

Hav pickeled oak cabs with laquar finish can I glaze over or does the laquar hae to come off? Really just want dar in groves Thanks Diane

Unknown said...

I didn't read all the comments but I just retired from faux finishing business and have used Old Masters for many years, and for kitchen cabinets I would recommend always using a water base sealer! A couple of coats, sand between!

Anonymous said...

is there a certain color for the stain gel

CabinetWholesalers said...

Wow. These turned out really nice. You're pretty brave though. Not everyone can glaze their kitchen cabinets and make them look great like that.

CBD Online Global Sales said...

You didn't need to sand first? Just clean well and gel stain?

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Sean Parker said...

These cabinets are looking so beautiful.
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Jason Martin said...

Would love to try it on my cabinet as they are quite full of dust and dirt.
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Anonymous said...

We are just building our cabnits and are just wood no paint or stain on them.Would i have to paint or stain them before i did something like this? This is our first time .Thanks

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Can you use this over oil base paint that is about 12 yrs old?

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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