I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! I have been busy cleaning and decorating today. Since I have been so busy with houses and custom orders lately my house has taken a back seat! It's time for a good cleaning for sure, but decorating is more fun!
I decided to do this tutorial when alot of you asked me how to add mesh to a Christmas tree. Several of you commented on the whimsical tree I decorated with the green mesh and wondered how the mesh was added. I know there are several ways to add the mesh, I will show you the easiest way I have found to do it.
First, I have to show you how my tree looked when we got it down from the attic. Doesn't it look wonderful?? LOL! I can't believe I just left everything on it...What was I thinking? I think I just wanted to get it up and out of the house...and look how many lights were out! I had to make a quick to trip to Wal-Mart for sure. I restrung the new lights and it was ready to decorate!
I hope that was easy to understand.
You can also add the smaller mesh the same way if you would like. I didn't have very much of the green, so I cut it and wrapped a branch around it for a few poofs. I love the way it curls!
(Kevin just asked me what a poof was...lol. I just assumed you guys know)

Now you are ready to add your ornaments. It's hard to see in this pic, but I always start with the inside of the tree adding the larger (cheaper)ornaments first. The glittered balls are great for adding some sparkly depth.

Now your ready to add your favorite ornaments! I always pick out the ones I like best and add them to the front of the tree.

As you can see I have a little bit of everything on my tree. I usually try to buy a few ornaments every year. I guess I'm really into Santas and snowmen the most.
After you are done adding all of your ornaments you might want to add some things coming out of the tree to add more depth and interest. I added glittered berries, stars, glittered light bulbs, etc. Whatever I could find! lol...
Now it looks really full!
I wired the two bows back to back on the top of the tree letting the streamers hang down. I tucked the streamers into the tree. The streamers were about 40 inches long.
Now it's time for the fun stuff!
I added the glittery balls and stars all around the top of the bows. Sometimes it's hard to find a spot, but you just have to keep poking.
It turned out fun and whimsical!
That's all there is to it!

(Kevin just asked me what a poof was...lol. I just assumed you guys know)
Now your ready to add your favorite ornaments! I always pick out the ones I like best and add them to the front of the tree.
It's time for the topper! I made two bows out of five different ribbons...oh my! Seriously? Five? As I have said before, I am a ribbon freak! I actually made the bows out of three ribbons then added some pieces of two more ribbons to the top of the bows.
For my bow and tree topper tutorial click HERE.
That's all there is to it!
I hope you enjoyed my tree decorating tutorial! Let me know if you have any questions or if I have left anything out.
Thanks again for your nice comments on my Christmas decorating! It won't be long before things slow down a little and I can visit my favorite blogs again. I am hoping to get the rest of my Christmas decor up over the next two days. I finished the mantle last night...I will show it to you soon!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Soooo I was going to skip decorating for Christmas this year. I’m a photographer and time is short these days but I just can’t stand it. I tried but it looks like I will be putting our tree up today! I want to add some mesh to it and LOVE the colors you have. Our trees are very similar. Where did you find your mesh?
Ps....I made a bow for the top of my tree from the how to you did a couple years ago!
Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"
Beautiful tree! Very good tutorial on the mesh too.
Absolutely beautiful, Kristen! Love the beautiful mesh and fun tree topper! The colors are gorgeous ... aren't you just loving your new camera ?!
Yay! I've had my tree nekkid for two days, Kristen! : ) Well, I did put the lights on. I stopped there because I figured the mesh/ribbon should go on before the ornaments. I'll be printing out a Joann's coupon and heading there for my mesh. Thanks so much for doing this, I know how busy you've been.
Kristen your tree looks beautiful! Great tutorial! Martina
Oh, Kristen your tree is gorgeous! Thank you so much for the tutorial on the mesh. I went and found some at Michael's and just went with it! I've just posted it today and have given you credit for inspiring me! You'll have to come and see it. Thank you for all the inspiration you give me!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Kristen your tree is beautiful. Your work is always so great. Thank you so much for the directions on how you do the ribbon. Ribbon is the hardest thing for me to do. I saw a somewhere on line where a lady did the ribbon on her tree last. I always do my ribbon first.
Love the bow topper, too!
I thought it was interesting that you start the ribbon at the bottom. Why? I LOVE the way your tree looks...mine is going up Tuesday...I will try, but it won't look like yours!!
It's just beautiful, Kristen, and your comments here and there were so helpful. This is my first year to use the mesh ribbon and I'm lovin' it!
Thanks for the tutorial, Kristen!! I am going to do my tree either today or tomorrow so this is a big help! Your tree is always gorgeous! Cannot wait to see the rest of your home.
It looks great, Kristen. Beautiful! Love the mesh woven through the tree and a nice tutorial on it! Thanks! xo Diana
absolutely spectacular!! Oh how I wish you lived next door!! Thanks for the tutorial. I do have a question, in my town I only found separate green and red color mesh fabrics. Nothing else. Where did you get yours? Thx!
Do you have any suggestions as to how to decorate an outdoor light post? Doesn't have to be with mesh fabric, just wanting some of your advice and expertise :) Thx!
Girlfriend, you are awesome!! Absolutely perfect tutorial - so glad you showed us how you do all that wonderful decorating. I'm off to check out your bow tutorial.
It looks great! I bought a roll of that mesh in SAMs but didn't know what to do with it! I googled it and found a wreath tutorial on you tube! Who knew!
I haven't started yet, the painters finished Sat, so I have been cleaning and putting things back, then I can start.
I am cutting back though, love putting it up, hate putting it all away!
Off to look at some more of your posts!
like iSavortheweekend, I would like some pointers on using mesh outdoors besides a wreath. Saturday I wrapped my 6 columns with greenery/lights like I always do-but bought candy candy striped mesh this year and want to add it to the columns.
So beautiful! I love the shape of your tree. I have a big, full beautiful tree but would love to find something slimmer as it is just too big for my small living room. But I don't want a twiggy prim tree because I love the bows and ornaments. Got any recommendations for where I might look for a tree?
LOVE it! Like I told Liz...I regret not using mesh on my trees! Maybe next year! Thanks for showing us how to do it right!!
Beautiful tree! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, I love your style!
Last year was the first time I used mesh on my tree and a friend did it for me. So this year I decided to try to do it myself. Your tutorial was a big help! P.S...I'm from Arkansas, too...small world!
Thank you! This was very helpful to me!
Wow! I wish I'd seen this tutorial before I decorated my tree. This is amazingly wonderful!
Absolutely beautiful! You are so very talented :)
Beautiful tree and beautifully explained! I love the poofs!
Merry Christmas
Beautiful tree and great tips on decorating! Thanx for sharing! Im about to make my topper and I am so excited after seeing yours! God Bless!!!
This is gorgeous !!!! And I'm so glad you show us how to put up that wide mesh ribbon up....I did mind running down and I hate it...took it down ....now I think I can redo mind and hopefully look as beautiful as yours...thank you again.....
Thanks so much!! This helped me out a lot with figuring out how to wrap the mesh around the tree.
Love the tree. How wide is this ribbon and how many yards did you use. Can you recommend a place to by ribbon?
I can feel the spirit of the season.
from my side its one of best India decoration creativity with ribbon..
thanks for share....
Just found you on pinterest & I'm so glad. I have been wanting to do mesh for a while, but was overwhelmed. You have totally inspired my. Thanks a bunch!!!
@Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training. I found the mesh on mardigrasoutlet.com. It's $12.95 for 10 yards. I just ordered my own!
Hi Kristen, I was wondering where you got your tree or if there's a certain trick you do to not make it look like a stick tree. lol
I found this to be quite helpful. Thank you for doing this for people like me who love the look but not quite sure how to accomplish it.
What a beautiful tree and thanks for your easy to follow tutorial .I will certainly give this a try .
Kristen, I was wondering the width of your ribbon? I was trying to buy the mesh early since last year it sold out really really quickly. While at Hobby Lobby I noticed an 8in width and then 21in width. What width mesh did you use?
PS Your tree is beautiful!
I love your tree, it looks brilliant!
Beautiful tree! What width is your mesh? I love it
Beautiful tree! What width is your mesh? I love it
Outstanding! I am a big bow person but those sparkles at the end are remarkable! You have sparked my enthusiam to redo my design. Love it! Thanks so the great detailed tutorial! Maria
Very beautiful! I wish i could have someone come and decorate my tree like that. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely gorgeous tree!
I work in a hospital that has a Christmas tree fund raiser every year. Decorators from all over come in and do up a tree then they're auctioned off. They are always stunning and yours could rival any of them!
Your tree is absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Thank you for sharing. I am always looking for new ways of decorating the tree.
Your tree is absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Thank you for sharing. I am always looking for new ways of decorating the tree.
Your tree is absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Thank you for sharing. I am always looking for new ways of decorating the tree.
Kristen do you think this look can be achieved with a real fresh cut Christmas tree? Would love to know your thoughts on decorating a live tree. I love your tree!
I love your tree! Gorgeous! I love, love those green and red sparkle balls at the top, are they from a craft store? I'm on the hunt now!! Thanks for the inspiration!
How tall is your tree? I am wanting to know how much mesh I should buy for a nine ft tree. Thanks!!
So glad I'm not the only "ribbon freak"! Very helpful! Thanks!
Make your tree look as beautiful as the ones in the department stores!
The YuleaHoop™, patent pending, is a small round ring with gripping slots that slips over the top branch of your Christmas Tree. The YuleaHoop securely holds ribbons and/or bead garlands in place. Decorating is fast, easy and secure. It will hold string popcorn and cranberries too! YuleaHoop is a revolutionary new way to decorate your tree.
do you use the mesh ribbon with wire or without? thanks, your trees are beautiful!!
Last year I used a yuleahoop for the first time. It made decorating my tree with garland, ribbon, and beads super easy. I believe they are $10 at the following website.
Thank you so much for sharing your tree and technique for the Deco Mesh. I bought some this year and just put it on my tree following your pics and It looks so pretty- still need to add decorations, but am so excited for the final results!
Beautiful tree.... Just wondering what size mesh you used??
Yes what size??? :)
I am attempting to do my Christmas tree similar to yours, fun, whimsical, and full ...... I can only hope mine will turn out as beautiful as yours!! I am off to Hobby Lobby and a few other crafty stores today to try and find a few more things.
Wow, that's a great Christmas tree decorations! I love how you turn the simple tree into a more special and wonderful one, and have the idea to share it to us. Great! Thanks for posting and tutorial!
Amazing tree, love love love the top treatment! Hope I can make mine as half as pretty as yours! Thanks for the inspirations
OMG, Thanks for sharing!!!! I gonna try make a beautiful mesh this year.
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Thanks to this blog I decorated quite possibley the most beautiful tree I've ever done! I won't lie, it was time consuming...but totally worth it!! I can't wait to have Christmas guests :) Thank you for sharing your decorating wisdom!!
Thanks for the hints about decorating with mesh. I just bought a roll of gold and a roll of burgundy and am going to try and mix it like you did. Would it work just as well if you cut it into sections and just squished it in places? I guess that's what you did with the green mesh ... I'll give it a try!
I'm am very greatful for having found your pin because thanks to you my Christmas tree is AMAZING this year!!! I followed your tutorial on how to decorate my tree and also make a tree topper bow :)
I am in love with my tree and I can't wait to show it off!!!
Thank you and thank you for sharing your wonderful gift :)
Have a Merry Christmas :)
I totally LOVE your craftiness!!! Can you tell me where you get all your ribbon and the toppers aka "sticks" from??
Your tutorial was a godsend!! I am so anal & OCD when it comes to things like this. I ripped all the mesh off my tree in frustration, and then went to handy google for help, your blog was the first to come up. Thank YOU so much, it was so easy & worked great!! My tree looks wonderful and I'm so very happy with the way it turned out. Thank you & Merry Christmas!!
Love this tree it is beautiful!
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Kristen, you have done it again and provided a great tutorial. Not too difficult and a great use of ribbon. Our decorative ribbon store appreciates bloggers like you providing great examples of how to decorate with ribbon. Thank you.
I love Christmas and I especially love this tree.
You Christmas tree rocks! I've tried to make our tree more beautiful and updated this year. I only just saw your tutorial on the mesh and tree topper, but I managed to get pretty close. Speaking of close, I live in Ozark, MO. Perhaps we are neighbors! I'm not a country person, but I know I could incorporate some of your ideas for my house. I'm excited to see more of your "stuff!" Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!
Ha! I'm a stickler for proper spelling and grammar, but I flubbed the very first word. Of course, I meant to say "Your."
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Awesome !! these were nice steps. moreover, it would help anyone in order to decorate tree.
Kristen...this is my first time visiting your web page and I think I'm hooked. I just googled how to decorate a tree with ribbon and you came up! Go figure since you state that you're a ribbon freak! Anyhow...I have been trying to accomplish a tree just like this one for years and have not accomplished that yet. I always get real trees every year (cause I love the smell) but I think that's my problem. All the awesome looking trees you see like at the mall or Pier 1 are all artificial so I just bought a 9ft pre-lit tree yesterday and hoping to get it full and fun like yours! Thanks for your tutorial and look forward to many more!
Kristen...this is my first time visiting your web page and I think I'm hooked. I just googled how to decorate a tree with ribbon and you came up! Go figure since you state that you're a ribbon freak! Anyhow...I have been trying to accomplish a tree just like this one for years and have not accomplished that yet. I always get real trees every year (cause I love the smell) but I think that's my problem. All the awesome looking trees you see like at the mall or Pier 1 are all artificial so I just bought a 9ft pre-lit tree yesterday and hoping to get it full and fun like yours! Thanks for your tutorial and look forward to many more!
Thank you for your ideas. I used the mesh ribbon and was very intimidated by it. But after seeing your page i just dug in and it turned out to be the most beautiful tree i ever did. I did the top with some of the mesh and added some flowers and different picks. I did it in gold, white, browns, and champagne colors.
Thanks so much for sharing this DIY. I love it. I actually made a nice mesh bow on top of every hand blown Christmas glass ornaments I have on my tree. And, I simply love it!
Kristen, this post is two year's old and you're still getting comments!! Your photos come up on Pinterest a lot. That photo of your tree after it came out of storage just killed me! I think I wet myself laughing!! I know how you feel after the season. Some years I just want to burn mine...so what if it's artificial. Your creations are so much fun..so much color and whimsy! Thanks!!
Beautiful! I just love the topper!
I just wanted to say thank you for posting this. We lost our home to a fire 9 months ago. We lost everything. I wasn't going to bother with a tree this year because we are in a rental. Our home isn't finished being rebuilt. It is depressing thinking of all those ornaments throughout the years gone. Anyway, after seeing your picture I think I can go to the fabric store and pull of a beautiful tree for the kids this year. It wont be the same but it will be the start to our new beginning. Thank you for being a part of that. you have given me the motivation I needed.
Really ribbons are an amazing decorative item which can be used in many things, whether it is a small craft project or grand wedding decoration. I recently bought a wide variety of ribbons for my wedding ceremonial decoration as I saw an amazing website which provided a lucrative discount on ribbon.
Your Christmas tree decorating ideas with mesh ribbons are fabulous. Such kinds of decorations are good enough to amaze anyone’s. Thanks for sharing this post.
Merry Christmas,
Very nice and informative post. Please keep it up. If you want to read instagram christmas quotes you have to see the link
Thank you,
I have a 9 ft, artificial tree,that I put the large old fashion colored lights on.In the past I have put the European glass ornaments on but I'm wanting to keep some of them and add vintage ornaments that are popular now. Will this look good before I invest in new ornaments.What kind of garland,burlap, ribbon or what? Any other suggestions would be appreciated!
OMG, Thanks for sharing!!!! I try make a beautiful mesh this year.
It is important to stay in touch with these ideas in best way out for how to decorate a christmas tree professionally under the relevant aspect,.
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