Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well! We had a GREAT time in Disney World! We got back on Monday and I have been getting things back in order over the last couple of days. I told you I would overload you with pictures and that's the truth! I think I posted 58 pictures and I had to cut them down! lol...
I tried to organize the pictures from day one...we started in Magic Kingdom. We got there early so we wouldn't miss some of the rides. Chase's favorite ride was Space Mountain, I was glad when that one came to an end!! We rode alot of the rides in Magic Kingdom, but missed a few because the lines were so long and we didn't want to wait. You could get a fast pass on some of the bigger rides and that would move you up to the front of the line. Those really helped, but some of them ran out. Over all, Magic Kingdom was alot of fun!

This picture was actually taken on one of the nights we went back to eat at Epcot...in case you are wondering why we have on different clothes in some of the pics.
Chase LOVED Epcot
The Nemo ride was really cute! There were all kinds of aquariums and things to look at after the ride.
This was one of his favorite parts of Epcot.
He couldn't wait to do this ride...you design your own roller coaster and then ride it. He and Kevin did this one together.

This was in The Coral Reef restaurant in Epcot...it was sooo good!! The atmosphere was really neat with all of the fish tanks. Teresa said this was a must do and she was right!
Yum! the desserts were wonderful!!
Chase and I in front of the countries
We also ate at Biergarten in Epcot...it was a German Buffet.
The food was good, but the atmosphere was great!!
Teresa told me I must get a pastry from the French pastry place. (can't remember the name).
Yum...I ate way to much on this trip!!

Chase couldn't wait to get to the Lego shop!
We let him stay in here for almost two hours! We ended up buying him a few early birthday presents.

We went back to Downtown Disney again later in the week at night.

It was neat at night, but it was so crowed you could hardly move!
What a neat place!
We really enjoyed the safari! We saw lots of animals...

We went to a show called Flights of Wonder...it was really

cute. Those birds are amazing!
The heat was getting to us so we decided to cool off on the raft ride...
Ahhhh...we got soaked! We all felt refreshed after that.
Kevin was soaked too! They went on the Mount Everest ride later on, but I chickened out. My stomach wasn't feeling so good anyway... it was probably all that food I was eating! lol...My favorite thing in this park was the 3d show "It's Tough To Be A Bug". It was great!

I think this was my favorite place!
We loved the 3D Muppet show!
Chase was ready to get on that Star Wars ride!
The stunt shows were amazing!
This was Chase's favorite thing...The Indiana Jones stunt show.
That night we ate at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. It was so much fun and the food was really yummy!
This was our waitress...she kept everyone in line. At this resturant you had to use good manners...no elbows on the table, no hats, and no hiding veggies! lol...
My dad kept sneaking his hat on so she called him "Trouble"! Hehehe. Chase was scared to death he would get in trouble for not eating all of his veggies. lol...I definitly reccomend this place!!
The American Idol Experence was awesome! The girl that won could really sing! We might be seeing her on the real American Idol. Whoever wins gets a ticket to move to the front of the line at the American Idol tryouts.
My dad bought Chase the stormtrooper shirt. He wore it on one of the nights we went back to Hollywood Studios.
This was the show Fantasmic at Hollywood Studios. It was awesome! The water/mist acted like a T.V. screen for the cartoon images. I don't know how they do all of this stuff! Amazing!!

Chase's favorite day...
Chase loved this place! We could not get him out of the wave pool. It was alot of fun, we rode all of the tube rides, but skipped the really fast ones.
I've mentioned before that my mom is really into butterflies. Well, she and my dad snuck away and got her this rub-on tatoo! LOL!
As you can see we had a great time! We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort on the Disney Property. They have buses that run about every 20 minutes to take you to the parks.
There are lots of eating places, a gift shop, and game room at the resort.
The pools are really neat too...we didn't spend alot of time at the resort, but we got a little bit of swimming in.
Almost everyday when we were walking to the bus stop there would be an airplane writing in the sky. It was a great way to start off our days! This one says U + God = :).