Hey guys! I just wanted to show you our latest project. I guess I should I say hubby's project, he's the one doing all the work! This is going to be a patio made out of pavers with a fire pit in the middle. We have both been wanting to do something with this backyard since we built the house almost 5 yrs. ago. Of course we really wanted a pool, but that just not going to happen. With the help of a little tax refund we decided to go ahead and start this project. Hubby wants trees all around so he will feel like he's in the woods camping out. I told him that will probably take about 10 yrs. lol... We will have to buy small trees and watch them grow. We also want to do some landscaping around the patio and of course a sidewalk, or stones/pavers leading up to the patio. I was a little concerned about how this would look almost in the middle of the yard, but since we are going to have a fire pit, it has to be 15 ft. (I think) away from a structure and that's where hubs wanted it. We will eventually landscape the corner and maybe put some seating over there too. We'll see how this goes first. We have been looking on HGTV for ideas, but I would LOVE to hear some of yours. This has been really hard for me to visualize. I'm still working on the covered patio. I have bought 3 different concrete stains and they are all hideous! However, I think I might have something now. I'm going to work on it soon if the weather cooperates. By the way, we just had our fence stained, it looks 100% better. Hubby didn't do that, we had a guy do it (cheap). I can't believe he is actually building this....he's not usually a handyman, but is really excited about this. It's a mess right now, but hopefully it will turn out nice. I will defintly be updating you on it soon. He wants to finish it this weekend, but I have my doubts. lol....

Now that the weather is getting nice it's hard for me to sit at this computer. So much to do! I've been checking out all of your blogs this morning, lots of great stuff and wonderful recipes. I'm going to be copying them down. Talk to you guys soon!!
Hello! I found your blog over at Another Day at the Freemans. I love to craft with silks, too. I love what I am seeing over here and will definitely be back. I'm an AR gal, too!
Hi Kristen!
I'm just sitting here sipping my coffee and was just about to leave you a comment and ask if had all moved to Hawaii? LOL!
I'm glad all is okay and you are busy with projects.
I LOVE the idea for your backyard. I'm sure it will be absolutely gorgeous when complete.
Landscaping is always a good investment to add value to a home.
I'm so excited for you! I wish we had a big project going. It's so fun to see the befores and afters.
Keep us posted on the progress!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I hope the weather cooperates for your project.
Kristen, We have been in our home five years as of yesterday. We planted trees that very day. You'd be surprised how much they have grown. I plan to post pictures of them in a couple of weeks. I bet you're excited about the firepit. That's going to be awesome. We have a portable one we use in our backyard. We really enjoy it! I can't wait to see your finished project. Luv Ya! Terrie
We are in the middle of a huge rain storm...I mean buckets and buckets...so all outdoor plans are on hold. I am glad to peek at your blog and see that someone is accomplishing something!!!
It looks like you ar well on your way to wonderful backyard!!! I love the idea of a fire-pit...so cozy and warm. I have been trying to talk my husband into a little update since we have been in our home 10 years...we just can't decide on what it will be.
I can't wait to see the finished project and all the beautiful details you will bring to the picture!!!
Have a wonderful Friday!!!
Hi Kristen, I too am finding it hard to blog with so much outdoors to do. We did work on our patio and couple of years back and enjoy it so much now that it's done. Can't wait to see yours when it's done.
Happy weekend!
You will love it when it is done, take lots of photos along the way (I always forget) and take us along for the ride. I look forward to seeing how great ya'lls hard work pays off!
Great project. Can't wait to see the results when completed. I am way behind, but I will get what I can get done when I can do it. Weddings are comming up soon and that will keep me busy. I hope to get the house in order this year but having it all done my spring is out the window.
Oh Kristen this is going to be beautiful girl..I just love a fire pit..Your son will enjoy it also...And I know its hard during warm weather to blog..Good luck with your project and keep us posted...may you have a great weekend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hello Girlfriend...
Just read the sweet little note that you left over at my place...I always love when you come to visit!
Ohhh my...ya'll do have a project going! I think it'll be wonderful!!! I'd love to have a firepit in my backyard...a pretty one (we do have a big ol' burn barrel made out of a hay ring...hehe! But it's not very pretty!) Keep us posted on it's progress, Sweetie! I just know that ya'll will get lots of enjoyment out of your yard improvements!!!
Love ya,
it is kinda exciting to finally get the yard done, huh? Can't wait to see the final results. Thanks for your kind words too. Mishelle
Kristen, This sounds so exciting! It will be such a wonderful place to relax. I can't wait to see it finished. You know, we stained our interior concrete in our family room, and we love it. I can't think of the product right now, but if you want me to, I can find it and tell you. The first coat looked hideous, and scared me to pieces. I started trying to re-do my budget to do some other kind of flooring. By the time we got to the third step, I was loving it! laurie
Can't wait to see how it turns out! I love fire pits. We live on lake hamilton and talked about building a covered pavillion with a firepit/fireplace. Not sure, if that will ever happen as we have so many other projects on the list.
Oh one more thing...Fruitless Bradford Pear trees grow fairly quickly and you will have great color in the fall, white flowers in the early spring, and then gorgeous green leaves mid spring through summer.
I know it will be awesome once it is finished! I commend your husband for being excited about tackling this project!
I agree it is wonderful to spend time outside after such a long winter. I have enjoyed the last couple days working on outdoor projects. Cathy
I have left you a little something on my blog...stop by and check it out when you get a chance!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
That sounds like a great plan! We want to do something in our backyard too. Thanks for your sweet email! Yes, I live in NWAr in Fayetteville. We lived in Ft. Smith our first year of marriage. Close to you! :) I can't wait to see your shower curtain.
Hey there! Sounds like you two have a great plan for your backyard. I hope you'll remember to show us the after pictures. I would love, love, love a fire pitt! Such a friendly way to sit around and chat with people.
Keep digging!
Hi there.....good thing you've got the hubby on board with this project...it's a big one, but it's going to look SO good!
PS: Love your previous post with the tablescape...really pretty!
Hi Kristen,
I just thought of another tree for you that is fast growing and will really give your hubby the forest look.....cypress tree. Our neighbor has a bunch of them surrounding his property. He planted them very tiny and in no time they were full and big! Reminds me of a christmas tree. Maybe you could do a combo of cypress trees & bradford pear trees.
Hope that helps!
Hi Kristen- Can't wait to see your back yard project. I am jealous, we just have left over tree stumps around a hole dug into the woods out back for our fire pit. One of those things that is really cozy and cute, but good thing no one else can see it! Hurry, hurry and post pictures!
Hi Kristen,
I feel like it's been forever since I came to visit. I've been having trouble keeping up with my favorite blogs lately. The warmer weather is bringing us outside more. I can't wait to see what you do for the backyard, I'm sure it will be beautiful. We're trying to figure out a plan for ours as well and finding it difficult. Gardening and landscaping does not come easy for me.
Your fence is great, lots of privacy and a good backdrop for your landscaping plans.
Hope you are having a great week!
Yippee!! I can't wait to see! I am so excited for you!
xoxoxo Terrie
I can't wait to see how it turns out, although I have no doubts that it will be beautiful*!
(((Hugs))) _Ashley*
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