Welcome to the first ever "Sunday Favorites" hosted by Chari at http://happytodesign.blogspot.com/. What a great idea to show some of our favorite posts from the past! She is such a wonderful lady, please pay her a visit for the list of participants.
This was one of my favorite posts because it "Flaunts" all of my red! lol.... If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know how much I love red. I have tried to figure out why I like it so much, it symbolizes love, passion, fire and I've heard it can make you hungry. Hmmmm......It is also an attention getter. When you walk into a room with lots of red it defintly shouts out "Hey! Look at Me!" All I know is that I've gotta have my red! I have also noticed that color (not just red) really affects my moods. I am happiest when I am in a bright room. Also, I have been happier since the sun is shining more and all the color is popping out everywhere. It just makes me want to :) Now, on with the post.....
Hi Everyone! It's time for the flaunt your red party and I have plenty of it :) lol! This fun party is hosted by Nancy at http://southernlady-nancy.blogspot.com/. Her blog is a Must Visit. She has so many great ideas and sells beautiful tassels in her Etsy Store. I've been visiting her blog for a long time now and am always excited to see what she is up to. Pay her a visit!
Now for all my red.....Some of you have seen lots of pictures of my house already. Pretty soon I won't have anything to show you! My house is only 2100 sq. feet, which is fine for us, but I don't have tons of space to work with. As you can see I love red, maybe I have a little too much, but it just makes me feel happy! I've had the sofas since we moved in over 4 yrs. ago and I'm not tired of them yet. I might be in a few years, but they are still in great shape and fit in perfectly with all the decor.
Update on outside projects: Covered patio is stained, furniture painted, added new cushions, planted flowers, New patio and firepit built. Dirt everywhere! (including inside the house)Ugggg....
Things yet to do: Add stepping stones out to new patio, find trees, find outdoor furniture, add landscaping around patio, finish planting flowers in front yard. Hope the budget lasts for all of this!
Have a great week!!!
it's all so pretty Kristen!
This is one of my favorite posts of yours and completely shows your beautiful home to the fullest.
I still adore the striped grouping of prints so much. Lovely!
Do you know I feel exactly the same way you do about Red and color in general. Gotta have it too.
I can hardly wait to see your new outdoor area. I'll bet it's stunning!
I'm going to email you tomorrow about some new things I want to order.
Have a blessed Sunday.
~Melissa :)
Kristen. I love your pops of red. That wall paper in the bathroom is just too fun. What ever happened to Puddin'/Connie?? She was definately a red girl. I loved her. Hugs, Terrie
I have to agree with Melissa...I love this post too!!! All of you red is what caught my eye on RMS. Your living room is so beautiful...so well put together...every little detail perfect. I think my favorite has to be the two chairs on either side of the chest...that whole grouping is perfection!!!
My whole living room is red and most of my dining room...I will be showing some of it on the 1st. I hope you join in on that day also so we can see more of your red.
I am so glad things are moving along on your landscape project. Good luck with the rest of your list!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
* What a JOY to return to this wonderfully warm & pretty home you've created, Kristen!!! It's just "SHEER DELIGHT"!!! I so admire your taste & personal style, ESPECIALLY in someone so "young", kiddo!!! Warmest, Linda *
Beautiful home. I love red, but don't have much in my home. I guess it is because I love other colors more. But I do want to paint a red wall in my kitchen area.
Kristen, I remember seeing this post, and I could see it over and over again. Your home is so pretty, and I always love seeing any bits of your home. Can't wait to see your patio and other projects. laurie
Your home is just gorgeous Kristen, and I love all the red, especially the way you mix it with a touch of gold. It looks so warm and inviting. Your attention to detail is perfection. Loved seeing it again. Hugs, Marty
Hi Kristen...
Girlfriend, I'm soooo glad that you decided to participate in "Sunday Favorites" and thank you so much for the sweet, sweet "mention" at the beginning of your post!!! Yeeehawww...so happy!!!
My friend, you chose the perfect post to re-post!!! Of course, you know that I may just very well be your #1 fan...always have been...ever since RMS days! Hehe! You said something about possibly having a little too much red in your home...OMG, NEVER!!! That's one of the things I love most about your beautiful home...the red and pretty yellowy-golds!!! I just loved getting to look through all of your photos again...I can't think of a better way to spend a leisurely Sunday!!!
Thank you again, for joining in with Sunday favorites! Oh yes, and thank you so much for your sweet compliments on my Tea Rose bedroom also!!!
Love ya,
PS...Oooh, it sounds like you've made real progress with your outdoor projects! Can't wait to see them!!!
I remember this post, and I am so glad you showed it again. Everything is so pretty and so elegant. You are so very talented. I just adore that monkey themed bathroom, and that gorgeous rug!!
Oh my, Kristen, all of your RED is simply stunning! I love your choice of colors, accessories and the talented way you have pulled your gorgeous home together! :-) Yellow, red, and greens with just a smidgen of blue fills my house with lots of color. I am always drawn to these shades. I see we have very similar tastes. Well done! Great post.
I love your decorating style... just love it! This is my first visit to your blog, but it won't be my last!!!
I don't think you can have too much red, although blue comes in a close second. I love your house. Good luck with your yard. That's the next project here as well.
Okay, true confession time... I just spent the last hour reading your entire blog. I love it! Can't wait to see more!
Oh Kristen it was so great to see all your REDS again...I just love your home..and Puddin was one of my favorite all time great ladies on RMS..her with all her Blue/Red...Thanks for sharing this with us again...I can't never get enough of your great eye candy..May you have a great day my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gorgeous house! Vibrant, warm, and beautiful -- thanks for sharing. I love your red, AND your black touches too. Lovely!
Everything is so beautiful Kirsten! You have the most marvelous decorating taste! Can't wait to see you patio!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I love red and gold together. It's so warma and inviting. I love the way you have that cluster of four prints. You definitely have quite a flair!
You have a beautiful home with a lot of lovely touches. I love how you added the fringe to your runner and how the you placed your grouping of striped prints. I'm glad you reposted since I missed this the first time around. ~ Robyn
Hello Kristen,
Time got away from me today.
I need to email you for baby gifts and a b-day.
I must think of exactly what I need...
Thanks for coming by and your kind words on my toppers. It's funny how I thought you would like the Dorothy sign too. LOL!
We all get to know our blogger friends taste in home decor' very well.
Poor Kevin. I hope he is okay and doesn't hurt his back. Putting in trees is hard work. About two years ago we bought two Hollies for the front and two Bradford Pears for the backyard. We paid extra to have them planted by the nursery. Alex said he was soooo happy he didn't try it himself. Whew! Not fun when they are already large like that.
Can't wait to see!
~Melissa :)
Kristen, you use red so well....just lovely. I love the red sofas!
I've missed a couple of your posts since I've been in CA. I love all your reds. My house is full of reds, too. I feel the same way you do. It lifts your mood to have bright colors around you.
I love the decor in all your rooms. I wish I was home planting things but it will happen soon enough. I should be back in a week to the normal routine of things. Can't wait to see your backyard and MB when it's done. Happy planting!
Everything is so beautiful! You know I love red too!
Kristen your reds are amazing! I am due for a new living room suite and you got me seeing red!!
I started a new blog, will you visit? You can follow and add me to your blogroll!
GM Kristen...thanks so much for coming by and seeing me girl..Hope all is well in your world today...May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love your reds and yellows and especially the red sofas. Did you purchase them or have them upholstered?
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