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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~~Easter Mesh Wreath Tutorial~~


Click HERE for a new 2012 updated version of the Easter mesh wreath.

It's time for the Easter mesh wreath tutorial!

I hope you are all having a great start to your week! I have spring fever! It was 70 degrees today...perfect weather! I can't wait to get outside over the next few weeks and get some yard work needs it bad.

Easter is a beautiful holiday. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and for us here in the south it usually means the start of Spring. I don't exactly know where the Easter eggs and bunny came in...but it's fun for the kids as long as they know the true meaning. The colors of Easter are so soft and pretty...pinks, purples, soft greens and yellows.

Click to enlarge pictures

On to the tutorial...
You can use a grapevine or styrofoam wreath for the base. Here are my ingredients for the wreath. Pink and purple mesh, glittery eggs, silk flowers, ribbon,butterflies, and wooden "Happy Easter Sign". You can use whatever you would like!

You will want to start by cutting pieces of mesh into 1 yard strips. Start tying the pieces of mesh in knots around the wreath. There is no need to double knot them...they will stay just fine with one knot, just pull it tight. Be sure and wear something that doesn't snag...this mesh is very scratchy and rough around the edges. If you have more that one color of mesh you will want to alternate the colors.

Tie the mesh in knots all around the wreath until it's good and full.

Like this...

Next...cut ribbons into 1 foot strips. I just tied the ribbon around the knots of the also helps to keep the mesh in place. You will want to double knot the ribbon.

You can add as many different ribbons as you like! The more the better!

Next...start cutting the silk flowers and hot gluing them in the grapevine wreath.

Love the little pink fuzzy balls!

All of the silk flowers are from Michael's

Next... add the glittery eggs. These were on a stick which made it easy to glue them in.

Almost done...

I love pretty butterflies! These actually clip right on!

Last...pick out something pretty for the middle of the wreath. I chose a "Happy Easter" basket of eggs sign from Hobby Lobby. I added some glue on the back of the bottom...

Then wired the handle of the basket to the grapevine wreath. It held perfectly!

Now remember...this wreath can be done so many ways...this is just my version. Be creative!! If you don't want to make it strictly Easter it would also work great for the spring/summer months. Hobby Lobby has some beautiful colorful metal signs that say "Welcome" or Welcome Spring". They also carry the mesh now... I just checked yesterday and it's in the gift wrapping dept. They have several colors too!

If you make a mesh wreath for yourself please e-mail me a picture and I will post it on my blog! I think we would all love to see what you come up with! We can share ideas with each other!! Fun!

This wreath would show up really well on a darker door...

Here is a sneak peak at my cabinets. I have a few doors glazed and they are looking good! My hardware came in so I am ready to get the rest of the cabinets glazed and hardware on! It will probably take me about 5 more hours...uggg. Oh well, it will be worth it. I'll show you how I glazed them in my next post. It's not hard...just time consuming.

I am linking to "Wow Us Wednesdays" at Savvy Southern Style...please pay her wonderful blog a visit! Have a great week!!!

Edited to add...

I have had a few questions about the mesh wreath...of course I did not remember to tell you all the

Question: What size is the mesh? It is 21 inches wide

Question: How many yards does it take? around 10 yards. If you measure and want to use only one color of mesh then you can get by with one roll.

Question: How big is the grapevine wreath? It measures 15 inches from top to bottom.

Let me know if you have anymore questions...

One more thing...

I've decided to sell this wreath on Etsy. If you are interested click here. I have priced it very well! I have decided to make one that shows up better on my door. This one would look beautiful on a darker door or inside.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

It looks easy! I have to ponder this one. Should I dig out the old one ..or what.
It's beautiful, Kristen. You have such a touch! Believe me, not everyone can do it and have it look like this. :) Simple or not.

Carol said...

very nice, different thank you for sharing. How much mesh did you have to use for that size wreath?

really very pretty and very sweet to share here with everyone.

Carol-the gardener

Paula@SweetPea said...

I've been waiting for this tutorial. Now I need supplies so I can actually make one. Thanks so much for showing us how to make this cute wreath. I adore how you embellished yours. said...

This wreath is beautiful. I feel a trip to Hobby Lobby coming on.

Heather L. said...

Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing your tutorial - I have been making mesh wreaths for awhile but I just wire the mesh on (without cutting it). This seems SOOO much easier!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

The peek of your cabinets looks wonderful, Kristen! I love the glazed look on kitchen cabinets. That wreath is just frothy goodness! If that doesn't say Spring I don't know what does. I would love to make one.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love the wreath. I really want to try one. And your cupboards are turning out gorgeous!

L said...

Kristen, how pretty! It turned out lovely.. as all your things do! These spring colors are so refreshing after a grey winter. I spotted the deco mesh the other day at HL. Now I will have to try my hand at this.

Your kitchen cabinets are looking beautiful. I can't wait to see the entire rooom!!

Thank you, for sharing the tutorial with us.

have a happy day~ L

L said...

Kristen, may I ask..about how big is the grapevine wreath you use?
thank you!~ L

A Hint of Home said...

Beautiful wreath and great reminder of what Easter is all about.
Your cabinets look great andi love the knobs.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh my goodness...that is one GORGEOUS wreath! Love the tutorial, thanks a bunch! Every time you added something it just got better and better. WOW!

Love the cabinet hardware! XOXO ~Liz

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Beautiful Kristen! Love the colors! And it would look great on a darker door....mine is red...

Thanks for the tutorial!

Lou Cinda :)

Melissa Miller said...

Very fresh and pretty! Love the wreath colors and the sign in the center.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

This is just toooooo cute for words, going to have to try this.. looking forward to reading about the cabinets.. hugs ~lynne~

Marianne said...

The wreath is so pretty. Will have to make a trip to Michael's to get some supplies. I need a Easter wreath for front door. And you cabinets are coming out great!!

Michelle said...

Love, Love, Love! You are so creative Kristen! Thanks so much for sharing, might have to make one of these for a 4-H project!

Sandra said...

Hi Kristen! Oh my goodness! I was at Hobby Lobby today and I chose the same easter basket sign for my wreath! I love love how yours looks! I can't wait to get started with mine!:)
Have a great evening!

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Love it Kristen! Thanks for the tutorial :D I haven't ever worked witht the mesh ribbon before but I love all the wreaths you make! I will be checking out HL for all the supplies. I'll email when I get one together! Thanks again. said...

Kristen...that is BEAUTIFUL! I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVE it!!! We are ALL sick at my house this week with strep...Uuugg...but as soon as I feel better...I am *SO* doing this! Its GORGEOUS!


Designs on 47th Street said...

Wow Kristen! You are GOOD! This is so impressive looking. I wish we could sit down at the table and make one together. Thanks for showing us how it's done. :)


debbies said...

What a wonderful tutorial. I've been looking everywhere for this mesh and will check HL this weekend. Beautiful wreath Kristen!

L said...

Thanks, for the added information! You're the best!

have a nice evening~ L

Theresa said...

I am going to make one now! your wreath is so BEAUTIFUL thank you so much for sharing!

Allyson Pecilunas said...

Kristen its gorgeous! I wanna make one now!! I am gonna go find some mesh :) How I missed this post I have no idea. Anyhow I look forward to making one for myself Thanks girl!!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Kristen, this is such a pretty springy wreath. Thanks so much for joining WUW last week.

SellWoWAccount said...

Great work of art! I've seen one blogger who did follow how you made this one.

Sell WoW Account

Gail said...

Thanks for sharing the photos of the wreath and the tutorial

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your wreath. What kind of mesh did you use and where can you buy it. It doesn't look like your wedding netting. Thanks for your help!!!

Meggie said...

I have been dying to make a mesh wreath since I saw you make a Christmas one a couple years ago, but I could never find mesh! Finally a google search yielded relatively inexpensive rolls - hopefully they'll work out. I'm making a "birthday" wreath next week, and will use it for my son's first birthday at the end of the month. Hopefully I can send you a picture of a lovely wreath! :)

ibshell said...

I'm SO making me a new Easter wreath!!! Beautiful...thanks for sharing! ;)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. said...

Amazing idea! I can't wait to start creating what I learn from here. It is very easy with step by step instructions for easy follow. Love it. Perfect DIY-Interior Decors for our home.

Nancy Hood said...

This idea was too beautiful not to share with my readers. Here's the shout out, Melissa! love following your posts!

Gypsy Heart said...

Looks gorgeous! I think the steps are easy so that even I could do this. :-) Thanks so much for sharing, especially all the steps re: the ribbons, etc. You are sooooo talented!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to show us how it's done !!! I just LOVE it Kristen...can I get the mesh anywhere ???

I hope to make one and send you a pic :)

Kathy :)

ps your cabinets look fantastic !!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How pretty! Thanks for showing us some of your tips! ♥

vicki nuckols said...

This is my new found favorite site,I love,love,love it.You have inspired me to make that beautiful Easter Wreath,can't wait to get to Michaels in the am to buy the mesh.I do not have a blog site but I would love to win the Bunnies and that beautiful frame.I am truly in Love!!!!!!!!!My birthday is in April and falls on Easter sometimes so you know I love it.

Jen S. said...

Hi Kristen! I just tried emailing you this note below, but it wouldn't work for some reason. So thought I'd just send it as a comment.

Hi Kristen!
I love your blog and always enjoy visiting to see what’s new in your world
A while back you asked if anyone else made a wreath to share it with you.
Well, you totally inspired me to make one, and I did it!
I made my first trip ever to Hobby Lobby (which by the way is now my new favorite store—LOVE IT! I live in Las Vegas and the only Hobby Lobby is clear across town. But that’s ok, now I know it’s well worth the long drive!!) Anyhow, I got everything I needed and got busy making my wreath the other night while watching Dancing With The Stars. I was surprised how easy it was and I had fun making it.
Thought I’d send you the link I just posted with pictures.
Thanks for letting me share it with you!!
Hope you have a great day

Here’s the link:

Avry said...

I made one too! Following your tutorial! Thank you so much for posting.. I emailed you pictures! :)

Avry said...

Here is a link to mine:

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

This has got to be the neatest, easiest idea I've seen in a while. Question, did you tie each piece of mesh into a bow or you just single knotted each piece all the way around? Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful-- your very talented.. I can't wait to make one for our entrance at work !!

Barbara's Beat said...

I am so glad I found your blog. I am going to feature your beautiful wreath on my blog and send them to you for your instructions. I hope I can learn to make one. I started a Momtreprenuer Blog Hop weekly for people to sell their wares and you should add your items, and you may want to add the code to your blog since you have many crafters who may want to join.Any time you want to work together on a review/giveaway I would be honored.

Barbara's Beat said...

Momtreprenuer Crafter of the day:
Kristen's Creations teaches you how to make an Easter mesh wreath

Tracy B said...

Absolutely beautiful blog and wreath! I love looking at your blog and seeing your creativity.

Marisa said...

BEAUTIFUL!! just like everything else you make. Just curious though will you ever do a tutorial on your tassels? I just love those as well.

Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl said...

I LOVE the look of this. I am going to try and make something similar tonight after work. I have a ton of different colors of tulle and not mesh. Do you think that the tulle would work also???

Trisha Vaughn said...

Hi Kristen Thank you so much for posting a how to on these wreaths. was just wondering real quick how wide are the strips you cut for each section? I know you say to cut them a yard long but how thick?

Jess said...

Your wreaths are so beautiful! I was wondering where you find your deco mesh ribbon? I dont think I have ever seen that before , or I did and didn't know what it was,lol. Thanks for sharing these great tutorials.

Jess said...

Your wreaths are so beautiful! I was wondering where you find your deco mesh ribbon? I dont think I have ever seen that before , or I did and didn't know what it was,lol. Thanks for sharing these great tutorials.

Michelle Hayes said...

I have one question. I am in the process of making this wreath but I feel like my is a mess. It seems like I have so much mesh left over after I tie th knot. Did you cut it down any?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen - I just received your frame that I ordered from you and really love it Thank you. I have a question about the mesh wreath. I see in some of your tutorials that you cut the mesh in 1 yard lengths and the other you loop and tie. Which do you prefer? If I cut the mesh will it leave long tails and I have to cut? So which do you recommend doing? My email is Thanks, Cathy from Wheatfield, NY

Luv2Tch said...

I love your 'step-by-step' instructions! Thanks for sharing! Robin

Luv2Tch said...

Thanks for your wonderful 'step-by-step' tutorial! You make such BEAUTIFUL wreaths!

Anonymous said...

How exactly do you tie the knots? This is different from other tutorials but I love this look. Just not sure how to tie and can't tell from the picture. It's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this wreath. It was one of the easiest that I have made. The supplies can change into any holiday too! Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Hi, quick question, what was your asking price on Etsy? I went online and it was sold and wouldn't allow me to see the price you sold it for.I have friends whom would like to purchase because th feel t can not make it themlves.

Unknown said...

Hi, quick qustion.Wha was your asking pricefor this Easter wreath on Etsy?I went online b because itws od it wouldn't allow me to see the price.I have friends intrested in purchasing.

Kristens Creations said...

I sold this wreath for $65. I will be doing another tutorial soon. I am going to do it without cutting the mesh since it tends to unravel. Thanks! Kristen

Anonymous said...

Are you selling this Easter Wreath? Or Do you have a spring/Summer wreath to sell - like this one ?

Anonymous said...

Are you selling this Easter wreath and/or do you have a similar one for Spring/Summer for sale?

Kristens Creations said...

Delana, I sold this one last year. I am going to have a few for sale next week. Here is my e-mail address if you are interested.


Unknown said...

I love your easter wreath,I had bright pink and the grapevine wreath,had no idea what to do,it will not be any where as pretty as yours thou,thank u for the wonderful idea.

Kim Simon said...

This blog is content amazing information about Easter decoration which is very useful for me. It very important information about Easter festival.
Thank you very much for this great information.
Easter Wreath Ideas

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Love it. You're design is so beautiful.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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