Welcome to the first ever "Sunday Favorites" hosted by Chari at
http://happytodesign.blogspot.com/. What a great idea to show some of our favorite posts from the past! She is such a wonderful lady, please pay her a visit for the list of participants.
This was one of my favorite posts because it "Flaunts" all of my red! lol.... If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know how much I love red. I have tried to figure out why I like it so much, it symbolizes love, passion, fire and I've heard it can make you hungry. Hmmmm......It is also an attention getter. When you walk into a room with lots of red it defintly shouts out "Hey! Look at Me!" All I know is that I've gotta have my red! I have also noticed that color (not just red) really affects my moods. I am happiest when I am in a bright room. Also, I have been happier since the sun is shining more and all the color is popping out everywhere. It just makes me want to :) Now, on with the post.....
Hi Everyone! It's time for the flaunt your red party and I have plenty of it :) lol! This fun party is hosted by Nancy at
http://southernlady-nancy.blogspot.com/. Her blog is a Must Visit. She has so many great ideas and sells beautiful tassels in her Etsy Store. I've been visiting her blog for a long time now and am always excited to see what she is up to. Pay her a visit!
Now for all my red.....Some of you have seen lots of pictures of my house already. Pretty soon I won't have anything to show you! My house is only 2100 sq. feet, which is fine for us, but I don't have tons of space to work with. As you can see I love red, maybe I have a little too much, but it just makes me feel happy! I've had the sofas since we moved in over 4 yrs. ago and I'm not tired of them yet. I might be in a few years, but they are still in great shape and fit in perfectly with all the decor.

I bought the runner at J.C. pennies and added the fringe on the ends to dress it up.

I ordered these pictures at Dallas Market when we first moved in, they were supposed to go on the sides of the china cabinet, but looked better here. Some of you probably remember Puddin from RMS. She is the one who suggested these red pillows.

Yip! They're all silk! I just have to dust them and they never die. lol!

This picture hangs in the hallway. It was a gift from my aunt Pat. I'm dying to show you some of her decorating. She decorated the offices at the family food business and they are gorgeous. I'll post some pictures sometime.

This is the hall bathroom done in a tropical theme with monkeys and what you see is pretty much it! See my little brass monkey looking in the mirror.lol!

This rug is in my entryway. I know it's a little kitcheny(if that's a word) but it really is pretty when you walk in the door, the fruit doesn't scream out at you. all of my rugs have some black in them, I think they really ground the room. Athough, Sassy's white hair does stand out on them. lol

I posted this for Kim at
http://kimsdomesticbliss.blogspot.com/ after all it is red! She just started a blog not to long ago and is really sweet. I could not find anymore of the crocodile paper like I used on Mellissa's and Barb's, so I used striped red tone on tone fabric. These will sell in my Etsy store for $25 plus shipping. Leave me a message if you would like one and I would be glad to customize it for you. I have more frames on some of my previous posts if you would like to see them.

Update on outside projects: Covered patio is stained, furniture painted, added new cushions, planted flowers, New patio and firepit built. Dirt everywhere! (including inside the house)Ugggg....
Things yet to do: Add stepping stones out to new patio, find trees, find outdoor furniture, add landscaping around patio, finish planting flowers in front yard. Hope the budget lasts for all of this!
Have a great week!!!