Hello, Hello? Are my friends still out there?? I hope you will forgive me for being MIA! I really don't have a good excuse, but I will blame it on this heat! Oh My! I know alot of you are probably experiencing this heat too. I love warm weather, but 0ver 100 degrees every. single. day just drains me. I have had no energy or motivation to do anything! If you have followed my blog for the past few years then you might know that I kind of get this way in the summer time. My motivation and creativity pretty much shut down for a while. We also have alot of kids over, which is fine, but they take over my computer! lol...Anyway, with lack of motivation, kids, and this heat I have not been able to think of ANYTHING to post about. I guess I have blogger's block! Ugg! I know I will get over this and be back to normal posts soon. I will definitely have alot to show you this fall so bear with me...please =O
I will have to say that this post is really random...lol. Since I haven't been doing much I don't have alot to show you. Like I said it has been a scorcher here! I can't recall ever having temps like this this early and for this long. You cannot stand to go outside for more than a few minutes during the middle of the day. I have been watering my flowers in the morning and some of the ones on my patio at night too. Unfortunately, some of them have still burned up...darn! Not alot you can do about it though...As you can tell I have not been watering our grass. We do not have a sprinkler system and our yard it just too big to keep watered in this heat. Our neighbor, who works for a fertilizer company and does our yard, said not to worry about it right now. It is just going dormant but will turn green again after we get some good rain. I hope so! My yard has never looked this dead!!

Look across the street...you can tell my neighbor has a sprinkler system. What a difference! I would hate to see her bill though!

Sorry I'm complaining about the heat so much...there are good things about the heat too. My tomatoes are getting ripe! Yay! Although we had two plants that did not produce, we still have plenty. They are really tasty and juicy...I love slicing them up with a little salt...yum!

Our cantaloupe has just started ripening too. I was so excited to pick that first one and cut it open! However, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't super sweet. I am going to let the others bake a little longer. I don't know if that's the problem or not, I have heard there are some tricks on how to make your cantaloupe sweeter...I am going to do more research next year.

To prove I have not been very motivated, here is Sassy laying on a pile of laundry that sat in the floor for a while! I won't tell you how long... lol...She doesn't have much motivation either.

Ok, I have to admit that I have been watching alot of T.V. too. This case just has me as mad as a hornet! I just can't believe Casey Anthony was acquitted!!?? What? I was shocked when I heard the verdict. I could go on and on, but I will spare you my thoughts...(deep breath)

Remember I said I was going to start working on Chase's room? Well, here is the first piece I bought at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago. It looks really good with the green walls. I think I can still make those green walls work! lol...I have a plan in mind now, I will probably start working on his room at the end of summer or early fall. The next item to buy is the bed and bedding.

I have not been out shopping much since going to Branson, but mom and I ran into Tuesday Morning the other day and I found this cute rug. This is only the 10th or 15th rug I've had at this kitchen sink and it won't be the last...I will get sick of the black background collecting grass soon I'm sure.

Another thing I have not been doing is making items for my Etsy store. However, I am going to pick up my new shipment of silk flowers, berries, and greenery tomorrow so I'm sure that will motivate me to get some things made! I wanted to show you some tassels I recently made to hang on a lady's topiaries. She sent me fabric and I cut it into strips along with ribbon. She was very pleased with how they turned out. I thought it was a great idea to use fabric!

Well, that's all I've got for now! lol...I mentioned that I was going to be hosting another party. I am waiting on my new button to be finished. However, I think I am going to wait to start the party in September. That might work out better.
Try and stay cool wherever you are!! I hope your yard is not burned up like mine! Have a great week!!

I am right there with ya! Just a big hot nothing going on in my brain. :)
Our grass is very green because we've been watering like maniacs. We had sod planted right before the heat wave came! I really dread our bill but what can you do?
I'm finished fussing now. Have a great day!
I am with you on the heat. We live in Memphis and while the temps aren't in the 100's it does register for heat index. That dag gum humidity is a killer!
I have been a slug too. I also was very wrapped up in the Casey Anthony trial. I was sickened by the verdict.
Enjoy your blog...
I know exactly how you feel, Kristen! I just feel like the heat and humidity drain me and I don't feel like starting any projects. I have found that in the past couple of years I actually don't feel too good when it is too humid. I can't be out in it or I start to feel lightheaded. So be careful. I think we are supposed to get what you are getting this week. They keep saying heat wave!
Before I forget, love the new tassels. Mmm, tomatoes are one of my favorites. While I have to use gluten free bread now, I love a tomato and mayo sandwich ~ delicious! : )
I'm not a fan of the summer heat either. Our water bill is outrageous! Anyway, I remember you said you were doing your son's room in a music theme. I don't know if you have a Kirklands store there, but they have the cutest guitar shaped picture frames. I'm enjoying following your blog.
Kristen, I know how you feel. The heat is just hitting us here in Pa. now, and by Fri. it is supposed to be 100. That is way too hot.....for anyone! Don't worry, your blogging friends will stick with you! Stay cool!!!!!! XO, Pinky
Out here in Washington State, let's just say I'm still wearing long sleeve shirts, it's been cool here in the low 60's some days. If we were still in VA, I could most definitely identify with the heat and humidity and the dry grass. Hang in there and keep cool! ;)
Your tassels look very pretty, I can't wait to see more. I'm also excited to see what you begin making. You are so creative and you always inspire me with your creations.
Thanks for the update! ((Hugs)) ~Liz
I hear ya', girl. This heat is a monster !! It's kept me inside a LOT and is to blame for my continuous painting lately !! LOL I'm envious of your garden ... love the print you found for Chase's room and the rug is too cute. As always, love your fun tassels, too !! xoxo
Kristen, I sympathize with you about the heat.
Don't ya love fresh vine tomatoes? Mine are doing pretty good and tasting delish!
I'm right there with you on the CA verdict. Sad story.
Love the new tassels, too.
take care~
I agree...the heat is horrible and killing any desire I have to do much of anything other than sit in the air-conditioning! We are supposed to get a little break next week...fingers crossed.
It's good to know I'm not the only one affected by the heat...I just can't seem to get motivated to do anything...It's a draining feeling...I think my get up and go...got up and melted ;)
Hot Hot Hot. My garden is dried up, my yard is brown and I don't feel so good myself. The best thing I did was put an air conditioner in my shop. We can still do a few projects. It won't be long before we're wining about the cold weather. As my father used to say "If we didn't have the weather, we wouldn't have anything to complain about"
I hear you girlfriend.....although this is not the time of year I'm bothered....it's our Winters, grr just the thought makes me crazy. I can't stand to get that chill in my bones.....but I must confess we don't get your heat, we might get a heat wave, which in my neck of the woods, is three consecutive 90 and 90 plus days. We've had a few this year....
Keep cool.......
All the best,
Kathy :)
I need an awesome picking basket...I use recycled bags from grocery stores and it's just not as fun to pick your veggies with those.
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