I'm back from Branson!! We actually got back on Saturday evening and I've been trying to get this post up ever since...lol. I just couldn't get my stuff together the last few days. I think going to Dallas and Branson so close together just wore me out! We had another big day yesterday too... I hope you all had a wonderful fourth! We cooked out and shot off some small fireworks. Chase always loves the Fourth of July and wants to visit every firework stand he sees! I like shooting off fireworks too, but I just hate seeing money go up in smoke! lol...
We really had a great time in Branson. There is so much to do and it's only about three hours from here so we have been several times. There are great shows, museums, restaurants, shopping, etc...and Table Rock lake is just beautiful! Of course we always visit the Branson Landing and check out the Bass Pro Shop. Kevin loves this store!
Here I am in one of those funny mirrors...hehe!
This is a picture of a passion flower. I took this at the nature center/trout farm. These are the most interesting flowers I have ever seen!
These are interesting too...I took this picture by the golf course. I don't know what kind of flowers/weeds they are, but they were really pretty.
I mentioned in my last post that my parents rented a condo on Table Rock lake. It was really nice! That's my fridge!
Here's the living room...
Pretty dining room....
Very nice bedrooms...Where's the sun room? Darn...I forgot to upload it. It was really nice too.
Beautiful views of Table Rock Lake...

We had alot of fun...Next time we will get out on that pretty lake! We were actually going to rent a boat one day, but we were too late and they were all gone. Oh well, maybe next time. We have also visited Silver Dollar City in the past and really like it. However, we decided it was just too hot this time. Have you ever visited Branson? If so, what do you like to do there?

Have a great rest of the week!
Kristen, enjoyed looking at all your pics. Brought back wonderful memories for me. This was our annual vacation destination spot for many years. Boys have grown and I've visited one time with a friend a couple of years ago, but such a wonderful place. After seeing how much fun you had I want to go again! Hope you get rested up.
I enjoyed your photos and am glad you had such a good time on your trip. I've never been to Branson and think that I'd enjoy it very much. Table Rock Lake looks beautiful!
It sounds like you had a great time, Kristen! How nice you went with your parents, too. It worked out nicely that the men played golf while you did something else with your Mom and Chase. Nice condo, too!
Okay, now I'm totally convinced I have to visit this place! Looks like so much fun and what a beautiful condo. Glad you all had fun Kristen and thanks for sharing the great pix.
Kristen...it looks like you had a terrific time on vacation!! I've not been to Branson. Our vacations take us back to my home state of Wisconsin. My sons are there, as well as friends...and that's where Tom and I honey-mooned.
that looks like a blast! LOVE the pic of you in the mirror! LOL! You look like a supermodel...so TAAAAALL!!! Ive been out of blogland for a while...just wanted to say hello! TTYL sweet girl!
HI Kristen! Oh, I've always wanted to go to Branson and it looks like y'all had a great time! I can't believe how your son has grown!
Your parents new condo is gorgeous! I'm so happy for them. I see where you get your decorating sense! :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Welcome back, Kristen. I'm happy you had a great trip with your family.
Funny photo of you in the mirror! I need a mirror like that, I want long legs! ha-ha
Looks like a lot of fun! I have spent my fair share of time in the Bass Pro Shop in Tenn. :) My hubby LOVES going there!
I love Table Rock! Your vacation looks like so much fun. Nothing better than family time.
Fun trip!! We LOVE visiting The Landing of course!! My parents took a boat tour at the Landing on their last trip and they said it was really fun! I'm going to have to try that next time! We also love hitting the Target/Kohl's/Maurices shopping area! It's growing SO MUCH up there! Gotta love Branson! It's about a 4 hour drive for us-so not bad at all :)
What a fun-filled trip! Looks like everyone had a great time. Visiting from Savvy Seasons. I'm a new follower.
LOVE your pics, Kristen! I've always wanted to go to Branson ... looks as though there are a lot of fun things to do (like striking a pose in the crazy mirror ... love it)! Thanks for sharing ... your parent's condo is beautiful ... love the view, too !! xo
It sure looks like y'all had a great time! I use to have a passion vine flower growing on a trellis in my backyard. They sure are pretty, but they're invasive too. You can just stick them in the ground and they'll start growing immediately!
Thanks for sharing your experience in Branson. It is good to read your travel story and the way you explored there. Keep on sharing more exciting stories and memorable moments.
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