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Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Kitchen Transformation

I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was down right HOT and lazy...My energy level was low. I didn't get hardly anything done! lol...Do you ever have weekends like that? Anyway, I did get manage to get this post together. I showed you my kitchen with the new granite last week, but I wanted to show the entire transformation from the earliest pictures I had. The first two pictures are pictures I took for Rate My Space in 2008. That's where I met so many of my closest blog friends!

This is the before...I don't know much about photography, but the one thing I have learned is to turn off the flash. Everything looks way to bright in these two before pics.

Ok, so the first thing we replaced were the appliances. We decided to go with stainless steel and are really loving them!

One thing calls for another of course...around the same time we got the appliances I decided to darken the cabinets with more stain and add new hardware.

Then I decided to tackle the island. I went with green and glazed and distressed it.

Then came the new hot glued curtain! lol...
And I finally found a rug for under the table!

I thought we would have to wait a few years for the granite, but things worked out so we could go ahead with it! Yipee!

As they were doing demolition one of my corbels broke. As you can see they were too short anyway.

I found these iron ones half off at Hobby Lobby last week and put them on the other day. They really add character to the island! Although, they are not this noticeable unless you bend down.

The next pictures are of the kitchen with everything done! It definitely has a different feel to it...loving the granite!

Oh, and I painted the light fixtures too! I almost forgot that...

Do you see my new faucet? We love the built in soap dispenser.

We are very pleased with the kitchen! We are definitely done with anything major in here...the floors will be staying the same! lol...However, I am always changing around accessories. Thanks for stopping by! I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday and Savvy Southern Style for WWW.


Allyson Pecilunas said...

Kristen, it looks absolutely GORGEOUS!! I am loving your new corbels! They look so pretty!! Everything looks gorgeous! LOVE it

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

Wow, Kristen, you have a beautiful kitchen now. I really like the green island. You are going to love your granite countertops. I had them in the house we lived in previously.

BrushedByAnAngel said...

I love your granite. And the corbels look great with the cabinets. Gosh, everything turned out so nice.

Scribbler said...

Very pretty! We in the middle of a mess in our kitchen. I need some scroll-y brackets -- and I am going to check HL tomorrow. Those would look great in my kitchen, too. Great job!

Linda said...

Kristen...your kitchen looks fabulous!!! Love the granite! And the island, and the faucet. And everything's great!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

mzzbev said...

yay! Couldn't wait to see the results! The granite it awesome and the corbels give it such an elegant look.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

It looks great, Kristen, especially when you see it all in one post from where it was to what you've done recently. The iron corbels make a great touch on the island. It really looks wonderful and I'll bet you just love being in there!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

So So pretty - a beautiful kitchen make cooking seem a little more enjoyable!!

Becca Bertotti said...

Stunning, Kristen! And, the corbels look perfect! I know you're enjoying your "new" beautiful space. Love, love it. xo

Angela said...

Your kitchen turned out lovely! Unfortunately, mine is still a work-in-progress (three years and counting)

come see me . . .

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

What a gorgeous kitchen - love the iron brackets on the island and the countertops!

abeachcottage said...

What a lovely kitchen now! Love the countertops and the island is just great!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I LOVE IT Kristen!!! The granite is the must be thrilled to have it all done! The whole kitchen is stunning sooooo YOU;)!

So happy that I stopped by for a peek;)!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Beautiful granite and I love the corbels. I need to do that!

Nancy Hood said...

Alrighty, come do mine :) We have purchased a second home (which will be THE home once John retires) and the kitchen will be getting new paint, new appliances, and granite/marble counter tops. How about YOU doing it? ;)

Love what you've done, Kristen!

Ms. Bake-it said...

Your kitchen looks great Kristen! I love your new corbels. Love the granite.

~ Tracy

Unknown said...

THings look absolutely gorgeous around there. I like the green on the island and the "new" corbels. Really nice!

Gone said...

Kristen...I thought I'd posted a comment here yesterday, too! But, it's not here! LOL!!!

I love your Kitchen make-over...a job VERY well done!! :)

Pamela Gordon said...

Your kitchen makeover looks beautiful. The granite countertop sure changed the look and I like the painted island. Very nice job!

Gerry said...

The kitchen really looks great! Thanks for taking us through from start to finish. Quite a transformation!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Kristen, your kitchen is stunning. I love all of your changes and the granite is absolutely fabulous. Hugs, Marty

9405018--Pat said...

It looks absolutely beautiful...thanks for sharing...Pat H

Denise Young said...

Your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous! I am so jealous, my BF just got granite like yours- wahhhh! I want it too.

L said...

Kristen, the kitchen looks fabulous! I absolutely love the granite countertops. I like the new corbels, too! I bet you are thrilled with this new look.
Enjoy your new kitchen! =o)

have a nice evening~L

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Your kitchen is beautiful! What a difference granite makes! I love mine..and was so thrilled when I got rid of the tiles. You did a great job on the island. Gosh, I wish I had the courage to attempt something like that! The paint job is really good. Everything looks perfect.

Jeri said...

It's beautiful! I love the island & granite! Everything looks perfect together! Good job!

Anita at Cedar Hill said...

Wow, what a transformation. Love the green and the new countertop. I am your latest follower.

Amy said...

Such a lovely kitchen. Could you please post how you made the new hot glued curtains. My breakfast nook could really use something similar. Thanks!

Kim said...

So beautiful Kristen. I love it before, but you've really taken it up a notch - awesome job!

foreverdecorating said...

Kristen, your kitchen changes are so impressive. Enjoy your updated space. It's beautiful.

At The Picket Fence said...

Your kitchen is so gorgeous! You have me itching to go slap some paint on my island and add those iron corbels!! Such a great idea. Everything is just lovely and you guys did a fantastic job! :-)

Rita's Recipes said...

I love what you did, especially the island. I wish your pictures were bigger.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous you did a really good job, i would love to have your kitchen!!

Unknown said...

Your kitchen is so gorgeous! You have me itching to go slap some paint on my island and add those iron corbels!! Such a great idea. Everything is just lovely and you guys did a fantastic job!
iron corbels

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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