Do you ever blink and all of a sudden something or someone has grown so fast you can hardly believe it? I say that about Chase all the time, I can't get over how big he is now. That's what has happened with this garden! Just the other day they were tiny little plants and I didn't even know if they were going to make it, especially after we had all of those days of rain. As soon as Kevin brought in the poop and added some miracle gro, they really took off! And to think I almost pulled up the cantaloupe because it looked dead! lol...that's it on the end looking very full and lush now! We left some room for it to trail on the end by the tomatoes, but I'm sure it will be hanging over the wood into the yard soon. We have another plant on the other end too.

Your garden looks great! Before you know it you'll be enjoying tomatoes. I can't wait for that!
Your garden looks great Kristen, and CONGRATS to your handsome son!! Enjoy your weekend, Martina
Have a wonderful weekend in your beautiful garden...with your special boy!!Hugs, Flavia
Your garden looks like its blooming beautifully!! YUMM Congrats to chase!! :) Have a great weekend!
Congrats to Chase! What a remarkable young man and so handsome! Your garden looks great! I'm going to attempt one "soon".
hugs ~lynne~
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