Yesterday I showed you the key shadow box I found at the antique mall. I showed you a section of my bookcases, but thought I would show you the rest. They are probably on my blog somewhere, but who knows where and I'm sure they have changed since then anyway. When we built this house almost seven years ago (I still can't believe we have been here that long) these bookcases were a must have! I think I have mentioned that we built this house off of a model home. Anyway, the model home had these bookcases but they were pretty expensive to add. You know one of those extras they don't tell you about until you start the building process...I guess we could have We ran into all kinds of things like that, but that's a different story. Anyways, we added them and I'm glad we did. Since I am not much of a reader (except for blogs) I like to call these my accessory cases rather than my

They are filled with things I've had for several years, and things I have purchased more recently.

Pictures, greenery, decorative plates, a clock, a bowl full of decorative balls and a few old books make these bookcases my own.

I used greenery to cover the speakers at the top. The tray and pictures are covering cords that hang down. I thought forever about what to cover those darn cords with and the tray was the perfect size to hide them.

If you are decorating bookcases here are a few ideas that might work for you! Greenery always adds life to your space, it's a must have for me! And as we all know the initials are the thing right now and I love them! Also, since these
are bookcases, books always work.

You might not want to add several things in every shelf...sometimes just one large item works well.

Pictures of family and friends are always good...

A clock and pretty bookends add some interest and variety too.

What about a basket? Baskets are good just about anywhere...

I love using plates all over the house...why not in a bookcase? And what about a birdcage?

If you have an outlet lamps are wonderful in bookcases..I am so glad I remembered to add outlets in mine.
The main thing when decorating bookcases is to add things you like or have meaning to you. Ok...maybe they need a few books here and there, but I say do what you like, not what you are supposed to do. Another is to add things with different heights and textures...this creates interest.

I mentioned that Chase had a chess tournament today. He did great! Out of 88 kids he tied for third place! I am very proud of him! He is second from the left on the bottom row.