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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Granite Is Installed And My Nerves Are Calm!!

Whew! If you read my post earlier today then you will know I was a little nervous about all of the demolition going on! As I was sitting here doing my post a piece of my island flew across the floor, but it all worked out in the end! I am VERY pleased with how it turned out!! The granite really gave the kitchen an updated look! I am loving this rock! lol... The color is venetian gold btw.
Everything came out great! I was relieved when I saw that none of my tiles were broken! They had to shave the back of the granite just a hair so it would fit up against it. I was worried about that...but it was no big deal and they knew what to do. It looks perfect! You will notice I don't have the faucet installed yet...hopefully we will get it done tomorrow.

I had to do a little touch up under the granite where the Formica came down, it wasn't bad though.

This is the new sink! It's much deeper than the old one. I'll have to go tomorrow and buy the drain thingys...didn't realize they don't come with the sink!

This is my new has a soap dispenser with it. Love it!

This is the corbel that broke during demolition. You can tell where they glued it back. There is a gap at the top so I have decided to replace all of them anyways...with something like this. What do you think?
I will do a total before and after on the kitchen for the next Met Monday. I need to take the pictures in the daylight. For now, I am off to bed. It's been a long day and I can't even think straight.

I am very pleased with how everything turned out! Thanks to the 5 of you who told me everything would be ok!! You all were right!

I'm joining Kara at Elements Interiors for Wassup Wednesday and Kim at Savvy Southern Style. Please pay these blogs a visit for some great inspiration!


Today is the day they are installing my granite! I'm very excited but nervous too! I hear so much pounding and breaking going on in there...I just hope everything fits right and it meets up with the tile backsplash ok. I hope they know what they are doing...As I am sitting here typing this, part of one of the green ledges off of the island just flew off and landed under the kitchen table! Oh my!! I guess I am going to have to replace those... maybe he will glue it back...Goodness! I'll let you know how this turns out...My heart is pounding!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sassy Girl...Before And After

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you are enjoying this nice long weekend. We had a big cookout over here last night with some of our family. It was alot of fun...Kevin cooked the best burgers ever! He is so good at grilling on that firepit.

I just had to do a post to show of my fur baby before and after her haircut. I have always groomed her myself. She is so good and just sits there quietly while I chop on her hair. As you can see, she was desparately in need of a good summer cut. Her hair was way too long and I was sick of chasing hair balls! lol... After about an hour, this is what she looked like...Ahhh, now she feels better and can take a nap! She loves getting up on the sofa on those black pillows...of course white hair does NOT show up on black! lol ;)

She had to have a pretty bow, so I made one out of some cute paw ribbon I had. Now she's complete!

That's my Sassy Girl! She is very loved!!

I am linking to Between Naps On the Porch for Met Monday. I hope she accepts dog makeovers!

Have a wonderful Memorial day...let's remember the soldiers who have died so that we can be free...

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Patio Pillows And Cushion

I hope you are all having a wonderful day! It is just beautiful here today...sunny and in the 70's now, but will be in the 80's later on today. My kind of weather!! I am really busy cleaning and getting the yard ready for company tomorrow night. Some of my family from Kentucky are coming in and we are going to have a big cookout here. I'm excited, but have so much to do! The house is so dirty and the yard desperately needs mowed! We have had rain and ballgames so the yard work has taken a back seat. Pretty soon the neighbors are going to complain! =0 I mentioned that I was having a cushion and some pillows made for the patio and I went and picked them up last night! You might remember the striped ones, I had the cushion and pillows made to coordinate. It really adds a pop of color to the chairs and bench...Every chair needs a pillow! lol...

Color! Color! Color! This patio is definitely not lacking in that department! lol...
Love the cushion with the pillows...

Kevin asked me what the purpose of these pillows I know they are probably a little on the small side...but I was conserving materal and money! Besides, the chairs just needed a small pop of color...hehe. They do look a little funny from this angle...

My flowers are really starting to fill out. I brought them under the covered patio the other night when we got all of that bad weather. Sure glad I did...

One more thing...I have been having trouble commenting on some of your blogs and I know some of you are having trouble too. Kevin said it has something to do with google, but he's going to look at it tonight. I hope it gets fixed! Also, all of my followers have vanished! I am so upset! I hope they come back. Blogger must be having problems again. I know alot of you have this problem too...

Update: Sheila at Notesongs said she could not comment on my blog either...well poo! If you would like to e-mail me please feel free.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Time For Show And Sell Party #3!

Show and Sell

I hope you are all having a great evening! I know I'm happy to be here after all of the horribe weather we had last night! I hope you are all safe tonight...

It's show and sell time! Remember you can link any handmade item that you or someone else has made. I've also included vintage! So you can now show and/or sell your vintage items. I included vintage because there are alot of people on Etsy that sell vintage, but remember you do not have to sell anything to link to the party. If you do want to sell your items you are welcome to link your online stores. If you have a blog I would appreciate a link to the party so others can find it.

Here are my show and sell items...

Three colorful arrangements in reds and golds. All three of them would look great in any room of the house and would also make great centerpieces for your kitchen table. This one is in a brown ceramic bowl.

The ceramic fruit container is just beautiful!
This one is in a metal container. If you are interested in any of these pleast visit my Etsy Store.

I hope you will link up!!

Sorry my post is a little late...been watching Idol...they are about to announce the winner!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We Are Safe!

Thank you all for your prayers! It's been a scary night, but we are all ok. Tornadoes were north and south of us and we actually had a tornado warning here. However, it was just really high winds around 50 to 60 miles per hour. I really thought our trees were going to snap! The town right above us got alot of damage, so I'm sure I will hear about it from friends tomorrow. These storms are moving across Arkansas and I just heard of a small town not to far from here that was destroyed. So sad... I hope you are all safe!! I know these storms were very dangerous in Oklahoma too and some people have lost their lives...I am praying for the familes who have lost so much in these storms and the recent Alabama and Missouri storms.

Wicked Weather Headed Our Way!

Please pray for us tonight. The National Weather Service has issued a PDA for Oklahoma and our area. That means a particularly dangerous situation...Do you see where the red is in Arkansas? We are at the bottom of that area. Severe storms are supposed to develope later on today in Oklahoma and head our way.

Given the recent tornado events, this weather event tonight has me a little nervous. Please pray that no tornadoes develope ANYWHERE tonight. Maybe it won't be as bad as they think...

Praying for the people in Joplin...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy Weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! First, I want to thank you for your nice comments on the granite! Glad you like it!! Some of you have this same granite, so I was glad to know that you are pleased with it! I'm looking forward to next Tuesday!!

Well, my weekend was pretty busy...As you can see by Chase's room (that I can't believe I'm showing it was time to clean out! On Thursday night I was putting something in his closet when things started to just fall out! Do you ever get to where you just can't stand it anymore? Well, that's what happened...I just started throwing everything out of the closet and drawers into the middle of the floor and on his bed. It was overwhelming as you can see! We had planned on going through it right away, but I just didn't know where to start so I just shut the door for a few days. Funny thing...I let him have friends over and they were hiding in the stuff and I had no idea where they were! It was THAT BAD! lol...

Chase and I finally went through everything yesterday...whew! It felt really good to get rid of things and organize what he wanted to keep. He can actually fit his shoes in the closet now!
This shelf was a mess, so I straighten it up and put all the trophies together at the top. Much better...Now that everything is organized we can start redecorating. I'm going to put the bed on Craig's list soon along with the small computer desk.

You might remember I said we were going to do a music theme. Well, one of my bloggy friends sent me this picture. Look at that record headboard! I love it...I think I can make that.....hmmmm. It's a possibility.

I also worked in the yard and planted more flowers. I will show you the patios again soon. I'm waiting on some more pillows and a cushion that is being made.

Hubby decided he didn't want to do any work and decided to go He was so proud of those bass! Yes, hubby they are big, but I don't know if I would say HUGE! lol...they were good though!

Have a great day!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm So Excited!!!!!

I am so excited!! Guess where I've been today? guessed it, picking out granite! I know I said it would be a while before we would be able swing this, but things worked out in my favor! I mentioned that we went to my aunt's house on Easter. Well, she just had granite installed and she told me about the company she used and said that was very reasonable. She checked every place here and surrounding areas to find this company. So, I had them come over last week and give me an estimate. They were willing to come down to an affordable price and I was ecstatic!! Today, with my parents, we made a trip up north to pick out the granite. After looking at tons of slabs we finally made a decision and I am very pleased! I was sure to take my cabinet doors, tile and paint lid. That was a must! I have got to get some more of my's all dried up. lol...The granite is called venetian gold and picks up all the colors in my cabinets and tile. I love the black in it too...looks great with the new knobs. It was a little challenging finding something to look good with the green, but this slab worked! This slab, along with the slabs behind it, came in today. Talk about good timing!! They were still a little wet from all the rain and the salesperson said they will lighten up just a tad, but that will be ok .

LOVE IT! It looks so good with both cabinet doors...

Do you see the lighter part in the middle? That part was dry, he showed us from the back. So, he thinks the entire slab might end up being lighter like that.

This is a piece he broke off of another slab out of the same batch. It's dry and looks good to me!! They are coming to install it next Tuesday...the day after Memorial day. Can't wait!!

I hope you like it! Of course I will post pics right after it's installed!

Thank you to those of you who joined my Show And Sell party yesterday! I am going to add vintage to next week's party so be thinking about what you want to show and/or sell!

I am also going to start on Chase's room guys gave me some great ideas! Be sure and stay tuned for updates.

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Show And Sell Party #2

It's show and sell time! Remember you can show anything handmade that you or someone else has made. Also, you do not have to sell anything to participate.

If you would like to sell your items and would like to add a direct link to your store that is fine. However, please do a quick post on your blog (if you have one) letting your readers know about the party. I would appreciate a separate link back to the party. Looking forward to seeing all of the talent!!

This is my show and sell... a colorful spring/summer arrangement in a metal container. It looks awfully good on my door! It would also look good inside too...It is for sale in my Etsy store. The flowers are so bright and pretty...

It is definitely packed full of color and would brighten up any door!

My store is looking sparse! I will be adding alot more items over the next few days! up!!

Show And Sell Party Tomorrow!

Hey everyone! I wanted to remind you about my Show And Sell party! I will have the linky tool up around 7:00 tonight. Remember, even if you don't have anything to sell we would still like to see what you are making or what someone has made you! I still can't get over the talent here in blogland...amazing! I would appreciate a link back to my blog...this helps all of us! If you would like to add a direct link to your online store that is fine. However, please do a quick blog post on your blog to let others know about the party and add a separate link to the Show And Sell party. A few of you did that last week and I appreciate that.

Show and Sell

Some examples of what you can show and/or sell would be jewelry, handbags, floral arrangements, cards, pillows, curtains, frames, bows, pottery, ceramics, furniture, clothes, paintings, etc.....and the list goes on and on!! I hope you will link up! Have a great day!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Accessorizing Bookcases

Yesterday I showed you the key shadow box I found at the antique mall. I showed you a section of my bookcases, but thought I would show you the rest. They are probably on my blog somewhere, but who knows where and I'm sure they have changed since then anyway. When we built this house almost seven years ago (I still can't believe we have been here that long) these bookcases were a must have! I think I have mentioned that we built this house off of a model home. Anyway, the model home had these bookcases but they were pretty expensive to add. You know one of those extras they don't tell you about until you start the building process...I guess we could have We ran into all kinds of things like that, but that's a different story. Anyways, we added them and I'm glad we did. Since I am not much of a reader (except for blogs) I like to call these my accessory cases rather than my

They are filled with things I've had for several years, and things I have purchased more recently.

Pictures, greenery, decorative plates, a clock, a bowl full of decorative balls and a few old books make these bookcases my own.

I used greenery to cover the speakers at the top. The tray and pictures are covering cords that hang down. I thought forever about what to cover those darn cords with and the tray was the perfect size to hide them.

If you are decorating bookcases here are a few ideas that might work for you! Greenery always adds life to your space, it's a must have for me! And as we all know the initials are the thing right now and I love them! Also, since these are bookcases, books always work.

You might not want to add several things in every shelf...sometimes just one large item works well.

Pictures of family and friends are always good...

A clock and pretty bookends add some interest and variety too.

What about a basket? Baskets are good just about anywhere...

I love using plates all over the house...why not in a bookcase? And what about a birdcage?

If you have an outlet lamps are wonderful in bookcases..I am so glad I remembered to add outlets in mine.

The main thing when decorating bookcases is to add things you like or have meaning to you. Ok...maybe they need a few books here and there, but I say do what you like, not what you are supposed to do. Another is to add things with different heights and textures...this creates interest.

I mentioned that Chase had a chess tournament today. He did great! Out of 88 kids he tied for third place! I am very proud of him! He is second from the left on the bottom row.

Thanks for your visit!!

I am linking to Savvy Southern Style

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

My photo
I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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