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Friday, April 29, 2011

Harley The Horse

Thank you for your nice comments on my birdhouse tablescape!! I appreciate you all! You just never know what you will see when you come visit my blog. A little bit of it's about a Horse!

This is father-in-law just bought him a few weeks ago. He was at a sale where he was going to buy some chickens, but ended up with a horse! What he didn't know was that I have always LOVED horses! My father-in-law lives close, only about a mile from here and has lots of land. He has had cows, chickens, and currently has goats. When I heard he bought this horse I immediately went to see him. Isn't he precious? He is only 10 months old so he's still a colt...just a baby. He seems to be good with people so far...we are all working with him.

Kevin snapped this funny picture...I think he is posing for the camera! lol...

Isn't he pretty?

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Birdhouse Tablescape

Welcome to Tablecsape Thursday hosted by Susan at Between Naps On the Porch. Please pay her a visit to view lots of beautiful tablescapes! I love to participate when I can, but I only have so many dishes! lol...

I found this cute birdhouse yesterday and it sparked an idea. I remembered I had the black plates and tulip napkins so I put this together in my head in the middle of Hobby Lobby! lol...Sometimes things just work out that way huh? Now who can I have come over for dinner? Hmmm

I had all of the flowers, greenery and container. I have a little stash that I just keep reusing in different arrangements for my house.

Even though I used some black, it is still a bright and cheerful tablescape!

The napkin rings, green plates and wicker place mats are from Pier1. The black plates and plastic glasses are from Wal-Mart. They look good for being plastic! I believe the napkins are from Dillard's a few years ago.

I have used those napkins over and over! I just love them...

The kitchen is looking springy! Now if the sun would just come out...I think the rain is finally going to come to an end tonight. Yay!

Thank you for your visit!! Happy spring to you all!

Please check my Etsy store for new items. You might even find a birdhouse arrangement for yourself or for a gift for mom!

I am also linking to My Romantic Home

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Scary Storms Here in Arkansas!

Boy...We have had some crazy weather here in Arkansas over the past several days! It was especially scary this evening. Chase had just finished piano and I heard the bad weather was on the way. I couldn't get home fast enough! About 10 minutes after we pulled into the garage we got pounded with large hail! The news said a possible tornado was forming and could be heading our way! Scary! It never quite formed, but did manage to pound us with hail and high wind. The hail in hubby's hand is just a little smaller than a golf ball. About a mile from here they were pounded with baseball sized hail! Wow! This hail was big enough to cause damage to hubby's car. He can't fit it in the garage due to his precious

The hail was coming down and pounding my flowers!
Wow! I haven't even looked at the garden...I hope my plants aren't too beat down. Look at the hammock!

That looks like snow!

The sun came out after the storm...

Please pray for all of the families that have lost their homes and lives in these terrible storms. I know alot of people have been affected by floods and tornadoes lately.

I will be back on Wed. evening with a birdhouse tablescape and new Etsy items! Don't forget about Mother's Day!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Brother Singing On Easter...Come And Listen To These Beautiful Songs!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We have had a great day, except for all of this rain! We went to my aunt's house tonight and her kitchen started to flood! She had to use every towel in the house! It is raining like crazy right now and tomorrow is supposed to be even worse! Please pray that no tornadoes hit...the weather is not looking good.

This morning we went to the church where my brother Daniel sings. It's about 40 minutes from our house and we try to go see him whenever possible. This morning it was packed! Daniel did so good despite all that was wrong with him. He has a cold, his hand locked up, and he hurt his back yesterday. He even had to have a chiropractor come to his house last night and this morning to help get him through the morning songs! You would never know it by the way he sang was awesome! I hope you will listen to these songs, they are very moving! Of course they are even better in person.

This first song is "God Is On Our Side". It is not your typical Easter morning music...

This next song is "Beautiful" and it is truly beautiful...

I hope you enjoyed the music! Have a great Monday!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you all! I really didn't do any Easter decorating this year. We are going to my Aunt's for Easter so I didn't even do a tablescape! I've also been so busy with the outside lately. However, I remembered I had this cute bunny from last year and wanted to set him somewhere. I found the fresh tulips at Wal-mart last night and added the flowering greenery. It is off of some bushes I have outside...don't know what they are called. The flowers smell so good when they're blooming, that's the whole reason I bought them! I added the butterfly container to the kitchen table for now, I will show you my tablescape soon. Aren't those tulips beautiful? I just love the two toned colors.

I want to share this with you because it really made me think about the true meaning of Easter.

My mom was driving past a church the other day and their sign read "It's not about a bunny, it's about a Lamb". So true! Although bunnies are so cute and fun to decorate with, we all need to keep in mind that The Lamb Of God is the whole reason for Easter! He rose from the dead and HE is ALIVE!!!

Have a wonderful and BLESSED Easter!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hummm...I Wonder What This Post Is About?

You guessed it! Hummingbirds! Aren't they just adorable? I love watching them in the spring and summer months. This is the second one I've seen so far this spring. I believe it is a female because it's not as pretty and colorful as the fair! lol...I've always thought it should be the other way around, even in the animal world the girls should always be more beautiful than the boys! Right? I know those old males need to attract a female

This little girl set here for the longest time until Chase proceeded to wave his arms and hit the glass! Darn it! He did that on purpose...BOYS!

Let's get a little closer...

And even's kind of blurry, but she is so cute!

I did a little research on humming birds tonight and found out some very interesting facts. Did you know that their heart rate can reach as high at 1,260 beats per minute? Wow! And...they also consume more than their own weight in nectar each day so they must visit hundreds of flowers daily. They are continuously hours away from starving to death and are able to store just enough energy to survive overnight. Interesting! One more interesting fact...they flap their wings 40 to 90 times a second and during courtship up to 200! That is amazing!! Ok...I just felt like I was writing a school

These facts were found on Wikipedia and if you would like to read more about them.

Thanks for checking out my newest little friend! I hope to have a whole bunch more soon! Have a wonderful Good Friday!!
Hubby just informed me this was the corniest post title he's ever seen..maybe he's right! lol.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our Springtime Yard

I have been in such a good mood lately because spring is here! There is just something about everything coming back to life and the warm weather that makes me happy. I enjoy yard work (except weed eating :( lol...I like the fun planting flowers and watching them grow. I sprinkled some Miracle Grow Shake n Feed on my flowers and I swear they are already filling out. That stuff works!

The yard is greening up and everything is filling out!

I've had this cute bunny for a few years now...I just love him! Are you ready for Easter?

We added the red mulch this weekend. It made the beds look so much better!

We added this bed a few years ago and the river Birch tree is doing great. It is always exciting to see something we planted actually live and grow! lol...

We also added all of the landscaping and brown fence about four years ago. We live on a corner lot and this side of the house was bear and the air conditioner stuck out like a sore thumb!
I am going to plant some flowers on this side of the house soon.

Before I knew it the clematis was blooming! The flowers are just beautiful.

Kevin planted the garden this weekend. He planted tomatoes, red bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, broccoli and cantaloupe. I'm really excited about the cantaloupe...we didn't plant it last year and I hope it does well. Any tips?

I've showed you this back patio, but I added the pot of flowers in between the chairs. Yep...more flowers! I would have more if I could fit them somewhere! lol...

Look at this little baby red eared slider turtle. Yes I know my turtles! lol...My little neighbor found him in the road! She immediately brought him to me because she knows I'm a turtle lover. He is only the size of a half dollar. I'll keep him for a while and eventually set him free.

Thanks for checking out my yard and flowers! Have a great Wednesday!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Mesh Wreath...New Etsy Store Items...and a Guest Post

Welcome from my front door! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was very productive. I got the front beds mulched and garden planted...well, hubby did most of that because of the new fertilizer he decided to put I just dropped the plant in the hole. I also cleaned quite a bit (ok a little) and got some new Etsy items made. First I want to show you my spring mesh wreath. I used green mesh, ribbon and some silk stems and butterflies. I also added a "Welcome" sign in the middle. It really brightens up the front door!

If you would like to know how to make your own mesh wreath just click here.

I will show you the rest of the yard and flowers soon.
Here are some items I recently listed in my Etsy store. Cute little birdhouse arrangement...
Butterfly arrangement... I love poppies!
Red and gold urn arrangement...
These ribbons are GORGEOUS!
Black and gold photo album...
I wanted to tell you that I just finished a guest post at Grammy Girlfriend. If you have not ever visited Teresa you need to make your way over there now! She is a sweet lady who I have met in person. She is also very talented and decorates over 60 houses for Christmas! I don't know how she does it...

Have a great week!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goodbye For Now Mr. Roo...Hello Spring Butterflies and Birdies!

Spring is in the air here in Arkansas!! I am lovin it! Today was sunny and 80 degrees...however, we are expecting a cool down towards the end of the week. High 60s! Now that's just down right cold! lol...I hope it warms up for you guys in the north! Alot of you said you don't plant anything until Mother's Day, that's not too far away though. I probably have my flowers out too early this year. I just couldn't wait!

I decided to retire Mr. Roo for a while and spring up the island with some moss birdies and a butterfly container I fixed with greenery and berries. I fell in love with the container at Hobby Lobby the other day. I thought and thought about where to put it and found the perfect spot!

I ordered the moss birdies at market along with the berries and greenery. I am going to be adding some small arrangements to my Etsy store tomorrow if you are interested! I had the candle holders in the T.V. room and decided they looked perfect with the container. I found the wooden tray at Pier 1 Imports. It was the perfect size to create a spring vignette on. I love that it's wooden too...there is no wood in the kitchen so it brings in another element. That's really all the spring I have added inside...I have mainly been working outside as you can tell from my last post. I love sitting out there with a glass of iced tea enjoying the colorful flowers and watching the butterflies. I am waiting on the humming birds to arrive now... Have a great rest of the week!!

Oh, by the way, if you saw my post on animals...I just realized I added even more to the However, I don't think a butterfly's an insect! lol...

I am linking to Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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