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Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Few New Things...And Trying To Stay Warm!

Hey Guys! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and you are all staying warm! The big story here is the cold temps...I mean it is down right FREEZING!! Tonight it's supposed to be about 4 degrees...we have record breaking temperatures. I don't even like getting out! The good news is that it is supposed to warm up into the 40s. At least that is bearable! Anyway, I've been moving some things around and ended up redoing (AGAIN) my rooster arrangement. I was a little tired of just the arrangement on the island so I added the tray I already had and found some candle holders at Hobby Lobby. I did get out to go shopping! lol...The candle holders were half off and ended up being around $14 for both! I put a little gold rub on them to make them stand out more. I found a different container I had stuck in the closet and redid Mr. Rooster. He just keeps getting smaller and smaller! I just can't bear to have him anywhere else, he is so happy on the island!

Yes he is! Look at him perched up there in all his glory. I have told you before that I bought him and his mate at an estate sale. But what I didn't tell you is that they belonged to a sweet cousin who died several years they are extra special to me. Here is another Hobby Lobby find...$5 for that container!

Remember I told you I was having trouble locating all of my everyday stuff? Well, I never found my woven place mats. Who knows where they are! I could have thrown them away for all I I went to Wal-Mart and bought these green ones for $2.95 each. I think that's about the shade of green I will paint the kitchen island.
I had this arrangement that I normally use for spring. I ended up adding some darker red flowers to it. It's still a little springy...oh well. I need a lift in this cold weather!
I looked and looked for some dinnerware to go in this cabinet. I didn't want anything too fancy. I finally found these before Christmas...they really stand out in the cabinet.

I just love all the color! Especially the red, I think everything I'm showing you is red! It's my favorite color as most of you know!

I messed around with this table forever! I finally decided to just do photos, then I decided to make myself a "B" frame to go in the middle. I will sell it though if you are interested...I can always make another one.

I inherited this pretty urn and stand from my nanny a few years ago. I have had a million plants in it including live ones. Of course they all bit the dust! I found this grassy stuff and sticks at Hobby Lobby and gave it a try. I like it, but it kind of looks like a small head growing some massive hair! lol...I think this cold weather is making me see things...

Thanks for your visit! I hope you all have a wonderful week...try and stay warm!!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love the pictures....I wish I had gotten an initial in my frame....I love the way that looks....
It is so cold here and I am sitting here eating a bowl of ice cream...had a great massage today and then watched 4 football games...while you were decorating...

I have a fun giveaway on my blog...a $100 prize

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Oh how I wish you lived next door - I absolutely love your decorative touches!


The Tuscan Home said...

Beautiful, as always, Kristen! Well, as you already know, I am very fond of Mr. Rooster. :) I love all the different ways you incorporate him into the seasons. Your table setting looks so pretty and I love the way you have your table/pictures/ and lamps arranged...gorgeous!

Thanks for sharing and keep warm!


Stacey said...

Everything looks so pretty Kristen!

I can't find everything either. I have favorite pictures of my boys that have vanished. They are in some important place though. :)

Cindy Lou said...

I love all the decorations you are so very talented and the arrangement on the table looks great! But what I love the most was the dishes...BEAUTIFUL!!! You have wonderful decorative ideas! Blessings from Georgia!

Becca Bertotti said...

Hey there, Kristen. I love what you've done. As always, it all looks beautiful !! Your Spring touches are perfect ... maybe that will make the season arrive faster !! I, too, suffer from not being able to find certain things after Christmas. My husband tells me he thinks I *conveniently* misplace things so I can just shop some more. Okay, he's probably right. LOL. I have those same green placemats ... that shade of green will be gorgeous on your island cabs (wonder what a little touch of a brown glaze on top of the green would look like). Thanks for having us over !! Take care, Becca

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Kristen! I love the changes that you have made! And you know I love those plates! Your home always looks so pretty and welcoming!I think the worst of the cold is over for us for now....only 19 degrees this morning, not 11! lol Stay warm!...hugs...Debbie

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Very pretty, Kristen! I know what you mean about the freezing temps; we've been having that, too. I hate it! I would take 40 degrees ~ you're right, at least that is bearable! Love all your finds and I like your floral arrangement on the table. Not too Springy to me.

Melissa Miller said...

Kristen everthing looks so beautiful! I adore your special rooster arrangement being smaller and your new red plates are so gorgeous. ~WOW! They really stand out in cabinet and go perfectly in your home. Great job!

That is just so neat how we both arranged our initial frames the same way! I think yours came out so pretty. I would have done a second lamp on my table as well but I bought the last one at Kirklands. Great minds...LOL!

You are cracking me up about your urn.... a small hed with hair. Ha!
It looks really nice!

Stay warm! ~Melissa :)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kristen, You know how I love roosters and this one is a beauty, the memory of him belonging to a secret cousin makes it all the more special. Your dishes are gorgeous..along with the cabinet. Have you shown it before? Your arrangements of pictures is so cozy. I'm going to have to break down at some point and get one with my Like you I've been nesting these past few days. We have -10 this morning.. Yes, you read that right. I'm hoping it will warm up long enough for me to get Mr. P out today, if not it will have to wait until Wed. when I take him to the doctor. Bailey has loved all the piles of snow around here. lol Stay in and stay warm my friend.. hugs ~lynne~

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Love the updated rooster arrangement...perfect on the tray with your candlesticks...simply gorgeous!!!

Your table is so pretty with the new mats and arrangement. I am looking all over town for new flower arrangements and plants for little nooks and crannies in my house. I took so many of my faux arrangements away when it was decided that we were not allowed to have faux. I am not doing that anymore...I love my faux and I am putting it all back...if I can find some;)!!!

Your plates in your cabinet are another of my know I love my red too!!! They are the perfect touc and just pop against the background of your gorgeous piece of furniture.

I know I have said it before but you have such an eye for balance and scale and color...perfection...I love it!!! Your home is beautiful!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your arrangements and vignettes are always so pretty. I love them all. Just gorgeous. Your new dishes are beautiful and look perfect in the cabinet. The red really shows up beautifully. As always, I love that rooster. He is by far my favorite and you always do the best arrangements with him. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

Dear Kristen,

Lovely. . .
all that red warmed me up and we're in the single digits here!
I hid some of my regular things at the holidays as well. . .a vase.
When I packed up ornaments. . .
I found them in the box! Might re-check your boxes! For me it's usually under some cabinet down low wher I have to crawl around on my hands and knees! Good luck!

Lonesome Prairie Pat

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Love your decor arrangements, especially the kitchen stuff. Adorable roosters.

I just posted some new bedding with black/white/red. There's just something happy about Red that never fails to make me happy.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I think all your changes are wonderful! Love the touches of red!

Peggy said...

I love it all...looks so nice...Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores...great deals...I am also a Rooster fan & LOVE red!!! I have alittle of it in all my rooms even if it is a different shade...Thanks for sharing..Peggy

Unknown said...

Love all the tweaking your did with the Rooster! Hope it warms up there soon....we are have record breaking cold in Houston TOO!

Lynn said...

Great pictures! I have those round green placemats from WalMart too, I love that green it will look great on your island. Green is my favorite color with red a close second. I think it is as cold there as it is here in Alberta, Canada right now. It is a "warm" [it's all relative:o)]sunny day here today!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Kristen, I love your Rooster arrangement! I've always admired it, and tried to mimic it with two rabbits during Easter, but my bowl broke while being stored! :( Your arrangement looks great combined with the beautiful tray and candleholders! Your home is always so pretty!

Hope you are staying warm! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Rettabug said...

We moved to this new house over 4 yrs. ago & I'm STILL looking for items! LOL They'll turn up eventually.
I ♥ the new red plates in your china cabinet...outstanding display, Kristen and you island grouping is very nice, too.
You said "I put a little gold rub on them to make them stand out more." Would you tell me exactly what that gold rub is? I've been trying to find Krylon's oil rubbed bronze spray paint around here for months & I really like the look of your gold accents on it. I have several things I'd like to make over with a similar look.

Stay warm, Honey...we were a ZERO this morning. Come see my pretty pictures of the snow. :-)


Denise said...

I always love the photos you share Kristen. Happy Sunday, hope your day was blessed.

Sue said...

You are so funny...I would never have thought so, but now that you mention the head/hair thing...I'm seeing a giant Chia Pet! I love the way everything looks...the dishes in the cabinet, the rooster...all of it!


3LittleByrds said...

Kristen, love the finds. I just love that Rooster and what you did with him. I love the "B" frame also. I'm loving my frames. Hope you stay warm. It's in the 20's here in Fla. and I'm freezing. Us Floridians don't do well with cold esp. this cold.

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

You make the loveliest of vignettes. I have always been a fan of your rooster arrangement. I just have to make one for myself one of these days. I like all your changes, and I don't think your table arrangement looks too springey. I know what you mean about finding all the everyday stuff after the Holidays...seems I am missing a ton of stuff, too. Please join me for Tabletop Tuesday this week...would love to see some of your great displays. Blessings, Barb

cyndi said...


I purchased one of your frames and LOVE it!! I absolutely LOVE all of your flower arrangements. I love that they are so "airy" and have such movement. Could you possibly do a tutorial on flower arranging? That would be so great and helpful to many of us!!Cyndi

cyndi said...

I LOVE your flower arrangements! I love how "airy" they are and have so much movement. Is there anyway you could do a flower arranging tutorial? It would be so helpful to many of us!! Thanks! Cyndi

Beth said...

Hi Kristen, I recently found your blog and and totally in love with your home decor! Your house is decorated the way I see mine in my mind! But mine is no where near where your is. I also am coveting the frame on your table with the "B" in it. I just signed up for an account on Etsy and was going to do a special order thing but I didn't understand the "alchemy?" page that came up. This blogging/etsy stuff is all greek to me! lol Can you help me somehow get through the process so I can order that "B" frame from you? It NEEDS to be in my house! =)

Tardevil said...

Everything looks great. I especially like the rooster and your picture table. You scared me for a minute about the urn with the "hair". Was afraid it was going to look like a Chia Pet. Does anyone ever really buy those things? It's cold here too. Was 12 this a.m. I'm SO ready for spring!

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kristen,
I love the rooster arrangements everytime you change them. This one looks great with the candles.
As you might remember, red is my favorite color as well. I have it in every room. lol
The dishes do stand out in the cabinet and make a pretty display.
We too are having record breaking temp. I'm about ready to get out of Dodge. lol
Happy New Year to you.

Angie said...

Beautiful decorating! Love the rooster arrangement!

Designs on 47th Street said...

Kristen, it is always fun to see how you change things around. I do love that rooster arrangement. I know it is very special to you too. It has a good spot for you to admire it. I just love those dishes. That cabinet makes quite a statement. Red has ALWAYS been my favorite color since I was a little girl.

Can't wait to meet you in person!!!

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

I love all of your pretty vignettes. The flower arrangement with the rooster is my favorite. Thanks for sharing and stay warm!

KD said...

Love the rooster in the container Kristen! It reminds me a bit of this oh so fantastic vendor at Mart this year who was making the most incredible arrangements my lil ol eyes have ever seen. He did a rooster out of organic grasses in an arrangement. It was incredible and so is yours! Love all your quick changes and "vingettes" You should link this post up to Barbs new event over at Grits & Glamour "Tuesday Tabletops". Have a blessed week and keep warm. We have been in the cold here too!

Kathysue said...

Your home and all of your special touches are so pretty to look at. A feast for the eyes. Kathysue

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Good Morning always every thing looks just beautiful girl...I love the Roo and how you did that for your island..Your new dishes are just too pretty girl...May you have a great day my friend...stay warm...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Denise Marie said...

very nice. I love your rooster tray display and love your dishes.

KD said...

Kristen here is the link to the grass rooster I found at mart. Also in the link are some samples of the yummy floral designs this man creates. Enjoy!

Dena Pickle said...

Everything is beautiful! I love the framed initals too!
Are they 4x6?

Miss Janice said...

Everything is just beautiful...of course, I'm partial to your rooster and those plates!

Debbie said...

Mr. Rooster is so handsome, I love the whole arrangement!! Where did you find your lamps? I am heading over to Big Lots tomorrow. You have inspired me!!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, everything looks so pretty, but those plates in that cabinet look absolutely stunning. I have always liked that rooster, but how wonderful that he holds memories for you as well. laurie

Jan ~ BellaCasa said...

Really love the rooster! This is coming from a fellow "rooster gal" fan who collects them {somewhat}.

Anyway your vignette is lovely and I also love the red adorned plates in your chind hutch. I too love red.

Vignette Wednesdays

The Randall's said...

I just discovered your blog and I must say that I am in LOVE!! I am a crafty person by nature, I love to find a deal, I enjoy making something from nothing and my favorite past time is shopping at Hobby Lobby! I just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me to make an initial picture frame. I hope mine turns out as fabulous as yours! Thanks so much for all your inspiration. Have a blessed day!!

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Anonymous said...

Just questioning if eBay permits you to sell [url=]concert tickets[/url] on the net? Do you know if you can find any restrictions based on what country you're in?

My parents have just called me and asked if i could "get rid" of their two tickets to a concert as they wont be able to make it as a result of one more family event.

Apart from asking friends etc, i thought ebay would be a good place to sell them.

But whats ebay's policy on offering tickets? Ive heard alot about it on the news but ive forgotten what happened.

and if it matters, the concert is inside of this coming month

Thanks ahead of time for the advice.

Anonymous said...

Just questioning if eBay allows you to market [url=]concert tickets[/url] online? Do you know if you will find any restrictions based on what country you're in?

My parents have just referred to as me and asked if i could "get rid" of their two tickets to a concert as they wont have the ability to make it because of yet another family event.

Besides asking close friends etc, i thought ebay would be a good place to sell them.

But whats ebay's policy on promoting tickets? Ive heard alot about it around the news but ive forgotten what happened.

and if it matters, the concert is inside this coming month

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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