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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Few Valentine Ideas!

Edited to add Feb. 11...
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm linking this post up to Laurie's Valentine party so I thought I would add this picture of me and my sweet hubby, Kevin. We have been married for almost 17 years! That can't be right!!! Time is just flying by. Ahhh...we were so young and in love. I was 19 and he was 23. You couldn't have talked me out of getting married for nothin! We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade him for anything...

Hey Guys! I hope you are all having a great week! Do you all remember my gingerbread terrarium? it's a Valentine terrarium! I don't usually decorate for Valentine's day... I guess working at a flower shop for 15 years kind of made me dread that crazy day! I better not complain too much...I might go back someday. Anyway, a sweet lady asked me to demonstrate to her Garden Club how to make this today. She saw the gingerbread one here on my blog and suggested I do one for Valentine's Day. I went to her house today and visited with alot of sweet ladies, it was so much fun. Here is the finished product...

I found all the hearts and ribbon at Michael's. Everything else came from my second home...Hobby Lobby! This is really easy to make, everything is either laid or stuck down in the sand/glitter mix. After Valentine's Day I'll be switching it out for Easter! I have showed these ribbon/mesh wreaths for fall and Christmas, so why not Valentine's! My client bought the "LOVE" signs at Hobby Lobby and the mesh came from a local gift shop. I know some of you tried to find it at Christmas time. I hope you had some luck!

See these cute framed heart pictures? Guess what they are?? Framed gift bags!! My friend, Lisa came up with this idea. Isn't she clever?! I LOVE them! She had Christmas in them before, but I didn't see those, I bet they were cute. She will have to do Easter next!

I hope you got some ideas! Look for new stuff in my Etsy store by the weekend...we are expecting some snow and ice on Friday so I might be stuck inside for a few days. That way I'll get more done! Have a great rest of the week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My brother should be famous!

Hey Guys! I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday. I wanted to show you this video I took of my brother, Daniel singing in church this morning. The church just recently started in a school, it is a sister church to a few others in surrounding towns. He is the music leader and really enjoys it. He has always sang in bands through the years...but recently found his calling at church. Everyone thinks he should be famous! To hear this, first scroll down and click the pause button on my playlist (red box) at the bottom left hand side of my blog. I captured most of the song...just missed the music at the beginning. Enjoy

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Back From Market...I Have Alot To Show You!

Hey Guys! I'm back from Dallas Market and I had a great time! I took several pictures, but most of the time I was overwhelmed and forgot about the camera! I did get some pictures of trends that I noticed and just some random things I liked. All of the showrooms carry different things and you can find any style you want. The one thing I did notice was that contemporary is definitely in...but so is traditional, old world and well...just about whatever you like. I was also excited about meeting a fellow blogger friend...Donna from "Designs on 47th street." She was so sweet! We both have a floral background and had alot in common. I enjoyed talking to you Donna!

Easter is just around the corner, so I got a few pictures of some spring items...This bunny really caught my eye!

Look at these bunny dishes...I really had to restrain myself from ordering some of this collection. Had to stick to my budget...
Oh this was so pretty too... Love the pinks and bright green together.

Now this bedding and hand painted furniture really caught my is just beautiful for a little girl, but no telling how much it is... I didn't look.

Here is one of the trends I noticed...lots of orange!
I also noticed alot of beautiful painted chests.

Good. Reds are still in...
Greens are really in too.
And lots and lots of blues! Blue is everywhere...

This is in Sherry's house. (My former boss who I stay with in Dallas)She used alot of the blues and silvers. I think she needs that chest above!

This black chest is really pretty...notice the Fleur de lis...they were everywhere.

Looks like animal print is still in!

Roosters were everywhere too...I love this rooster arrangement. Hmmm...I wonder why! lol...
Next I might have to make a rooster wreath!

He's a beauty!

The silk arrangements are looking more and more real. Love all of these colors...

Aren't these cool! you fill them with a special gel and light them up. I bet these are going to be really popular.

I saw tons of butterfly accessories... including jewelry.
Silk panels are definitely hot!

Lamps are getting more and more interesting...this one was really an eye catcher, it would be great in the right room.
I loved this's so unique!
Movie themed lamps....very cool.
Contemporary lamps...We saw alot of lamps with the drum shades
I loved this mirrored shade...I saw several lamps with this type of shade, must be the new thing.
I had to get a picture of this...Wow! Very interesting!! I could picture it in a fancy beach house.

I saw alot of these fancy candles...they are beautiful but very pricey!
He He...that's me behind a really cool fountain.
If you have ever been to market and cash n carry then you know how overwhelming everything is. See why it's hard to make decisions?? I am going to be making some jewelry soon and listing it on my Etsy store if you are interested. I couldn't make up my mind, so I decided to just make my own!
We ate at my favorite place...The Saltgrass. It was delicious!

Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the new trends, or at least what caught my eye. lol...Just about anything is in right now. You see it all at Market! I ordered some new ribbon and and some really cute Easter I will be listing some new items (including jewelry) in my Etsy store soon. Have a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This Little Piggy's Going To Market!

Hey Guys! I'm off to Dallas Market... I'll be back on Tuesday. I hope to get some more ideas for my frames and maybe even come up with something else to make for my Etsy store. Market will hopefully get my brain thinking creatively again! I am also looking forward to the good restaurants in Dallas as you can see by my title! lol...I'm excited about meeting a fellow blogger at market too! I'll be sure and take lots of pictures!!! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brighten Something Up With Rub n Buff!

Hey Guys! Have you ever heard of Rub n Buff? I'm sure you have...I just wanted to show you a little project I did tonight that only took a few minutes and made a big difference! I bought these jars at Hobby Lobby (where I buy almost everything) tonight for $6 and $8... 66% off! I just couldn't pass them up. They were pretty like they were, but when I put them in the bookcase they were too dark and blah.

They just didn't stand out, they bored me. So rather than taking them back....

I found my pitiful looking tube of Rub n Buff without a's bad...and got to work. Michael's and Hobby Lobby both carry it, this one is antique gold.

This is really easy... just put a little on a paper towel. Rub it into the towel so it's not globby, then just lightly rub it on an old accessory or something you want to brighten up, if you want you can wipe it off a little to make it blend in more. These jars were a great example because of the design. The rub n buff really made it stand out!

The finished products...the one in the front looks brighter, but it's just the lighting.

Much they stand out! I also did this to my candleholders in my last post if you want to check them out.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great rest of the week!!
P.S. The weather here is warmer now...thank goodness!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Few New Things...And Trying To Stay Warm!

Hey Guys! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and you are all staying warm! The big story here is the cold temps...I mean it is down right FREEZING!! Tonight it's supposed to be about 4 degrees...we have record breaking temperatures. I don't even like getting out! The good news is that it is supposed to warm up into the 40s. At least that is bearable! Anyway, I've been moving some things around and ended up redoing (AGAIN) my rooster arrangement. I was a little tired of just the arrangement on the island so I added the tray I already had and found some candle holders at Hobby Lobby. I did get out to go shopping! lol...The candle holders were half off and ended up being around $14 for both! I put a little gold rub on them to make them stand out more. I found a different container I had stuck in the closet and redid Mr. Rooster. He just keeps getting smaller and smaller! I just can't bear to have him anywhere else, he is so happy on the island!

Yes he is! Look at him perched up there in all his glory. I have told you before that I bought him and his mate at an estate sale. But what I didn't tell you is that they belonged to a sweet cousin who died several years they are extra special to me. Here is another Hobby Lobby find...$5 for that container!

Remember I told you I was having trouble locating all of my everyday stuff? Well, I never found my woven place mats. Who knows where they are! I could have thrown them away for all I I went to Wal-Mart and bought these green ones for $2.95 each. I think that's about the shade of green I will paint the kitchen island.
I had this arrangement that I normally use for spring. I ended up adding some darker red flowers to it. It's still a little springy...oh well. I need a lift in this cold weather!
I looked and looked for some dinnerware to go in this cabinet. I didn't want anything too fancy. I finally found these before Christmas...they really stand out in the cabinet.

I just love all the color! Especially the red, I think everything I'm showing you is red! It's my favorite color as most of you know!

I messed around with this table forever! I finally decided to just do photos, then I decided to make myself a "B" frame to go in the middle. I will sell it though if you are interested...I can always make another one.

I inherited this pretty urn and stand from my nanny a few years ago. I have had a million plants in it including live ones. Of course they all bit the dust! I found this grassy stuff and sticks at Hobby Lobby and gave it a try. I like it, but it kind of looks like a small head growing some massive hair! lol...I think this cold weather is making me see things...

Thanks for your visit! I hope you all have a wonderful week...try and stay warm!!

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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