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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Few Valentine Ideas!

Edited to add Feb. 11...
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm linking this post up to Laurie's Valentine party so I thought I would add this picture of me and my sweet hubby, Kevin. We have been married for almost 17 years! That can't be right!!! Time is just flying by. Ahhh...we were so young and in love. I was 19 and he was 23. You couldn't have talked me out of getting married for nothin! We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade him for anything...

Hey Guys! I hope you are all having a great week! Do you all remember my gingerbread terrarium? it's a Valentine terrarium! I don't usually decorate for Valentine's day... I guess working at a flower shop for 15 years kind of made me dread that crazy day! I better not complain too much...I might go back someday. Anyway, a sweet lady asked me to demonstrate to her Garden Club how to make this today. She saw the gingerbread one here on my blog and suggested I do one for Valentine's Day. I went to her house today and visited with alot of sweet ladies, it was so much fun. Here is the finished product...

I found all the hearts and ribbon at Michael's. Everything else came from my second home...Hobby Lobby! This is really easy to make, everything is either laid or stuck down in the sand/glitter mix. After Valentine's Day I'll be switching it out for Easter! I have showed these ribbon/mesh wreaths for fall and Christmas, so why not Valentine's! My client bought the "LOVE" signs at Hobby Lobby and the mesh came from a local gift shop. I know some of you tried to find it at Christmas time. I hope you had some luck!

See these cute framed heart pictures? Guess what they are?? Framed gift bags!! My friend, Lisa came up with this idea. Isn't she clever?! I LOVE them! She had Christmas in them before, but I didn't see those, I bet they were cute. She will have to do Easter next!

I hope you got some ideas! Look for new stuff in my Etsy store by the weekend...we are expecting some snow and ice on Friday so I might be stuck inside for a few days. That way I'll get more done! Have a great rest of the week!


Tardevil said...

Too cute! The little "love" signs on the gorgeous wreaths are nice too. You must live near my friends that work for Walmart in Arkansas and their vendors, because I saw on their Facebook page that they're expecting ice/snow too. We may get 6-10 inches of snow. Not too happy about that, but maybe we can get something done, huh? Have a good rest of the week.

Stacey said...

Kristen, as always your creations are beautiful. You really have a knack with making things look just perfect.

The snow and ice is coming into our town as we speak. I wish I had made it to Hobby Lobby yesterday in preparation. I did get lots of groceries...I'm off to create that way.

Lori E said...

I have never decorated for Valentine's Day before. Blogging has shown me that people decorate for every event and it is so much fun. Wow. No wonder Michael's crafts stores are so popular.

Denise said...

Too cute, I love what you did in the jar, and those wreaths are wonderful. I don't know if I can find that stuff either though, I didn't see it in Hobby Lobby. I don't usually decorate for Valentines day either but I do set the table nice and make a special dinner for us all:)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Kristen this is all so great! Love the terrarium and the wreaths on the door are fabulous!!

Love me some mesh!!

Stay Warm!

Lou Cinda

Sherri said...

Love the love wreaths! Stunning! So far I have out Dollar Tree silk roses and a jar of the candy hearts on the frig. LOL Broken finger(me), broken back (my partner)...has REALLY slowed down my decorating and make over projects this month!
And I REALLY NEEEEEEED a trip to Hobby Lobby. Going thru withdrawals.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

How cute! I love the Love signs your client got! I have always thought some gift bags are so pretty and what a great idea to frame them. Stay warm and dry! It is snowing here now {they were wrong again with our forecast!}.

Wendy said...

Your Valentine ideas are so adorable. I will try to run up to Michael's and Hobby Lobby before the ice/snow starts this evening. Thank you for sharing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable wreath!! I've often thought about framing gift bags just for the art. That's the first time I've seen it done and the bags really do make for awesome art on the walls.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

You are so creative... oh how I wish you lived nearby!


Anonymous said...

Wow! More gorgeous stuff from you!

Barb said...

Hi Kristen, these pics are so adorable. Thanks for sharing some great ideas with us!!

Barb ♥

Melissa Miller said...

It's just so precious Kristen! I just love the adorable bear in the terrarium. CUTE!

I need to buy a few Valentine-y home decor items. I have never decorated for it either. Our anniversary is right afterwards as well.

Come by for a cheerful giveaway I will post later on today!

Stay Warm! ~Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen...

I took a few days off from fun to catch up :)

Very cute....I put a few things around for Valentines, I love the burst of red for the Winter.

Ice scary stuff be careful.

Kathy :)

Lisa said...

So cute ~ all of it! Your creativity makes me smile. We are in Oklahoma and the freezing rain is just starting so I think I'm going to stay in, stay warm and do some Valentine's Day decorating.
Thanks for the inspiration!

A Hint of Home said...

Your terrarium is so sweet! A cute idea to keep changing the season or occasion.
I love the way you do your ribbon and bows.
Thanks for sharing.
We are suppose to get some freezing rain this weekend too.
Helps us get those projects done.

Sue said...

I love the festive, elegant! You have some great ideas here. Thanks!


Unknown said...

those wreaths are so whimsical. I like them.. mishelle

Angie said...

Sooooo cute! Love these ideas! May have to do me a "terrarium" too.

Lynda said...

Very cute!! I have a gift card from Hobby Lobby burning a hole in my pocket. Hmmmm....

Kimberly said...

Love, Love, Love the wreaths! Going to try to make one if I can find poly mesh. We have Michaels and ACMoore here. Love your blog!

Janna~Country Creek Creations said...

Kristen more beautiful creations. I adore the wreaths the most but everything is so cute & festive.

I have had a heck of a time finding the mesh here in L. Rock. Hoping to find some so I can start stocking up for all the upcoming holidays. *Ü*

Good luck with the snow & ice. I dont think we are going to get hit as hard as you guys up north.

Courtney said...

I love all the V-day decorations.

Melissa Miller said...

Oh gosh! I didn't realize we were getting it too. Yikes! I need to look at the weather closer. I'm too busy blogging. Ha!

Stay warm and thanks for entering!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Beautiful, Kristen. You always make each holiday look AMAZING! Liz
P.S. Those wreathes are GORGEOUS!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

How pretty all of this is girl...I love the way you do your bows...Hope you and your family Have a great weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Jan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jan said...

Kristen, the teddy bear terrarium is so adorable! My very favorite are these beautiful wreaths you make. Simple, yet elegant.

I will be visiting your Etsy shop.
I might just have you make a custom frame for me. I'll keep in touch.


Gypsy Heart said...

All of these ideas are great! I love Valentine's Day and sharing the love. I'm so glad I stopped in ~ always dying to see what you have that's new.
My computer is out so using one at the apt office now :-( I cannot tell you how much I miss having mine!

We have bitter cold right now but so far, no ice. Hope you stay warm and enjoy your weekend!

Dining Delight said...

Fabulous ideas and pics! Your Valentine terrarium turned out lovely! Such a cute bear! I might try that wit a large glass vase I have. The wreaths are another wonderful idea. My fav is the use of gift bags to make themed art - perfect! Love your blog!

Becca Bertotti said...

Love, love love everything !! Your cute Vday terrarium is just precious ... and your Vday wreaths are beautiful and so original !! And, I love your new banner, too !! You've been busy girl !! Take care, Becca

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, all of these creations are so great! I hope you'll link this post to my V'tine party on the 12th! I wanted to do V'tine wreaths like your Christmas ones, but couldn't find any of the red mesh. By the way, did you do a craft show in Jonesboro? My d-i-l was telling me about these beautiful wreaths made out of the mesh ribbon, and I showed her your blog. She said the wreaths were just like yours. I am only an hr from J'boro and would have definitely gone to meet you if I'd known you would be there. We have 6" of snow in NE Ark. Are ya'll covered in snow? laurie

Melanie said...

I really love your wreath:) So much talent. All of the Valentine's things were great. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

I love those wreaths. They look so pretty on your front doors.

Tootsie said... go all out no matter what you do! this was it all

Designs on 47th Street said...

This post is just full of fun things, Kristen! I love your wreaths and the little terrarium is just precious. I'm like you, I sort of get burned out on things since that's what I do. The last thing I want from my husband is flowers. Isn't that sad? He knows that, so I get candy instead (or jewelry!)

My coffee cup chair was hand painted by a local gal in my area. You can take old chairs into her and she will paint whatever you want. I have done a post on my two fun chairs before if you want to take the time to scroll back! :)

Thanks for your nice visit. Yes, we did see a lot of orange at market, didn't we??


Miss Janice said...

Love the wreaths. They are too cute. I also wanted to say that I've printed out a copy of the "rooster wreath" you featured in an earlier post. I LOVE it. I'm hoping to create something like it.

Melissa Miller said...

Ooooohhhh Kristen your blog looks really awesome!

I'm grabbing your button right now sweet friend. You're the best to have been so kind to display mine all this time. Thank you!

Oh my goodness now I must check out your new jewels in your Etsy. He!

I'll be working on a Valentine tablescape today and announce the winner! I was so inspired to decorate for Valentines this year.

~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

Together We Save said...

Wow - such beautiful things. Love the wreath on the front door.

Melissa Miller said...

Oooohhhh I see a new order coming your way! I'll probably want a necklace, bracelet and a tassel.
I'm excited to see them all!

Dentist? Ugh! I hope it all goes well.

Kathy :) said...

I love the new look Kristen !!!

kathy :)

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I adore all of your Valentine ideas! The wreaths are gorgeous!

Pure perfection!


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, so glad you linked this beautiful post to the party! You were a beautiful bride. Loved seeing your wonderful wedding photo (I was 19 when we married too). I hope you went back and looked at my previous tablescape post. I used my pretty tassel on my tablescape. Thank you for linking up to the party. laurie

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Kristen...I had to come back and comment on your darling wedding photo. You both look gorgeous...I adore your dress...just beautiful.

I was 19 when I got married too! We have been married 30 years in May and I feel the same way...wouldn't change a thing...God has been good to us!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Lisa said...

I love those Valentine wreaths! They are too cute!

Unknown said...

I love your ribbon bow wreath's. I bet they are an eye catcher when cars pass by. I know I always look at doors while driving. I love to see what others have. Very crafty.
Happy V-Day!

Blondie's Journal said...

The wreaths are gorgeous, Kristen and the terrarium is awesome. it will be neat to change it out for the holidays! How nice of you to give a demonstration!!

Happy Valentine's Day! :-)


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh your wedding picture is so pretty. You are such a beautiful bride. Your jar is just so cute with the bear and valentines. The wreaths are stunning. Beautiful decorations.

Decor To Adore said...

What a sweet treat! Love truly lives in the details.

Happy hearts day!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Happy Valentine's day to you and Kevin my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Kimberly said...

Kristen, I was wondering if I could use Tulle to make these wreaths. I can't find poly mesh.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

So much sweetness for Valentine's at your house! Everything looks so fun and festive.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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The tip junkie featured my snowman mesh wreath!

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