Hey Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! Ours ended up being great! As you can see it snowed almost 4 inches on Christmas eve! That was really rare for us...I was 2 the last time we had a white Christmas. Every year I always dream of one, but the chances are almost zero. But it finally happened!! My family almost didn't make it over, but the roads started clearing around noon. We were so glad! Ahhhh...the snow was so pretty!

The patio is bare without all the flowers, but the snow made it pretty again for a few days.

Chase had so much fun playing in the snow.

Here is the snowman he built...sort of...lol. He loves legos and built this in about 5 minutes!

When my family arrived we opened presents! Chase got the most...

That's my mom and brother. She loves furry vests!

My mom and dad bought Chase the bike and had it on the front porch. It was his last present and he was so surprised!

We will celebrate Christmas again next weekend with my family from Kentucky. Do you have any big plans for next weekend? I still can't believe it will be 2010! OMGoodness!! Have a great week!!

Looks Like You All Had a Great Time. Your son looks so happy! There's nothing like a white Christmas!
What a lovely Christmas surprise! We too had a white Christmas here in Connecticut.
Your home is beautiful ~ hope you all enjoyed a very Merry Christmas!
"Let it Snow" Let it Snow" Let it Snow" Love your Moms vest. That Chase sure was a lucky boy.- We had snow as well in Northern Ontario.
How wonderful that you had a white Christmas Kristen! It's beautiful and so is your home. Chase looks like he had a ball with it. His bike is really neat too.
I'm glad everyone made it over!
~Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)
The snow is so pretty. We just moved from Florida to northern Kentucky. (Where did you live in Kentucky?) We got snow last night and it is still on the ground this morning. I don't know if I will ever get use to saying "oh, it's snowing outside." It's pretty but I could just use the warm sunshine. I guess I am a Floridian through and through:)
Good Morning Kristen... What beautiful pictures of the snow... I was thrilled that I was here to see it!!! Chase is getting so big and he is such a sweet young man... Glad he had such a wonderful Christmas. Have a fun filled day and Happy New Year!!!
We were in Fayetteville for Christmas and got a little snow. It was just beautiful. My grandchildren had a ball sledding even though it was too dry to make a snowman. We improvised there, however, and they were happy. I'm working on forming an Arkansas Bloggers group. Are you interested?
Kristen, please tell your Mom she looks young enough to be your SISTER!! ♥ her vests!!
We're getting snowed on right now & already have about 4" on the ground but that's nothing for Ohio. :/
Come see my pictures of it!!
I am happy to say our Christmas day was sunny and cold but with no snow.
Last year in the southwest of British Columbia we had snow every day for over a month which is very unusual for us. Even if you could drive on the roads there was no where you could park you vehicles because the snow was piled up on the sides of the roads. It was awful.
I miss the kid phase of Christmas now that my sons are grown. It looks like yours had a great one.
Hi Kristen, looks like you had a lot of fun over Christmas with family, as did we. We will be spending our new years eve with our great neighbors next door :)
Merry Christmas Kristen!!!
We had a white Christmas too...it was so fun!!! It looks like you got a little more snow than we did. It's beautiful isn't it?
I am so glad that you got to spend time with your family inspite of the snow...I know ya'll had a blast!!!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful new year!!!
Merry Christmas Kristen, love all your photos, especially of your son sooo happy and your beautiful snow pics, cant get enough of those!
You certainly had a white Christmas - everything looks lovely! Loved Chase's snowman - too cute!
Happy New Year - travel safe!
Oh Kristen you got snow for Christmas...I'm jealous!! It flurried here just a tiny bit in Hot Springs. Where are you in AR again...Conway?
Kristen, looks like your Christmas was nice. The snow is beautiful. I received my frames and LOVE them. Thanks so much.
Your photos of your home could be use on a post card. I'm glad you had a beautiful Christmas and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
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