Today was a beautiful day and my flowers are looking pretty so I thought I would take some pictures. Alot of you probably remember my patio from last year. We bought the green patio set at Wal-mart and I had some colorful pillows made. I saw this same set today at Wal-mart so it must have sold well last year. As you can see I have been planting away! I also added some beautiful million bell hanging baskets to the porch. Oh how I love them! They are so pretty and dainty, yet they make a big impact when they are in full bloom.
Here is a closeup of the million bells. I hope I can keep them looking this good. Alot of you commented on the ones on my front porch in my last post. I hope you are able to find them! They do take quite a bit of sun...the more sun they get the more they bloom. It's funny because the back of these don't bloom as well as the front. You can definitely tell where the sun hits!
I am really enjoying sitting out here in the mornings and afternoons. I better enjoy it before it gets too hot!
I had the lanterns out here this fall and brought them back for spring and summer.
I had the iron bike on top of my cabinet top but decided to bring it out here and fill it with petunias. 

This iron shelf has been empty for several months and I was ready for it to come alive! I brought in some color by adding flowers and outdoor accessories.
There's my little Sassy...looks like she could use some sunglasses. =) She always squints when the sun is too bright. Bless her little heart....
If you need me I'll be lounging on the patio!
Have a wonderful Monday!
I'm joining Kim at Savvy Southern Style for WUW.