I hope you are having a wonderful Friday! What a beautiful day it is here today...I am loving these warm temps!
It's time for my Easter mesh wreath tutorial! I have done a few tutorials in the past, but thought I would do an updated version. In the last Easter mesh wreath tutorial I cut the mesh and tied it around the wreath. Alot of you complained that the mesh unraveled. Yes, it does tend to unravel unfortunately and needs trimming every now and then. Since my last tutorial I have worked with the mesh more and more and have learned a better way of attaching it without cutting it. I think you will agree this is a better way...
I hope you like how it turned out! I just love those cute bunnies...

Here are the supplies I used.
A grapevine wreath
A roll of 21 inch mesh
A roll of 4 inch mesh
Two different kinds of Easter ribbons
Flowers in pink, purple, cream and yellow
Bunny Welcome sign
White spray paint
I spray painted the grapevine wreath white just in case some of it showed through.
You should be able to find all of the supplies at Hobby Lobby and Michaels. The sign, ribbon, and most of the flowers were bought at Hobby Lobby. They also carry the mesh, however, I bought mine at a store that is locally owned.
You will also need wire or chenille stems, cutters, and a glue gun.

I used wrapped wire, but as I stated above, you can also use
chenille stems.

Start by attaching pieces of the wire all around the wreath about 5 inches apart. Be sure and leave the wires long because you will be attaching the large and smaller mesh with it.

Start with the 21 inch mesh. Scrunch it and use the wire to attach it to the wreath preferably starting at the bottom. Make a puff and attach it with the next wire.

Keep making puffs all around the wreath and attaching them with the wire.

Yes, the mesh is prickly and a little hard to work with. But you can do it!

Soon it will look like this...

Remember how I told you to leave the wires long? Now you will attach the smaller mesh with the same wires. It is
alot easier to work with.

Make sure the wire is twisted good and tight!

Then it will look like this...

You are now ready to attach the ribbon. Cut the ribbons in One and a half foot strips and tie them around the wreath in between the puffs. I double knotted them for security. This will take at least 6 yards of each ribbon.

It's starting to shape up!

Now it is time to add the flowers. This is when you will need the glue gun. Look how pitiful mine is!
lol...and this is a new one! Oh my...

I start with one group of flowers at a time...first I started with pink. Start gluing them in the grapevine wreath. This is one reason I use grapevine as my base. It's easy to attach things to.

Next, I added the lavender and cream flowers.

And finally touches of yellow. I used flowers that coordinate with the mesh and wooden bunny "Welcome" sign. I also tend to lean towards the dainty side as you can see. However, the larger flowers would be pretty too...such as some tulips.

Now for the last step...take some of your wire or a
chenille stem and attach the sign to the middle of the wreath. This particular sign had a metal hanger so it was easy to attach. You will probably want to attach it in a few places for more security.

All done and ready to display!!!

It looks pretty darn cute on my door...