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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

~~~Spring Giveaway!!!!~~~

Are you ready for a spring giveaway?? I have been excited about this one...I found some really cute bunny kitchen items at market in January. I just love the colors and bunny prints! Did I mention that I really want to keep them?? LOL! Ok, I bought a few items for myself so I will give these up! I also made a coordinating frame to go with them!

If you would like to enter my giveaway please leave me a comment. If you post about my giveaway on your blog, please come back and leave me another will be entered twice. I will draw a winner by random generator on next Tuesday evening. Good luck!!
Imagine sipping some cool lemonade on a warm spring day...
This frame would look pretty just about anywhere! Love the red, greeen and gold plaid ribbon...

The cute little pouch holds a wonderful smelling bar of soap. The hand soap smells really good too, and the towel is just adorable.

Thank you for entering my giveaway! If you are new to my blog I would love to have you as a follower!!


Allyson Pecilunas said...

Kristen I would love to win!! :)

Allyson Pecilunas said...

I just posted this on my sidebar :)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What cute bunnies! I would love to win this too! :-) Thank you for the fun giveaway!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

As a bunny fiend, you can bet I'd love a chance to win this giveaway, Kristen! They all look great!

Kimberly said...

Would love to win, cute things!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I put your giveaway on my blog!

Love the Decor! said...

Oh Kristen these things are darling!! Would love to own one of your gorgeous creations too!!

Blessings from Cindy said...

What a lovely set of bunny items for spring! I'm moving & they would look adorable in my new kitchen!!

Love the Decor! said...

Giveaway on my sidebar : )

Unknown said...

Adorable Bunnies! I'd love to win, Thanks for the chance!

Diana Taylor said...

Kristin, I love your blog and would love win the giveaway too!

Anonymous said...

What a cute giveaway!! Love your blog. The red and green match our kitchen and would look great!!


Darla said...

Kristen, what a happy and fun Spring giveaway! I would be honored to have your beautiful frame in my family room and the bunnies are just too cute!

Sandra said...

Oh... HOw cute!! and the colors would look perfect in my kitchen!
I ordered one of your frames a few months ago and have it by my front door. I love it!

Have a wonderful week!

JTC said...

I love your blog and just finished my spring mesh wreath thanks to your inspiring wreath.

Melissa said...

I love your blog and I would love to win the giveaway! Thanks!

Melissa said...

I also posted on my blog about your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Kristen, I just love these. They are sooo cute. Thank you this great give away.

Buttercup said...

Absolutely adorable! Happy to become a follower.

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

Pick me, pick me! Love your frames and the bunnies are too cute!

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I have posted this on my sidebar! Thanks for the chances to win!

Jerri said...

Your giveaway is so cute. I would love to win!

Angela said...

I'd love to win!

Jen S. said...

Hi Kristen~
What an awesome giveaway! I love everything!

PS--I'm already a follower :)

Have a great day!

Emily said...

I love your frames! Would love to win :)

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~*~Leanne~*~ said...

Hi Kristen,
How wonderful of you to have a spring giveaway! The bunnies are too cute. Please enter me in your drawing.
Enjoy your day,

Anonymous said...

I adore the bunnies and the frame. I would love to win.

Beverly said...

I love the bunnies and the frame.. what a great give away..I would love to win.

Kirkwood Photography Wednesday Fall 2011 said...

Hi Kristen, you are such a sweet lady to give these cute bunny items away. Thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

The frame is beautiful! I have a spot in my kitchen that would look perfect! Thanks for this giveaway. Good luck everyone:)

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of your frames!!

would love to win too!


Karen said...

Oh how I love bunnies! I would love to win. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win such a generous giveaway!!

ANA ROSA said...

Hola Kristin! que sorteo tan bonito!!! bueno, como todo lo que haces. Puedo participar en tu sorteo?? me encanta!!
Besos y gracias por tu generosidad.

ANA ROSA said...

Por supuesto lo anuncio en la barra derecha de mi blog.

Tree Frog Creations... said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance to enter!!!

Stacy said...

I love all this precious stuff! I have been reading your blog for a few months now and love it!

Shellyhectic said...

How cute is this giveaway?! So dang cute!
I am a follower

Sue said...

Oh what cute things! I love how you made one of your beautiful frames to match. Count me in please!

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Yes, I want a chance to win! thanks:D

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

I shared your giveaway on my blog!

Betty said...

How wonderful. Please enter my name and I am a follower.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Shellyhectic said...

I posted your giveaway on my blog

Cyndy said...

Love bunnies and would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway.

Melissa Miller said...

Kristen this is all so adorable! LOVE the ribbon on the frame. I would be thrilled to win. I'm a loyal friend and follower and I'll add this to my post.

Have a wonderful week!
~Melissa :)

A Hint of Home said...

What a generous, pretty giveaway!
Love the cute bunnies and your adorable frame.

Sarah said...

What a great giveaway!! Thank you!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Your giveaway is posted on my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

I was just blog "hopping" and found your giveaway. These are the cutest bunnies I've seen - I'd love to enter.

Nancy Wasson said...

What a cute give away> I totally love your style and blog. I would love to win this! :-)

Heather L. said...

Wow, I would love to win your gorgeous giveaway!!! Thanks so much!!!

Maureen said...

I would love the chance to win! Thankyou

M. said...

OMG- so stinkin cute! This would be so lovely in my home, great way to bring a little Easter decor in with out using all the cutesy pastel easter colors. If I don't win I'd love to know where to get it: )

Terri said...

Please enter me for a chance to win, Kristen. Love that sweet bunny pattern....

Deneen@dreaming-n-color said...

I would love this!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a wonderful treat. I am a new follower of your blog. :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What a cute giveaway..Hope you can guest post later this week....

clanmiz77 said...

LOVE the rabbit print!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

These are super cute items... and I have an IDEAL place for that frame.


Jeremy and Jennifer said...

I would love to win!!!

ibshell said...

I'm excited to explore your fun blog more! Thanks for the opportunity to win your great and amazing giveaway!!! I look forward to seeing more of you!

Lori @ Dining Delight said...

I just LOVE your frames and the accessories you've put with it makes this a terrific "package"! You are so kind to have a Spring Giveaway! Anyone would be thrilled to win it!


Kathy B. said...

These are adorable! Thank you for the opportunity to win them!

Kathy B. said...

I am also a new follower on Facebook as lakecorv aka kathy.bruner.

ibshell said...

made quite an inviting post on my beautiful blog! Go ahead, see for yourself! ;)

Ann's Page said...

Wow~~~ such a great giveaway. Please enter me.



Love your blog! Such cute ideas!

Paula@SweetPea said...

I would love to win these cute things. These bunnies would go great with my Easter collection!

Denise Marie said...

Wow, you really put together an awesome package. Love it!

Janet said...

Love the cute bunnies...what a great prize!

Janet said...

What a beautiful collection! Those little bunnies would look precious in the kitchen. The frame is beautiful too.

Angela McInnis said...

Kristin, I am your newest follower and have enjoyed looking at your blog. I hope you will visit me when you have a minute! Thanks for sponsoring such a cute giveaway!! What fun!

Shar22 said...

Love your blog and your designs-you are very talented! Bunnies are the cutest!

Shar22 said...

Love your blog and your designs-you are very talented! Bunnies are the cutest!

Neeca said...

I would love to win your give away! How creative!

Kristen said...

Thanks for having this give~a~way!!! Love your blog and name! Lol

Erin said...

Adorable. Please enter me.

Unknown said...

Cute giveaway!

Candace said...

Oh what a great prize!! These are the cutest bunnies! Thanks for the chance to win!

helen said...

i wanna win! love the colors!

kspillers3 said...

Super Super cute!!

Kathy said...

Absolutely love your blog, I have gotten so many good ideas from you!

Tracy Huffman said...

Oh my word! These are SO CUTE!! I love, love, love!!!

Thanks Kristen!

Debbie Goehring said...

Kristen - Super cute giveaway. Your site makes my heart smile. Your tassels warm my home. I'm always looking for the next great thing from you! Debbie

Jordan said...


Jessica said...

Thank you for the bunny-rific giveaway! I would love a chance to win!

Christina said...

I would love to win!!

The Tuscan Home said...

What a beautiful and generous giveaway, very nice! XOXO ~Liz


I want this! I want this!!!!
Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your drawing, so cute!

Traci said...

This stuff is sooo cute!! I love the ribbon! I want to win!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to when this giveaway!


Kelly said...

You are an amazing decorator! I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I Love Bunnies! Redoing my kitchen
and would love to put them in there!

jeanie said...

Love the bunny items. I just finished making my spring wreath using your tutorial. I'm trying to figure out how to send a picture of it. I've been following your blog for a few months now. I love seeing your creativity.

Susie said...

What a beautiful giveaway! I would love to win, please enter me in! Your blogs is beautiful as well!

Anonymous said...

Oh such cute bunnies! Just in time for Easter! If I had a blog I would post your give away on my sidebar:)

Jen B.

Blodgett PreK-8 School said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Oh, please count me in on the great gift!!

All That Glitters said...

That's the prettiest rabbit stuff I have ever seen!!!! If I don't win would you please share where we might be able to buy some!!!!?!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

RaWziLLa said...

Oh, I love bunny rabbits!!! =]

Eric, Victoria, & Nykelle said...

How adorable! I would love to win it! Thanks for the awesome giveaway:)

Li said...

I would love to win!!

Linda Rostock said...

I would love to win!! So Cute!!

kelli said...

Kristen I would love to win your contest. I have always loved rabbits. I love your blog and the items I have purchased from you look so nice in my home!

Denise said...

Oooh, I'd love to enter Kristen, that rabbit is adorable. I'd love a whole dinner set like that, the colors are perfect for my kitchen.

Laura said...

Kristen, I love all your stuff! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Monica Jones said...

I would LOVE to win your spring giveaway!

LNelson said...

I would love to add these cute bunny items to my Easter collection that I started this year. :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks what a fantastic giveaway, you're something your taste.

It made me smile just to look at all the pretty SPRING things....

All the best,
Kathy :)

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Love your giveaway. Please enter me! Thanks so much!

heartbeatsofhome said...

Hi! Kristen. Would love to be the winner of this cute collection. Hope you all have some beautiful weather to enjoy this week as we do in VA!


Mammy said...

Beautiful! I'd love to win!

richly blessed said...

Too, too cute!! Thanks for the wonderful giveway.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How cute! I just love perfect for Spring! Thank you! I'm off to look at your blog! Hugs! ♥

Bonnie Bee said...

what treasures you are gifting..thx for the chance

Melissa Jo said...

adorable giveaway....I love bunnies!!! Bless you!

Janet said...

Hi Kristen LOVE this giveaway and the colors match my kitchen and family room. I just became a follower.

Jeanette said...

How adorable! I would be only to honored to have another one of your creations!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being so generous
with your giveaway!
I love your frames.

Shelley@1510farmhousefancy said...

I would love to win this!! The frame would be perfect anywhere in my house and the bunnies are adorable!!!

Cathy said...

What a generous person you are! I would love to win the bunny goodies and of course your frame. I have purchased several of them and would love another!
The best to you and yours.

Sue said...

Kristen, Would lov e to win your cute spring bunnies and beautiful frame. You are one talented lady. I came from Melissa's Heart and Home.

Unknown said...

Love the bunnies - love your site - would love to win! Nancy Packard

Unknown said...

Love the bunnies, love your site, would love to win them! Nancy Packard

melissa said...

I love your blog!! I am amazed by your decorative touch! I love the arrangements you create and I would be thrilled to win the Spring Giveaway!!

Suzann said...

Popping over from Melissa's blog and I'm glad I did. This is a wonderful giveaway - please include me. Your blog is lovely.

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

So adorable! I'd love to win. I'm a follower/friend.

Unknown said...

Awww... so cute. I was born on Easter so bunnies are all over my house- not in a creepy way ;)

Gena said...

Love your blog! Love bunnies!

"Blossom" said...

Kristen what a lovely giveaway just in time for spring and easter.

BrushedByAnAngel said...

Such a sweet giveaway. I have loved your frames since the first time I saw them on Melissa's blog. They are very pretty.

Designs on 47th Street said...

Hey Kristen! Such a very fun giveaway! Please enter my name. Love that ribbon on the frame. :)

Diane said...

WOW... what a great giveaway Ÿ I ♥ everything, especially the frame. I hope this great stuff comes to me where it will have a happy home in Louisiana Ãœ

Rosann said...

Wonderful giveaway, thanks Kristen.

Anonymous said...

I love your new Easter items you are giving away. I would love to win them

Renee said...

I would love to win

Trisha said...

What a wonderful giveaway-I love the colors and the rabbits! I am a new follower and so glad to have found you!


Wendy said...

I love your bunny giveaway! Many bunnies come out to play in our home at Easter - but there is always room for more!

Wendy said...

I also mentioned your giveaway on my teeny-weenie little blog! Fingers crossed!!!

amonaghan said...

Love you frames....AND all the fab-U-lous ribbon!!

amonaghan said...

Love your frames and all the FAB-U-lous ribbon!!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Would it be terrible to say that I want to win this!! Really...I need one of your frames. like in school...I am jumping up and down....pick me, pick me!!!!

Terra said...

Hi, this is my first visit here and I came over when Teresa mentioned you.
Please enter me for a chance to win, since the bunnies are so CUTE.

Unknown said...


I love your blog. I only found it recently around Christmas time. I loved looking at the Christmas decorations. I've used a lot of your ideas for inspiration. In fact, I'm on my way to purchase items for a similar Easter wreath. Thanks for taking the time to produce the tutorials. Those are my favorite.


Kim said...

Count me in!!! Hey Kristen - great giveaway girl. I hope I win!!

Deb Lee said...

Your creations are always so pretty! I would love to have them!

Anita said...

Hi Kristen I would love to win. Thank you!!

dctm said...

I love your blog and would love to win!

Christie C
dctm at bellsouth dot net

debbies said...

As someone who has several of your beautiful creations, I would love to win this! I also officially became a follower today.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Kristen...I love this! We are moving April 1 and I hope I win...need this for my new kitchen! Nancy

Donna said...

Adorable! I love bunnies and these items are the cutest!

Donna said...

I have your giveaway posted on my sidebar!

Christine said...

woo pig sooie

Life's Littlest Blessings said...

love your stuff and I follow you

Mind Movies Review said...

These are so cute!

MamaHen said...

How cute! Please enter me!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com

Connie the crafterbug said...

This is such a beautiful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I love the your style girl! Id love to win this even more! Thanks for the chance :)

Laura said...

I just love your posts..I love your wreaths..That's how I found you!

Erin said...

Oh Kristen...these are so cute. I love bunnies and a few more for my collection would be wonderful. I love your work. Thanks for letting me share...

Unknown said...

Kristen, your frames are fabulous. I love all the bling that you put on the bows. Hope I win!

Unknown said...

Kristen, I love your frames. They are so fabulous. I would love to win that frame.

Doce Encanto said...

Moro no Brasil e acompanho o blog.Gostaria de participar.Abraços

L said...

Such a generous giveaway, Kristen!

have a wonderful weekend~ L

Roz | La Bella Vita Cucina said...

I came over to your blog from my dear blogging friend Melissa at her Heart and Home blog. I will throw my name and hat into the drawing for your lovely, spring-y, bunnycreative items. I never seem to win anything, but will try anyway! Now following and checking out your shop! PLease do consider stopping by my blog someday, possibly sharing a post if you like on my weekend blog get-together. Thanks! Happy SPRING!!!!!!

At Home With Michelle said...

really love the blog, I am a new follower, and just love what you have selected to giveaway, thanks for the chance to win:)

Lynda said...

What a great giveaway!! Please add my name to the draw! Thanks, Kristen!!

9405018--Pat said...

Kristen, what a wonderful giveaway...i would love to win....Thanks Pat H

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, and your craftiness!!

Girl with the Curlz said...

Such a cute giveaway. Count me in :)

Unknown said...

Hi Kristen, I read about your giveaway over at Debbie's Love the Decor. I love the items in your giveaway. I really love the frame and that ribbon was just the perfect touch to make it so special.

Thanks for letting me enter. I'm your newest follower and look forward to getting to know you.

Hugs...Tracy :)

P.S. I'm also having a giveaway for Purex Complete with Zout. I would love to have you come by and enter or just visit.

Have a great weekend!

Debb said...

How adorable ... would love to win this little package of goodies. Love you "new" kitchen, too. Thanks so much.

debbebennett at yahoo dot com

Beca said...

What a generous giveaway. Everything is adorable. I would love to have it. Thanks!

Katherines Corner said...

Oh this is lovely, count me in please!!

Tobe said...

Well, how cute are these?! I've never been to your blog before but love it already! I found it via BNOTP. I live in AR, too, and must say you are one creative the tutorial on the mesh wreath. I'm not creative, but may just give that a go myself.


Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway, I would love to win those bunnies. Lena

Peggy said...

Oh how cute! I am redoing my kitchen and the colors in the ribbon on your frame are exactly what I'm using! WOuld love to win!

Anonymous said...

love it!

marianne said...

love it!

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Can't wait to see how your island turns out - your "sneak peek" tells me it's going to be gorgeous. Thank you for the amazing giveaway opportunity!!

Jennifer said...

Would love to have another frame!! Yay!!

Connie said...

I would love to win this Kristen! Thanks for the chance.

Renee said...

I would love to win

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog but have enjoyed what I've read so far. I would love to be entered into your giveaway :)


Anonymous said...

Sweet creations. I would love to enter the giveaway.
Thanks so much!

Megan said...

Your putting me in the mood for spring. Such cute stuff!

La said...

Hi Kristen!

What a fun and generous giveaway. I'm a new follower.

Happy Spring! La

La said...

I added your giveaway to my sidebar.

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Hi Kristen! Late entry here! I would love a chance to win this giveaway for the cute bunny items and one of your beautiful frames. Please enter me too! Thanks for the giveaway and I just love how your kitchen looks with the new appliances and additional glaze on the cabinets. I cannot wait to see the green island too!

Anonymous said...

wow so nice I love your blog visit it a couple of time per week sometimes even more. thanks for the give away.
Bobbie In Tennessee

The Gilded Cherub said...

What an adorable give away, thank you so much for entering me for a chance to win. I am so happy I found your pretty blog I am also your newest follower. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

The Gilded Cherub

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

What a wonderful give away!
I am a new follower.
Love your blog!

Jeanne Gwin said...

Now isn't that just the cutest thing going today. I have the perfect table, a crocheted doily and a lamp that would just complete this little grouping. And it would be in my lavender bedroom which is my next redo as soon as sewing room is done. Thanks for a great op to win. I M JeanneG from The Learning Curve and I really want to win this.

Jeanne Gwin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeanne Gwin said...

I blogged your giveaway at The Learning Curve

Jeanne Gwin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeanne Gwin said...

I tweeted your giveaway @JeanneGwin

Blog The Learning Curve
Twitter @JeanneGwin

I M JeanneG Thanks

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

My photo
I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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The tip junkie featured my snowman mesh wreath!

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  • Hello, and Happy Valentine’s Day! I thought I’d share a couple of the Valentine’s I’ve made for my oldest granddaughter (the 5 year old). I used a couple...
    8 years ago
  • Hi there friends... Welcome back to this weeks Share Your Style Party!! ~~~~~ Our host this week is Kelly from The Essence of Home! Take it away Kelly! ...
    8 years ago
  • These closet doors are dreamy!!! *Dream Book Design *turned an unattractive closet door into something I want!!! Learn *how to build a barn door for a...
    8 years ago
  • This Miniature Pewter-Like Teapot with Lid that lifts and tilts is adorable at the height of just 1 1/2 inches tall, and matching teacup, saucer, and disp...
    9 years ago
  • *Hi! I have been decorating for Christmas this week and finished the piano so I wanted to share.This will be a short post, I am working hard to get my hous...
    9 years ago
  • I have been keeping a secret for a few months... and it has been hard not to give it away! Thank goodness I can finally tell you today!!! After 4 1/2 y...
    9 years ago
  • Hello Lovlies, You are cordially invited to join me at my new blog, Larkspur Interiors. WHEN: Now! WHERE: R.S.V.P.: Not necessa...
    10 years ago
  • It's Friday once again. Can you believe it? And it's time for another great house tour. Today we're snooping around Jenna's home at Rain On A Tin Roof. ...
    10 years ago
  • Projects, projects, do they ever end? lol There is always something to add to the list, isn't there? I had wanted to add bead board to the ends of our...
    11 years ago