The hardware is ordered! I read each comment and took everything into consideration...and by unanimous decision the vote was to go for it! There were some concerns though...fingers could get caught or poked, paint could chip off, and I might be constantly straightening them! (which could be true) I never knew there was so much to think about when ordering little ole knobs! lol...Thank you all for your helpful opinions and feedback. I really appreciate it!!
I am working on all kinds of stuff right now...probably too much! lol...I ordered these photo albums at market and they recently came in. What I envisioned for them was nothing like how they turned out! Isn't that usually the way it is? Anyway, I am still experimenting, but I am really liking how they are turning out. I used beautiful ribbons and embellishments. Can you tell I am a ribbon junkie! I love coordinating's almost like coordinating fabrics. I have listed these in my Etsy store if you are interested. Also, if you would like a different letter let me know and can switch it out if I have the letter in stock. More to come!!