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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Trip To Dallas!

Hey Guys! I hope your week is going well! I feel like I've been gone forever! lol...We stayed in Dallas until yesterday, so I was there almost a week! As many of you know my friend Sherry has a house there so I stay with her and her husband...and two dogs,I mean three...I brought Sassy. I ride back and forth with them so I just go with the flow! Sherry and I never have a boring moment though. There is plenty to do in Dallas!

I mentioned in my last post that we were meeting a blogging friend. Well... it was Cathy from Mille Fleur ! What a sweet lady!! Sherry and I enjoyed eating and talking with her at a wonderful Italian restaurant. Would you believe we were there for over four hours!!...I think they closed at 10:00, but we were there until! Ooops! We were just having too much fun! We talked about everything including how much fun we have blogging and how you meet some of the sweetest people! We plan to meet Cathy again soon!

One of the main reasons I went to Dallas was to go to the big January market. I've gone every year for the past 13 years. When Sherry owned the interior shop we would go to buy all of our Christmas items for the next year. It was alot of work! This year I wanted to go to find frames, ribbon, embellishments, and spring items to sell online and customers around here. Sherry also has some clients she is helping...still work, but not as much pressure as it used to be! Thank goodness! lol..
For some reason I always forget to take pictures at market until the last I guess I'm too distracted by all of the pretty stuff! I noticed that butterflies are everywhere!
These mirrored framed butterflies caught my eye!
More butterflies and interesting pillows...I've been seeing alot of those too.

Cute garden stuff! Easter will be here before we know it!

Birds are everywhere too. I love anything with a bird on it! Cute chair too...

Colorful dinnerware...

I think I took this pic because I liked the candles. They are really dressed up with bling!
This showroom is amazing! My fireplace screen came from's discontinued though. There is just so much to see at's overwhelming!

And just look at all of these embellishments!!! Oh my! This isn't even half of what I bought. I have ribbon, frames, photo albums and spring items coming in soon. Looks like I will be busy!!
Look for new items in my Etsy store soon...
Have a great rest of the week!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm In Dallas!

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I'll be in Dallas for the next three (maybe four)days. Market is going on and I wanted to get down here so I wouldn't miss out on anything!! lol...I am searching for spring items, ribbon, embellishments for the frames, etc....who knows what I will find! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures! Sherry and I are also meeting a special blogger friend so we are very excited! Talk to you soon! Have a great weekend!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

~~Etsy Store Items And A Few New Things~~

Hey guys! I hope you are having a great start to your week! Today was like a weekend day for us. Martin Luther King day meant no school for Chase and no work for Kevin. He works for the city so he gets lots of holidays off. We had a house full of boys's a good thing we have this computer/t.v. room. I don't know what we would do without it.... and Kevin just THOUGHT it was his room! HA! Anyways, I was a little productive today...made some frames, cleaned the house (sort of) and cleaned out my was HORRIBLE! I've noticed I let things go more in the's too cold and besides the light doesn't shine in as much so you can't see the dirt!! LOL!! I need to take after Melissa...she keeps everything so clean and organized! If you have not visited her blog you definitely should!
Here are some frames I recently listed in my Etsy Store
The ribbons on this frame are just beautiful! Love the touch of zebra really makes this frame pop!

I have a thing for butterflies...
The jewelled ribbon is gorgeous!!!

This picture does not do this frame justice. The ribbon looks a little pink but is not at is beautiful!

All of the ribbons on this frame are luxurious!!

If you are looking for something elegant and neutral then this one is for you!

This frame is full of rich colored ribbons...
More butterflies....LOVE!

I only have one cross tassel listed right now. I will definitely be making more. I will also be making more rooster tassels too. I will say though... I don't have a whole lot left!!

In my last post I mentioned I was looking for a chair for my workroom. Well, I found one at T.J. Maxx for $30! It had some scratches on it, but nothing major. I looked it over really good in the store and did not find anything else wrong. However, when I got home and turned it over I noticed a crack underneath the chair. (I'm sure that's why it was $30) Anyways, it is still sturdy (as long as I don't gain weight) so I decided to keep it and go ahead and recover the bottom with a colorful plaid I have had in my closet for 6 years!!
It turned out really cute! Next project is the piano bench. I accidentally got hot glue all over it. I have always liked these miniature green houses (terrariums). I was walking through Wal-mart yesterday and spotted this one for $20. I am going to put something live in it, any suggestions? The little plant beside it is real and is doing well...I usually don't have much luck with real plants, but thought I would give some a try.
I showed you my table the other day, but found some really cute napkin rings at Pier 1. Love the little jewel in the center of the flower.
I do have a few changes coming to my kitchen soon. I will be anxious to show you when they arrive!!
Have a great week!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's A New Year And It's Time To Get My Rear In Gear!!!

Hey guys!!! I hope you are all doing well! I know it's been a while since my last fact it's been WAAAAY to long! I didn't mean to wait so long...I'll have to be honest though...after Christmas and New Years I sort of lost my creativity and drive. If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know it comes and I have also had a heck of a cold the last four days and I'm a baby when it comes to not feeling good. Anyway...enough excuses!! It's time to get things done around here! My rear is in gear!! lol...
I did manage to get my house back in order after I got all the Christmas stuff put up. It took a while though and my Christmas stuff is still in the garage. When I start putting my everyday stuff back out I always want something new! I was in Hobby Lobby last week and the black canisters with the fruit really caught my eye! They were half price so I had to have them. They look pretty good with Mr. Polk a dot roo.
I set my table with the black rooster plates and redid the orchid arrangement.

My living room stayed like this for quite a while! lol...Finally I decided to get things back in order. Oh my!

Much better...

I got my little workroom back in order too. I'm telling you...I would open the door and just shut it! It was a disaster and I was so overwhelmed I didn't know where to start! I can finally work again! Yay! I don't want to show you the whole room's still a work in progress. I don't even have a chair yet...I keep having to pull up the piano bench. Looking for a chair...

At least I can see my ribbon now!
Now I have no excuses not to work! lol...I will be listing several new items in my Etsy store over the next few days. If you are interested please check back!

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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