Hey Guys! Thank you all for entering my gingerbread giveaway! Oh how I wish I could send each one of you something! Now for the winner...
It's Cathy from Cathy's World ...Congratulations!!
I will e-mail you for your address.
Also, thank you for your nice comments on the house I just decorated. That house really is something!
Ok, I wasn't going to do a post on how to decorate a tree because I know alot of you know how . But...some of you have asked questions about the mesh. At what point do you put it on the tree? Also you have asked about the tree topper. I did a post on how to make one last year, but thought I would show you this year too since I changed it up a little.
This is what we brought out of the attic! Oh my!! Last year it was cold and we just threw everything up there. I didn't care then, just wanted it GONE! But when we went to get everything out it was a different story...lol. What a mess! As you can see I even left the topper on from last year =0 Look at all of the lights and mesh just hanging off!

Finally got the lights strung back on! Whew!
Ok...I took the old topper off and made a new bow out of three different ribbons for the top. If you would like to know how to make a bow click
here . Attach the bow to the top of the tree using wire or chenille stems. If you don't have those available use a twisty tie! I usually make the tree topper first so I can work down from the top of the tree.

After the bow is made, start sticking the fun stuff all around the bow down into the tree.

Eventually you will end up with something like this! An Explosion is what my friend Sheila
calls it. Check out her post
here...she has a very creative way of doing a tree topper. She is very clever!

If you are using the mesh this will definitely be your next step. Weave the mesh in and out of the tree winding a branch around it here and there. The mesh is a little bit hard to work with. It catches on things and is
alot wider that it looks in the tree. Next you will want to add some of your bigger ornaments inside the tree to fill holes. I use
alot of glitter balls, they are cheap and really sparkle! Click to enlarge.

Next you will hang your ornaments! Last you can pull some things out of the tree. I love to pull out berries, holly, glittered balls, etc. Whatever you like...my tree is in a corner so I have to keep it more compact. There you have it! Done!! Let me know if you have any questions.

I finished decorating my house today...finally!! Now I have to clean up all of that glitter! Look for a post very soon... Have a great weekend!!

Your tree topper!!! WOW!! You are so amazingly creative. It look wonderful!!
Congrats to Cathy..... !!!
I usually put my kitchen tree in a large basket!!! I'll show in few days...tomorrow is going to be. Xmas Tree Day!!! Happy Saturday, Flavia
Kisten, you create the most beautiful tree! I can't wait to see more of your holiday decor.
Congrats Cathy on winning!
Kristen, how beautiful! You really can decorate a tree. I've never been able to make ribbon look pretty wrapped around a tree like this. Thank you, for mentioning me!! :) Your topper is so cute! I love this stuff.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Thank you SO Much for doing this, I wanted step by step instructions and you have shared them :) I have my tree up now and I think what's missing is the mesh and more toys, that's why I don't get that 'full' look. so I will have to bookmark your page for next year, but I'm definitely going to try the mesh and the topper. Thanks Kristen.
I love reading your "how to" even though I have a bow and topper tutorial on my sidebar. We can always learn new things. I actually bought the mesh for my tree this year and ended up using it on my library tables instead...it was perfect for them too. I love your topper...I like them a bit wild and crazy!
Giveaway on my blog right now...cookies!
I love this style of tree. Elegant and special. You really do a great job.
Congrats to the winner!
I love the explosion!!
I have never been so covered in glitter...We have been through 220 rolls of mesh.....and it has cover many sins...
Love your HOW TO......I get ask that question so often...
Very fun
I just did a mini "How to"decorate a tree too
Congrats to Cathy! =)
WOW, WOW, WOW!! Kristen, what a beautiful tree. I am in love with the tree topper. I've done mine very similar, but yours looks WAYYYYY better. Thank you for showing us how to create a gorgeous tree. You are always so inspiring, thank you! ((Hugs)) ~Liz
What a gorgeous tree! Thanks so much for sharing the how-to's of tree decorating. With your excellent instructions, I think I might actually be able to do this. :)
Your tree looks gorgeous, Kristen!!! Your topper is beautiful too! Did you know I have a BLOG now!!!!!!!!!???? PLEASE come on over and visit me and maybe FOLLOW me too!!!! I would be so happy, I am so new to this! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky
Thank you Kristen... I will think of you every year that I use them.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Kristen it all looks gorgeous! I am really wanting to add the mesh next year. Thank you for showing us the how to. Love it!
I love your tree topper!! What a great way to finish off the tree.
Love your style of decorating! First saw you on Rate My Space, glad I found you again.
absolutely beautiful!!! I think the mesh is so pretty, but I am not sure exactly how to put it on the tree...
I LOVE doing "wild" tree toppers myself. Yours looks fabulous ... are you pooped from decorating others' houses yet? I look forward to seeing more pics of your gorgeous holiday home. Becca
gorgeous as always! Kathie Lee and Hoda had a guest just yesterday that shared how to clean up glitter....play-doh!!! how genious
I came across your blog and I'm glad about that.
You have a beautiful home that is beautifully decorated. I enjoyed watching and reading. With great satisfaction and will continue to monitor this wonderful and creative blog. Best regards and a kiss, Zondra Art
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