Yay! It's done!! We are so excited about our little garden. It turned out great considering it's built on a hill...I was having some doubt, but hubby was right, he knew what he was doing! We planted tomatoes, okra, squash, zucchini, hot peppers, and bell peppers. We left space for some broccoli,but we haven't found any yet. Broccoli is Chase's favorite veggie!
Hubby found a program online called growveg.com that let's you plan out your garden according to the square footage. It really helped to know how many plants you can fit and how far apart to space each one.

Here is when we started...

Hubby placed the first boards and lined the sides with plastic to prevent wood rot and hold in the moisture.

He did most of the work, and he said measuring and digging was the hardest part. After that is was just a matter of nailing all of the landscaping boards together.

when it was all done, he reloaded most of the dirt and mixed it with a truckload of compost. We also bought Miracle Grow Shake n Feed and mixed it in. After it was all done, it needed a little something to dress it up...wooden finials! Yes, even a garden needs to be decorated a little!!
Now we can enjoy fresh veggies all summer long! I will be updating pictures when everything starts to grow. The cost of this garden was about $140. That included the wood, nails, finials, compost and plants...everything. Not bad! Oh...and it measures 4x16.

Thanks for your visit!! Have a great weekend!