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Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Frames Just Listed In My Etsy Store!

Hey Guys! I just wanted to tell you that I have listed several new frames in my Etsy store and will be listing more. I have recently been selling them here on my blog, but decided it might be easier to list them and you can purchase them from there. However, you can e-mail me if you would like a custom frame or if you would rather send a check. Here are some examples of what you will find in my store...

"Santa's on his way frame"
This frame is done in a 3d manner and is embellished with lots of pretty ribbons and jingle bells in the bow. It has a beautiful sleigh inside the glass and reads Santa's on his way" in red glittered letters. It is so fun and whimsical! I usually put one in my bookcase, but these would look great almost anywhere and would make a unique gift!
"Christmas Tree Noel Frame"
This frame is also done in a 3d manner with a glittered "Noel" behind the glass and a rhinestone tree in the middle of the bow. I love using several different ribbons!
"Embroidered Ribbon Frame"
This is my first year to make these type of frames for Christmas. You can put your own photo in them. This one is very elegant! The ribbon is embroiderd and is some of the prettiest I've seen.
"Elegant Butterfly Frame"
I have sold several of these frames recently personalized with an initial. The ribbon I am using is very good quality and is absolutely gorgeous! I am very picky and only want to use the best! The gold butterfly is so pretty too.

"Elegant Bee Frame"
This frame can also be personalized with an initial of your choice or can be left empty for your own photo. I love the blacks and golds together!

Please visit my Etsy store located on the left hand side right under my profile to see these frames and many more. You can click on any of the photos and it will take you directly to my store. Thanks for your visit!!


squawmama said...

Very nice Kristen... I'll keep them in mind. How is your honey doing? I have thought about you guys a lot. Have a super day!


Designs on 47th Street said...

Hi Kristen,
I have admired your frames for a long time. I really should make a decision on which one I LOVE the most and order one for myself and one or so for a gift. They are so professional looking...just lovely.

I saw a comment you left on someone's blog that your husband got the good news y'all were hoping to hear! Thank the good Lord! I am so happy and know you are both relieved and thankful at the same time!! Hugs for yor, dear Kristen and your hubby!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

They're all beautiful, Kristen!

Sandy said...

Oh my gosh! SO stinkin adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful~ and do you have to torture me! ha!

Anonymous said...

I just love them ALL! You really have a knack for gorgeous and unique things! They are now on my wish list!

Melissa Miller said...

Thank you so much for making such beautiful items for us Kristen!
I am excited to be getting my new frames soon. It will inspire my Christmas decorating to start for sure!

Have a great week. ~Melissa :)

Lori @ Dining Delight said...

I have been a long time admirer of your frames and would love to get one. I see you do not take "international orders" though and I live in Canada. That probably makes the shipping charges pretty high as well as the exchange rate. Keep up the good work, your designs are fabulous!


Simply LKJ said...

They are all so beautiful! Will have to check out your etsy store.

Home is My Sanctuary said...

Kristen, I don't know if you remember me or not but I contacted you last year about your peppermint candleholder on HGTV's RMS. I made 2 of them and posted them on RMS. I too am Arkansas and have a question for you. I am considering trying to decorate homes for Christmas (mine is not enough, ha!) and have no clue where to start. I have already had one of my mom's friends ask me how much I would charge to do her tree and I haven't a clue. I would appreciate all the help I can get. I am working on starting a blog of my own in a few weeks. However, with working full time and then homeschooling my 10th grade son in the evenings, I don't have as much time as I would like. Thanks! Paula

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, they are so pretty. You are so talented. I don't think you ever saw the post I did where I showed the pretty "fall" 3d I bought from you. I love it! laurie

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kristen,
Your frames are as cute as can be. I love all of them. I have wanted one for a long time. I will have to take the time to pick one out when all my family leaves.
Having fun with them and making memories. Not much time till next week.
Have a good day!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...


I love the new holiday dress for your pretty!!! The frames are gorgeous!!!

I am going to e-mail you about one I would like you to make for me.

Chat with you soon!!!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi Kristen...your frames are just so beautiful! As soon as I can I will stop by your Etsy store and tip toe through everything. I might pick up one or two! I just love the reds you use in creating your frames. The ones with the touch of animal print might be my favorites! Also...I am so glad you had good news about your husband. What a stressful time the must of been. Time now to create...and be inspired! Hugs!

Lynette said...

Kristen - I have no idea how she does it! Her things were so pretty and full and had so many different flowers and reeds and I don't know what all else to call them. And, the ribbons, wowser!

It takes her and her two daughters 3 vans to get everything there and only 1 van when its over!

Thanks for the house thoughts - this has just been the longest exhausting few weeks and I haven't even really started the hard part yet! ;-)

Melissa Miller said...

Thank you for mailing out my friemes Kristen! I'm excited!

Thanks for your kind words on my weight loss too. I really do feel better. I was surprised at the difference.

See you sson! ~Melissa :)

Melissa Miller said...

My goodness sorry about all of my typos. Yikes!

GiGi said...

These frames are GORGEOUS!!!! You rock

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kristen! How beautiful! These frames are so lovely! You're so good at this and I just love how you put the perfect little embellishment on the bows!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen,

You're turning me into a frame addict. I just visited your etsy store and purchased another frame. You do such beautiful work!


الوسام said...

شركة الوسام لخدمات التنظيف
المشي في المنزل وهو نظيف ومريح هو شعور رائع. ومنذ عشرات السنين أصبحت شركة تنظيف بالرياض الاسم الأكثر ثقة في خدمات تنظيف المنزل، فلقد صرنا الخيار الأول لكل من نحن يرغب في أن يعيش في بيئة نظيفة خالية من كل الملوثات والأوساخ دون أن يبذل أحدهم جهد أو يضيع ذرة من وقته لأن عومل الراحة والأمان أكثر مما يتوقعها الجميع، فنحن نتسم بالمرونة التي هي شرط اساسي للتعامل مع رغبات عملائنا في الرياض من أجل تحقيق طلباتهم ورغباتهم كما يريدون تمامًا ليحصلون على بيت نظيف على طريقتهم الخاصة وذلك لأننا نعتمد على طريقة تنظيف اجتازت اختبار الزمن وأثبتت فعاليتها في تحقيق رضا واستحسان العميل:
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نحن نعمل معكم من اجل خلق خطة التنظيف الخاصة جدا، ومن أجل متابعتها في كل مرة. فقبل أن ينضم إلى عائلة شركة تنظيف بالرياض عامل تنظيف جديد فإنه يتم تدريبه جيدًا على يد خبراء متخصصين في مجال التنظيف ليصبح خبيرا في خدمات التنظيف بشكل مفصل، ​​وأكثر ما نحرص عليه في عمال التنظيف الذين ندربهم من أجل اكتساب خبرات تنظيف متعددة هو أن يكونوا على خلق وحس واعي للتعامل بأمان وبأسلوب حسن مع عملائنا الكرام.
مع خدمات التنظيف التي نقدمها لك بإمكانك الحصول على تنظيف الشقة، يمكنك الحصول على فاتورة ضريبة حسب رغبتك لأننا شركة مؤثقة ولا داعي للقلق حول المسؤولية والضرائب أو الإلغاء، فريق عمل تنظيف الشقق سيصل دائما في شقتك أو الشقة التي تريد تنظيفها حسبما يتم تقرير موعد التنظيف الخاص بك وفقًا لمواعيدك المتوفرى مع خطة التنظيف الخاصة بك التي الفخر والتميز بمنزلك وأجوائه.
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خدمات التنظيف التي نتقنها جيدًا لمختلف المباني السكنية كالمنازل والشقق والفلل والقصور دائمًا يمكنك الحصول عليها للشقة أو المسكن الخاص بك بحيث يمكنك الاعتماد علينا لتنظيفه كل أسبوع، أسبوعيا، أو كل أسبوع وأسبوع، أو مرة واحدة في الشهر، اختار ما يناسبك فقط لتنظيف مسكنك كلما تريد.

الوسام said...

ونعم، نحن جاهزون لتقديم أفضل خدمة تنظيف بأرخص سعر للمستأجرين الذين يريدون تنظيف عميق لمسكنهم الذي أستاجروه في نهاية عقد الإيجار الخاص بهم من أجل الحصول على مبلغ التأمين الخاص بك مرة أخرى دون أن يستغل صاحب السكن وضع السكن الغير نظيف ويخصم لك الكثير من قيمة التأمين.
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غسيل سجاد بالرياض
للبدء في أعمال التنظيف، فقط اتصل بشركة تنظيف بالرياض-خادمة أو قم بإرسال رسالة على البريد الإلكتروني لجدولة خدمة التنظيف التي تريدها بشكل مجاني مجانية بحيث يتم تحويلك مباشرة إلى خدمة العملاء التي تتواصل معك لتحصل على خدمة التنظيف التي تريدها وفي الوقت المطلوب دون أبدا أي التزام من جانبك.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

My photo
I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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