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Thursday, August 27, 2009


Cock-a-doodle-doo! It's time to show off those roosters! Thanks to Barb at Bella Vista for hosting this fun party! Please pay her a visit, she has a wonderful blog and is featuring some beautiful roosters.

I made this arrangement when we moved in about 5 yrs. ago. It has evolved a bit over the years and I recently added rabbits for the spring and summer months, but Mr. Rooster is glad to be back!

He sits on my island and can be seen all around.

His mate is in the cabinent....

But she keeps an eye on him,lol... My favorite plate...

I hope you enjoyed the little rooster tour. I don't have alot of roosters, but I enjoy the ones I have! I'm currently looking for some small roosters to make arrangements to sell here on my blog. As soon as I find just the right ones, I will post them. I will also have some frames for sale soon too, since fall is coming I'm finally getting motivated! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


squawmama said...

Hey Kristen, I just loved your Rooster Centerpiece... How cute is he and his lovely lady friend... Also the plate is beautiful. I loved it! Have fun and enjoy your day.


Sharing with Sherri said...

Hi Kristen,

I LOVE your arrangement!! I loved it with the rabbit when you had on your blog heading! Now it looks just as cute with a rooster!!

Love the decorative plate, and your home is so pretty too!!

Thanks for the peek! I hope you'll come visit me sometime!


Risa said...

So cute! I didn't find out about the rooster deal until today. :-( I have a rooster that would have loved to make his debut. Oh well...

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I LOVE all of your fabulous roosters, they are just wonderful. Your plate is so beautiful and I love the one in the floral arrangement. They all are gorgeous and so beautifully displayed. Hugs, Marty

Four Paws and Co said...

I love that centerpiece & drool over it everytime I see it! Love your roosters! I don't have any & I'm afraid to buy one because I know it'll multiply if I bring one home! ☺ Diane

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Just beautiful there nothing you can't very talented woman...Loved seeing this...Thanks and may you have a GREAT weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Melissa Miller said...

Hello Kristen,
Oh your roosters are soooo pretty! I just love your plate! It is so elegant and lovely in your kitchen.

I'm not sure I realized you had a decorative tile inlay above your stove? ~WOW! That is so stunning.
I would love to see more close up pics of it one day soon.

I'm so ready to pull out my Fall stuff including your swag. Yay!
I'm holding off until the 1st though. It's just blazing HOT here right now.

I'll email you in a few weeks about the frame for my soon to be nephew. Thanks for offering to mail it directly to my sis. That will help me out alot. I definitely appreciate that very much.

Have a great weekend,
~Melissa :)

Bearly Sane said...

Your collection may be small but the quality is the centrepiece and the plate.
Sandi My Roosters Party On

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

That big guy in your centerpiece is a wonderful fellow. I like your plate and how you display it on your counter.

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

I LOVE that rooster centerpiece you made - it's just fabulous! Everything is beautifully displayed!


Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Kristen~ Your rooster arrangement is beautiful!!! It is the perfect accent for you kitchen island!!! I love that he is showing off for his partner in the cabinet...too cute;)!!!

What a wonderful is so unique and lovely!!! Another perfect touch!!!

I can't wait to see the arrangements you make for your shop...I hope I am first in line!!!

I hope all is well with you and your darling family!!!

Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

Lovely roosters. That centerpiece arrangement is beautiful!

"Blossom" said...

The center piece rooster is stunning. I just love that rooster plate.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kristen, what a beautiful collection of roosters. I spotted the plate similar to mine. Don't you just love it? hugs ~lynne~

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Kristen: I knew you would have something gorgeous and you did! I LOVE that arrangment and admire it over and over!! Love the plate too!

Lou Cinda

Barb said...

Hi Kristen, what a lovely arrangement. You are the talented one, for sure! Your roosters look so welcoming....just adore them.

Thank you for sharing with us and joining the party!!

Barb :-)

Cindy said...

Gorgeous island rooster! Love your beautiful style :)I'll be back to see your other treasures.
I am having a rooster giveaway at
Hope you can stop by~Hugs, Cindy
Blessings on your day!

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kristen,
I don't have that many either and didn't participate today. Yours are beautiful and I love the colors. Your plate is very pretty and looks great on your counter.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Kristen,
Love your rooster centerpiece. Like your plate too! You have such a lovely home. Happy Rooster Day!


Denise said...

I wanted to click on your photos to see up close, but it won't let me :-/
Love your rooster arrangement. I've never had them in my kitchen (hubby isn't keen on them) but I always love to see them in other homes.
Hope you have a great weekend Kristen.

Susie Q said...

Your centerpiece is just beautiful! he and his lovely lady are just wonderful!Thanks for the peek and I LOVED meeting you and visiting your blog! I will be back!

Heartfelt living said...

Hi Kristen,
What a beautiful kitchen you have. I just love your centerpiece. The rooster looks so grand sitting there!
Love, love the plate very so elegent.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lynette said...

Your centerpiece has always been gorg to me - love it!!

Glad your getting your creative mojo back!!

Happy Weekend -

~Kristen~ said...

Kristen, your home is so beautiful! I love seeing your pics!

Signing Out said...

I love that rooster arrangement! The plate is so pretty, too. You have a lovely home!

Happy Rooster Party!


JKW said...

I love the way you have shown your decor with the roosters. Umm, I took a look at some other rooms, Master Bathroom - Awesome and Pool Table in Living Room DOUBLE AWESOME. I told my daughter that's what we are doing with our next place. Blessings, Janet

Lisa said...

The rooster floral arrangement on your island is gorgeous! Is that your handi-work? It's beautiful!

Tracy said...

Hi Kristen! Love the roosters girl!!! I'm still drooling over your aunt's house by the way!
Have a great weekend!

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Kristen! Love your roosters, and how one is keeping an eye on the other!! Your arrangement is BEAUTIFUL, and I'd LOVE to see the new arrangements you mention that you'll be selling! Hope you're enjoying all the rooster festivities today, and that you have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Love your Rooster centerpiece. Great Rooster Party!

Irma :)

Lara Harris said...

Beautiful blog!I love your rooster plate!:)

Barb said...

Hi Kristen,

Love, love, love your rooster arrangement. Your house is just beautiful.


Rhondi said...

Hi Kristen
Sorry I'm late for the party!! I love your arrangement with the rooster. It's fabulous!

Tootsie said...

love em!!! I am almost tempted to start collecting roosters!!! You should head to my thursday post and enter the rooster mug giveaway I am doing!

Ms. Bake-it said...

Hello Kristen,

I absolutely love the centerpiece and the plate.

~ Tracy

Lady Katherine said...

I love the rooster in the flowers! He looks like he ready to find the apple!

juls4real said...

Nice rooster collection and a very cute dog.


Doris Sturm said...

Very beautiful roosters and a very lovely blog.

gin said...

your rooster centerpiece is gorgeous. and I'm a sucker for rooster plates. beautiful post,

Jan said...

Hi Kristen, I love both of your rooster pieces. I can't pick one that I like the most. I love the idea that you might be selling some rooster arrangements. I would love to purchase one!


Tim said...

I just love seeing pics of your home, sooo beautiful!

Love and Prayers,


Jean Tuthill said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog on Rooster Day and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you'll come back soon. I'll be having my 100th post Giveaway soon, so check in often.
Rooster Day was fun and I enjoyed seeing yours.

Unknown said...


Really great looking roosters, and look how you set them up! The pieces are featured beautifully as they are. You don't need too many roosters.


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Kristen, I love your rooster arrangement. He looks as happy as can be on your counter top. I can't wait to see what projects you are up too.
Hugs, Terrie

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Your roosters are wonderful! Using Scarlet's words..."I was pea green"! LOL! Hugs!!!

Miss Janice said...

Oh my gosh...your rooster centerpiece is just beautiful. Love all your rooster loot!

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Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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