Hi Guys! I'm still here....I've been meaning to get this post up! I know I said I would be posting more often....I've really been meaning too....it's just that things are pretty boring around here. Chase is out of school and we pretty much just stay around the house. I haven't been feeling very creative either. I guess it's just this lazy summer weather. I'll come out of this little slump soon though, so just stick with me! I'm missing you guys!
On with the post...I'm joining Tootsie's Ferilizer Friday. This is my parent's beautiful deck. They have an amazing view! I planted the flowers about 3 weeks ago. They are looking so pretty....

My mom read that wet sand attracts butterflies. I need to ask her if it's working...

The flowers hanging on the deck rail are called pentas. They also attract butterflies and humming birds. And that's a butterfly box beside them. She is really into butterflies...

Butterfly bush....

These are looking really pretty. I like to plant all kinds and colors of flowers and greenery in pots.