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Sunday, March 1, 2009

~Blue Monday~

Hi Guys! Welcome to my first "Blue Monday" hosted by Sally at I have just recently discovered her blog and will be visiting her often!

You guys know I have lots of red....well I have a little blue too. This is our 4th bedroom that we made into a piano room. It's tiny! My hubby's friend actually gave us the piano! I was so excited to get it, especially for free! Chase has taken piano for about 4 yrs. now and is really good. Although sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get him to practice. He has a great teacher and she is always very encouraging. I took piano for around 7 yrs. when I was a teen and just recently started playing a bit. Mostly "easy"stuff. lol! I don't like to practice either. Shhhh.....

I got 4 of the blue plates when I worked at the interior shop, but my mother-in-law gave me the one in the middle and at the top before she passed away. I miss her......

This room doesn't have alot of light, especially at night, but I tried to get a good shot of the lamp. My mom gave it to me when they moved.

I fell in love with this fabric almost 10 yrs. ago (oh my gosh I didn't realize it's been that long!) Well, I still like it! I also have a little sofa that matches on the other wall.

These pictures hang over the sofa, I would have taken a picture of it, but it needs a little super glue on the back. lol! But look how the pictures match the fabric! I've had those a while too.

That's most of my blue! I have a little more, but I'll save it for another post. Thanks for stopping by!!

You can now comment if you don't have a blog. I would love to hear from you!


Four Paws and Co said...

Kristen, I LOVE your blues! Actually I love everything in your house!!! ☺ Diane

Melissa Miller said...

Kristen your Blue plates are all just beautiful!

I have been inspired by so many bloggers hanging decorative plates on walls.

I love the look! :)

Fifi Flowers said...

Lovely touches of blue. And good for you... heading back to the piano! We have a piano... kids have taken lessons... recently we have put them aside... you are inspiring me to get them back to the piano!

Linda Q said...

Lovely room, I love yellow with blue, always so cheery!
My bedroom when a kid/teenager was bright yellow.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Kristen I love your BLUE...but that lamp is a special to have those plates..thanks for sharing...hope you have a great day girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

tam said...

What a nice room-perfect for practicing piano! Love the plates and the lamp too! Gosh and the fabric on that chair goes so well with the pictures. Fun blue Monday post ~Hope you have a good week Kristen~Tam!:D

Bo said...

Hi Kristen...oh how fun to see another beautiful room in your home! I love the way you arranged the plates on the wall. The entire room looks welcoming & relaxing.
;-) Bo

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I love the plates you have above the piano, they are just stunning. The fabric and pictures are lovely also. Great blues. Hugs, Marty

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kristen, I "love" your blue plates.. what a treasure to have the small one.. I adore your is wonderful. Thanks for swinging in and your words of encouragement about Mr. P..he seems to be doing a bit better now.. just a roller coaster ride we're going to be on from here on out.. Have a super Blue Monday my friend.. hugs ~lynne~

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

Hi Kristen,
Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! I, like you, don't have alot of blues in my home...I didn't think. But once you start taking pictures of things to post, I have found I have more then I realized. Anyway, I love your plates on your wall and that lamp from your parents is beautiful!

Jo said...

Your new header is so cute! I love the touches of blue you have in your piano room. The plates and lamp are my favorite ~ so pretty!

Have a great day,

Lori said...

I love your home! I think it is so beautiful!

I'm glad you told it like it was with the pimples! I was thinking I was the only one! I thought it was pretty funny! Your comment made my day...

SmilingSally said...

What a nicely decorated music room! I'm sure that you and your son enjoy it; it might even help you practice more. Those blue and white plates are a lovely collection. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

Stacey said...

Hi Kristen! I love your piano room. I think I remember seeing it before because...we have a son who needs a piano and the only place we could put it is in his bedroom. Seeing yours made me think that it could work. Great idea!

Wendy said...

I adore your blue plates over the piano! Your decorating is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
Warm regards,

A Hint of Home said...

I love your blue plates and how you have them arranged. I have some blue and yellow toile of my own. I just love the combo.
I see someone hopped on your piano to stay for Spring.

myroseretreat said...

Kristen, I love the blue and yellows together. It kind of has that French country feel. I'm trying to do that in our basement without much success! This gives me inspiration!

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Good morning Kristen! I love the new look of your blog! you know how i love bunnies!!! your plates are great! Your whole home is gorgeous! Thank your sharing! God Bless! Lauralu :)

Sweetie said...

I love the beautiful piano with the dishes above it. The dishes really look classy. I took lessons when I was a child also and started playing again about three years ago. Happy Blue Monday.

♥ Kathy said...

What pretty blues you have :) Happy Blue Monday!

Elaine said...

I noticed some of your pictures in your sidebar.....lots of red and I love it! Your blue post today was lovely too! What a nice use for your extra room...a piano room.
Elaine ;)

LADY JANE said...

Kristen,I love your piano room! The blue plates look perfect over your piano! I am a lover of red too....I am going to mark your lovely blog home and return! Happy Blue Monday!

Barb said...

Kristen, just completely lovely!!


Judi said...

Happy Blue Monday Kristen
Your blues are beautiful...I love how you have placed your plates. I think I'm going to have to copykat that but with pinks. Just lovely!

The chair is so comfy too..and the beautiful pictures. You have decorated your place sooo nicely.

Thank you for sharing.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Kristen...

Congrats on your very first "Blue Monday" post! Girl, I love your piano room and remember it so well from RMS...I still just ooogle and aaah all over it! hehe!

I love the blue and yellow together, it would be my next pick after the red & yellow that you have in much of your home! Your home is just are so very blessed!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your piano room and some of your "blues" with us...

Have a marvelous Monday, Sweetie!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kristen, You know I love the blue and white plates, as I have a ton! I want to thank you for mentioning me on your Thursday blog. I have always loved your home. The red pillows look great, I am so glad they worked. I love all of your floral arrangements, I use them too, but I'm not talented like you! I am going to visit your store. I also love your blog! Hugs, Connie

Lynette said...

Hi Kristen - Love your blue and white room and the plates on the wall are simply beautiful!!

I took piano for a couple of years and just hated it - all of it!! I am so not musically inclined at all.

Thanks for visiting and the well wishes today.

Wendy said...

Hi Kristen,
Thanks for coming by to visit. Yes, I think we are somewhat neighbors (within a few hours at least). I'm happy to share where I live with you but I'm not ready to post it publicly.
Warm regards,

Unknown said...

I love all your blues! Those plates are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen! I love your piano room and I'm so glad your son is learning to play. And you play too! Could that song by Floyd Crammer be "Last Date" by any chance! That was such a popular song by him many moons ago. I learned to play that too!
Love your yellow walls and those blue plates.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Missy Wertz said...

Not only do I love your plates, but I love the way you have them displayed. Beautiful blues.

Unknown said...

Welcome to Blue Monday! Your plates are beautiful and the way you have decorated your home is very inviting.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I love the room, the blue plates, the piano it's all very lovely! Cindy

Designs on 47th Street said...

Love those blue plates. you may have read some of my posts....I'm determined to bring a little blue into my house after hanging around blogland. There are so many pretty options. I do love that chair fabric and the matching pictures. They work really well together.

Thanks for your comps on my faux flower arrangement. Can't wait to see what you have to show us in the near future!!


Kim said...

Oh Kristen - I got my frame today and it is even more spectacular in person than in the picture!! I'm SO happy with it and SO grateful to you (for so many reasons - LOL!) I will take pictures of it and post it on my blog, with props to you, of course!
Love your blue - especially the dishes on the wall.

lvroftiques said...

Hi Kristen! Love your blues! And what a sweet room! I too had to take piano lessons when I was a kid.....And I hated them! So I forgot everything I ever learned...but I still have two pianos!...Go figure *winks* Vanna

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Kristen: I just love your blog and your arrangements are gorgeous! So inventive and such a great eye for detail! I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago and would love it if you would check it out when you have a chance. Have a Greay Day :)
Lou Cinda

Tomarie said...

I remember this room from RMS and love seeing it all over again!! Beautiful plate collection! Laura

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, your blues are just as pretty as everything else in your home. I love that fabric. I can't believe you picked it out that long ago, and it still looks great-timeless taste! laurie

Tim said...

Its so crazy, but my mom has a piano that looks just like that. Its probably the same company.

Love and Prayers,


Nancy Rosalina said...

Kristen, It is beautiful! I remember it from RMS! Nancy

Angie said...

Love the arrangement of plates and those 2 pictures! The room is beautiful!

Nicole ~ said...

Kristen, this room is so pretty. I love the contrast between the blue plates and the wall color. The lamp your mother gave you gorgeous!!

You have such a beautiful home.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love your blues. I have mostly reds in my house too, but I am adding blue. I love reds blues and greens...

Kristen said...

I love red and I also have a little blue (plates)...we are alike not just by name :-)
However yours look a lot prettier than mine ;)

lvroftiques said...

Kristen a chandelier would be sooo fabulous in here! I hope you find the perfect one! I love the little buggers I'll even hang them up without any electricity! And I've converted a couple of them to candle chandies....I need a 12 step program Lol! Vanna

Anonymous said...

love your plates. my mom collects blue pottery pieces, i love it when she brings them out in spring. also admiring your rabbit, i have several that size that i love it decorate with at easter.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am coming to visit your lovely blog more often...the piano music alone is so beautiful! Very relaxing. You play so beautifully.

Thanks for sharing

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Kristen,
Cheez-it chicken? That sounds really good.
You should post the recipe for this new Foodie Friday

I am so excited to get my newest frame! Alex like liked it too.
Thanks for making such pretty things.

Have a great night.
~Melissa :)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kristen, I'm so glad you popped in for a brownie.. they sure are tasty!! You know I love your header picture...:-)
hugs ~lynne~

kari and kijsa said...

What a beautiful blue party!!
kari & kijsa

Tracey said...

Super cute! I love blue and yellow!

Beautiful Blog....glad I stopped by!


kel said...

Pretty!! I love it!

Jenny said...

I just love your house!

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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