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Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm Back! Maui is Gorgeous!!!

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful week! I sure did! Ok.......We are selling everything we own and moving to Maui! LOL!! ;) It is absolutely beautiful!! The flowers, the ocean, the palm trees, it's all just gorgeous! We stayed at the Grand Wailea Resort and it was stunning. My dad is part owners of a food company here in our home town so it was partly business for him and my brother who also works for the company. My aunt, uncle, and cousins were there too. I have lots of pictures to show you!! The weather was very nice, a few clouds here and there, but lots of sun too. It stays around 76 to 82 degrees all year around.

This was one of the views off the balcony. I already miss sitting out there with my binoculars watching the whales splash around in the water. We snorkeled down by the rocks, it was awesome! The fish and coral reefs were incredible. We saw all colors of fish and sea creatures!

Another view of the mountains on the other side of the balcony.
The flowers and sculptures were beautiful inside the hotel.This was in the entyway.

The shops were incredible....but very expensive! I really wanted one of those glass jellyfish. If I read the tag right, I think that big jellyfish said $8000! Woah!! They really were stunning, click to enlarge.

This was all made of tile.

View from the balcony where we ate breakfast.

Inside the hotel, the top is all open.

When you drive up... this guy is there to greet you.

Inside the breakfast room.

My breakfast in the mornings. The fruit was absolutly delicious! So sweet! The thing in the middle of the plate that looks like raw chicken was some kind of fruit, it was so tasty!

This place had the most awesome slides and pools, it took a while to find our way around because it was so big.

Waterfalls were everywhere, there was a hot tub under this one.

Chase at the beach.

I guess this was a sea slug, wierd!

This was at the Luau..... me, Kevin, Chase, Daniel and Liberty.

Mom and Dad

Digging up the yummy pig!

The dancers were incredible!

Like I said, the flowers were beautiful!

Mom and I on the way to the Shops at Wailea. I bought candy and t-shirts. No glass jellyfish!!

Chase got a kick out of all the statues. Most of them were nude! lol


Chase and his cousin Morgan.

Ahhhh......the sunset, I'm gonna miss it! I absoultly love the ocean and beach, maybe someday we will get back there. I am so thankful we got to go on this fabulous trip!

We had a great time! Thanks again to mom and dad!!! Now.....I'm off to see what some of you guys have been up to!

I will have my Etsy store back up soon and will be making more frames!


Kristen said...

Wow I have never been there and I would love to go.
Your photos are amazing!
You guys look so tan and happy!

Glad you're back but I'd understand if you do move :-)

Sarah and Brad said... is so great to see pics of your mom and dad!! Brings back memories!

I agree...Maui is amazing!! The air is what I floral and breezy. We've been a few times...just went Thanksgiving 2008 (I was almost 4 mo prego w/ Kate). Abby and Ron said the same thing y'all did...that they were going to give it all up and head for Hawaii!!

So great to see all of the family pics...glad y'all had fun and made it back safely.

kel said...

I am so stinking jealous!!

Four Paws and Co said...

Welcome home! The pictures are so amazing and you guys look so tan and rested! I wouldn't have wanted to go home either.

Yikes but they were gorgeous glass jellyfish!

I'm having a giveaway, drop by for a visit when you have a chance! ♥

Debbie said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Loved the pictures. That is somewhere I plan to go one day. Thanks for sharing. Debbie

Gypsy aka Tam said...

Welcome back!!!
I knew you would love it. Your photos are just like the ones I have from my stay at the Grand Wailea - Paradise no doubt!
I'm glad it was all you'd dreammed of.
Have a great Monday,

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Welcome back! Gorgeous photos!

a place i would love to go to one day!


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Amazing pics, how beautiful. My hubby and I went to Oahu about 5 years ago and it was wonderful. We went to a lua that looked just like that one. Cindy

Raxx - A day in the life said...

The hotel looks fabulous!! I love water slides so much! lol!! at my age, right?

I enjoyed all of your pictures, everyone looks so happy, I can see you all had a wonderful time!

Dawn Marie said...

thank you for this tour! Really, because I will NEVER see it in person. And not because I couldnt afford it-(well maybe i cant) lol...but because I dont fly. Sooo for me-these photos are awesome. Those tiles are so stunning. I love the statues and beaches....all of it! What a great trip.

Lynda said...

How nice that you and your family had such a wonderful time! Your great photos make me want to go back. Did you get to do the Haleakala bike ride at sunrise? If not, you must put that on your 'to do' list for next time!

Good to see you back! I so enjoy looking at your blog and your lovely ribbon frames!

Nicole ~ said...

Welcome back, it looks like it was a great time for you all. The pictures were spectacular. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Lori said...

Welcome back!!! You were missed, but it seems like you had a great time... The pictures are great.. It seems like you all had a great time.
I'm sooooooo jealous! Glad you had fun..

Unknown said...

Isn't Hawaii wonderful? It's so easy to slip into that way of life....the breakfast buffet on the beach, watching sunsets....ahhh...paradise!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, this looks like it was a wonderful trip. Hawaii is beautiful and so is your family. So glad you had such a wonderful trip. Hard to get back to the real world, huh? laurie

Tardevil said...

Your vacation looks lovely...except for that slug thing! I hope you left him in Hawaii! :O) I hope you get to go back one day!

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Kristen! What a great adventure! Thanks for sharing! Years ago me and my DH got to go to Waikiki and we took a day trip to Maui to see the whales...pd. alot of money to go out on one of those boats and where were the whales!!!?? a mother whale and her baby were frolicking right near the shore where people were parked on the road watching! Not one came near our boat! Oh well! C'est la vie! I've entered the world of blogging so please stop by and say hi if you can! God Bless! Lauralu

~*~Leanne~*~ said...

Welcome back Kristen! Your trip looked heavenly! I can see why you want to pack up and live there. I wonder what living in paradise would be like? LOL
Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen! Oh, I'm so happy for you - what a trip you must have had! I've stayed right there where you were and know how lovely everything is! You're just so beautiful and look so happy! Woo hoo!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Wendy said...

Oh it is so beautiful. I love your pictures. Ijust recently discovered your blog and I love all your decorating ideas!

Melissa Miller said...

~Gorgeous and stunning!

I'm so happy you all had a wonderful time together.
The photos are amazing. :)

Risa said...

wow what great pics. Can I come along next time ;-) Thanks for sharing, they're beautiful.

Tim said...

Hawaii is our favorite place to vacation and we have been there 5 times. We stay at the Ritz Carlton in Ka'anapali when we are in Maui.

Looks like you did the Old Lahani Luah is that right? Its a good one. Please tell me you took the road to Hana, in Maui it is NOT to be missed.


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kristen, the flowers are gorgeous. Looks like you all had a great time. Thanks for sharing your vacation and family. Both are beautiful. You were missed girl..hugs ~lynne~

~CC Catherine said...

Ahhhhh...Kristin, This is a great reminder of my past trips to do I miss it! I could taste the pig at the pig roast, smell the ocean breeze and totally was lovin the memory of the luau dances at the Polynesian revue that we went to the last time we were there. So glad you have a super time! ;) ~CC Catherine (we missed your smiling face)

Unknown said...

Aloha, I love MAUI. Looking at your pictures made me feel like i was there. Oh, wonderful..... mishelle

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh Kristen...I would love to go! Your photos are gorgeous! Looks like you had a lot of fun!...Debbie

Linda Q said...

So glad you had a nice time, you are a beautiful gal and have a wonderful family! You are making me remember Ron and my honeymoon. We did 10 Days in Hawaii with the most spent on Maui, it was our fav.
Beautiful isn't it. Thanks for sharing the photos and glad you all enjoyed!

tam said...

Hi Kristen! WoW! Absolutely gorgeous photos! What a wonderful time you all had-thanks for sharing your adventure with us,what a blessed girl you are!!! And look at what a beautiful (and tan) family you have!
We are getting snow again here tonight-uuggh! So looking at your fabulas photos warmed me right up-LoL!~Have a wonderful week!~Smiles~Tam!

Bo said...

Hi Kristen & welcome back! The first time I ever had coconut shrimp it was in Maui...Loved it then & love it now...What a wonderful family trip this was for all of you...Fabulous photos too!
;-) Bo

Designs on 47th Street said...

Kristen, thank you for "my" tour of Hawaii. In all my long years, I have never been there. One of my dds has been 3 times {pouting face goes here} Beautiful pictures, and you and your family looked stunning all smiling and tan! You can keep your jellyfish. I got stung by one of those suckers taking swimming lessons in the York River (Va) when I was a little girl and it was not just a little sting!
Glad you are back. I missed you!


Anonymous said...


Lovely photos. One of my fave places on this earth, we did 3 islands when we were there. Maui was our favorite, thanks for the memories.

Kathy :)

"Blossom" said...

Hawaii, it's crying my name! We went on our 30 year and this year in August is our 40th. We are talking about going in Sept. I just have to get it all together.
We where just taking about this last nite. These photos make me miss it beautiful there. Glad your're back.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen, you are one lucky little girl. That looks like it was a dream vacation.Beautiful pictures and thanks for posting them. I'll never be there unless they make a road so I can go in the RV. LOL


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of your pictures. It makes me want to pack my bags and hit a plane. I can smell the ocean and the sweet flowers just reading your post. Boy I wish I was in your family,smile~

Connie said...

Hi Kristen, Welcome home from your dream trip. You picked a good week to go, too.

Your breakfast looked interesting ~~ I was trying to see just exactly was on the plate. Looked great.

I am happy for you.

xinex said...

Beautiful pictures! I love Maui and I want to go back too....Christine

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

Oh my goodness Kristin! What absolutely breathtaking beauty. I am sure you were in paradise! I've never been to Hawaii but I'm thinking that I should go!
Your pictures are great. I think I'll go back and look again! LOL! Just dreamin' a little.
Stop by a visit me today. I'd like your expert opinion on my flower color scheme for planter beds. I'm taking a vote.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen,
This is my first visit to your blog and I will be adding it to my sidebar. I love your style, for I am a color girl myself. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your new creations. Please stop by sometime.


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

My daughter would have loved being there.. she loves the ocean. I on the other hand love to stay at home.. right now our only trips are to I'll enjoy all the trips everyone else takes..
hugs ~lynne~

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Thanks for sharing those unbelievably gorgeous! How wonderful of your parents to take you with them! Linda

Miss Janice said...

Kristen, it looks like fun times in paradise! Well, WE'RE glad you are back:-)

Tomarie said...

Wow! What a great trip you must have had!
I wanted to come by here and thank you for the sweet things you said about our cabin over at Laurie's! It's truly appreciated!
And your home is still one of my favorites! :-) L~

Nancy Rosalina said...

Welcome back home Kristen! Maui is a gorgeous place! We were blessed to get to go there a few years ago! We hope to get to go back for our 25 anniversary...
The first thing I said when we arrived was, this must have been the garden of eden...because it is so beautiful!

A Hint of Home said...

I know you had a wonderful time. It's been a while since we were there but we came back saying the same thing, " We're moving there!" LOL My sister goes every year at the time you were just there. They go for the dental convention. Can't wait to see more pics.

Helen said...

Well ..... I'm thinking we should ALL sell everything we own and ALL move ourselves to this enchanting place. You and loved ones look totally beautiful by the way.

Tim said...

Hey Kristen, Just thought I would let you know that since you are a follower of my blog you are qualified to enter my giveaway! There are some quality gifts, stop by and check it out when you get a chance and leave me a comment if you want to be entered.

Love and Prayers,


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Kristen...Happy Valentine's day to you and your honey..glad you are home and had a wonderful trip...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Kim said...

Hi Kristen,
Your pictures of Hawaii are beautiful. Thanks for leaving me an email about your frames. I left you an email regarding your blog and thanks to you (I first found you on RMS) I now have my own blog. It's a work in progress and I have zero visitors, followers or comments - ha! But it's been fun. I would love to purchase a frame from you, I think it would make a great gift.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Girlfriend...

Ohhhh my...Maui is beautiful! Looks like you and your family had a fabulous time! The beautiful blue water and white sand beaches...ahhhh!!!

Well my friend, I was just spending a leisurely Sunday afternoon out visiting with all my blogger friends and thought of you! Hope you're having a super Sunday...

Love ya,

Rebecca said...

Just recently found your blog, and wanted to check in on your trip. Looks like a lot of fun! Have a lovely week!


Anonymous said...

That was a trip of a life time . . .WOW!!! Thanks for sharing, great pictures!! I felt like I was there, well I can dream. . .

squawmama said...

Hey Kristen... What a wonderful trip for you and your family... Looks like everyone had a great time and WOW the pictures were fabulous... Loved them... Chase is such a little cutie... He is just so handsome... Glad your back... Love Ya


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! You all look like you had such agrat time. What a wonderful family vacation. I am so glad you were the first follower of my blog! I have been a fan of yours for a long time!

Melissa Miller said...

Oh Kristen I'm so sorry about your tooth.
I hope you are doing better soon.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my first Blue Monday post.

~Take Care, Melissa

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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