I received this cute autumn friendship award from Lynette at http://lynetteslam.blogspot.com/ . If you haven't vistited her, you should! She is a great lady. Now I have to list 5 things I've always wanted to do:
1. Go on a shopping spree and not have to look at price tags. I can dream can't I?
2. Go to Hawaii. My parents are going in Feb. I'm trying to get them to take us.
3. Go back to Europe. I have been before when I was a teenager, but I was more interested in looking at hot guys than more important things like..... The Coliseum, The Mona Lisa, The Cystine chapel. Sure I've seen all of that, but don't remember much because I was scoping out
the guys! Shame on me!
4. Build a swimming pool.
5. Be content!
The 3 friends I give this award to are......
Chari at http://happytodesign.blogspot.com/
I was going to wait to post these christmas decorating pics but decided to go ahead. My former boss Sherry and I have about 10 houses we decorate for christmas. We started today because they all want them done before thanksgiving. This lady's home is big and beautiful! I made the mantle pieces a few years ago and last year I made the garland on the stairs. I did another chandelier in the kitchen but the pics didn't turn out. It had garland and berries wrapped around it with gingerbread men ornaments hanging from it. I hope you enjoy these pictures. I will have more in upcoming posts!
First house is done! Many more to go! This one took about 3 hrs.
Wow Kristen what a beautiful job you did there... I Loved it... Can't wait to see the rest of the homes you will be decorating...
Yeah Kristen! Congrats to you..and me...LOL! They were fun questions huh? It sounds like you want to do some traveling. Hawaii sounds incredible as well.
The pictures are stunning. What a showcase home! The way you did the stairway was perfection. They must be so pleased with your arrangements. Awesome job!
Have a great weekend. ~Melissa ;)
Kristen you had me at Christmas!! lol!! Bring on the Christmas decorating I just love it! This home looks magical, and the stairs look fantastic.
I so enjoyed looking at these, looking foward to more!
Way to go my friend!! The decor is fantastic. I love the elegance!! I can't wait to see more. My boss called today. She wanted to know if I would come back. At this point I don't think I am going to feel like it. Time will tell. I may decide to do something on my own. Hugs, Terrie
this looks fantastic! I need to get started!!!!!
What beautiful Christmas decor. I can't wait to see the others you'll be doing. That's a lot of stairway to decorate, and you did it beautifully. laurie
They are beautiful. Do we get to see the tree(s) in another post? How do you keep the greenery from falling off the chandelier (which is beautiful by the way!) Congrats on the award!
This is so beautiful! You're giving me ideas! :0} Diane
Oh Girl what eye candy today...lookin good can't wait to see the rest..congrats n one of many awards you will get..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Wow! What beautiful arrangements you did. Love how lush everything looks. The owners are very lucky to be able to pay someone to do this for them since it will be so professional looking and they don't have the hassle themselves. Can't wait to see more!
Thanks for the chandelier info. I was looking at mine in the dining room while I was typing your ocmment, and I'm afraid if I decorate it, this one might be a fire hazard, so I'm a tad bummed out. That gardland is awesome. I've been trying to figure out how to do one for my stairs without it being quite an investment. I don't think that's possible. I'll be sure to check back b/c I love looking at decorations. I saw the most awesome goldish bronze/brown tree in Kohl's a while ago. I've never seen one before, but it was beautiful! Can't wait to see everyone's decor! LOL!
Hi Kristen!
oh those xams decorations look stunning! I adore the stair way , its so elegant and warm and inviting too!! and the Chandelier looks fabulous !! Great job!!
~ Hugs ~ Cynthia
I love all the photos, your work is fabulous. I especially like the mantle treatment--it's so beautiful. Keep those photos coming...
Miss Janice
Hi Kristen, I am new to your blog. I found you through Miss Janice. Did you have your house on RMS? I thought I saw it there. The house you decorated in this post looks fantastic! I will be back again, if you don't mind. Nancy
Kristen, Congrats to you on your award.. These decorations are incredible..I know you had a ball putting them together..I got the first phone call yesterday for a house here in town. She wants it done before Thanksgiving..I'll be looking forward to seeing more..
hugs ~lynne~
that work is so beautiful! I couldnt stop looking at the staircases...its so pretty I dont think I would sleep if i lived there. I decorated my home yesterday and when I was done--well i'm not totally done--I said to my husband--the whole house feels very warm and it does..but oh my gosh..nothing like this. I so miss having stairs. I lived in one house that had a beautiful stairway and I wa able to have 1 Christmas where I had that beautiful Christmas staircase.
Kristen - those pics are beautiful and that mantel is to die for!! I can't wait to see more. You did great.
Talk with you later.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see more!
What a fun job you have!! I decorate with gold & white for Christmas but this yr adding in bronze & leopard print. I'm looking forward to seeing the other homes that you decorate!
Congratulations on your award Kristen....and thank you for passing it on to me...I'm so flattered! Now, I did a post a few weeks ago for this very award, so I will just say THANKS! Your talent as a decorator is evident in these gorgeous pics...I'm anxious to see more! Thanks again...
;-) Bo
Hi Kristen, Girl, I am in love with your style! I am back again to lurk around...I just can't get enough! I think I am drawn to your colors...they are the same as mine. I love that picture hanging over that mantel! Hope you have a great day. Nancy
Kristen, How can I find your Etsy shop...I love your creations! Nancy
Oh, I found it...sorry! nancy
I'm still trying to stage it up stairs and put the boxes in each room. This is beautiful. I do white , gold and this year I bought ribbon (just yesterday) that is a brown and gold leopard.
This I think will go on the fireplace this year.
thanks, for sharing
I would love to have someone decorate my home for the holidays. I have the decorations, but no time. Do you purchase/provide the decorations? There are design stores (locally)that have this service providing you purchase all decor from their store. I have the decor... now I need the decorator. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I look forward to seeing more.
Everything is just gorgeous. I'm blown away!
Hi Kristen! I just came across your blog and I'm thrilled I did bc you have the best decorating illustrations! I can't wait to read through more of it!
Kristen, I absolutely love your banisters and chandelier! I love looking at how you decorate so festively! Very pretty. Have a wonderful evening. hugs, Ellen
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