Have you ever felt so embarrassed and stupid! Well, I did yesterday. I knew that we set the clocks back one hour but had not yet changed it on my stove and in my car. I was busy all day working on creations for my Etsy store and glanced at the stove and it said 3:30. It did not dawn on me it was just 2:30. Anyways, I took off to get Chase, remember my car clock was wrong too. I get to the school and there's about 10 cars lined up (they were there early) but there are no kids outside. Hmmmmm........I'm sitting in my car thinking to myself that the people in these cars are not concerned so I must have missed something. I sat in my car pondering what was going on (still nothing dawns on me). Finally,I got out of my car, go inside irritated to see what in the world is going on!! All the ladies are sitting at the front desk, and for some reason there were lots of parents standing around. I asked " Did I miss something, where are all the kids??" They all glanced up at the clock and said " In Class, remember the time changed." Then of course they were laughing there heads off and so were the parents. How embarrassing!! It wouldn't have been so bad if I had done this on Monday, but Wednesday.......Have you guys ever done anything like that? (probably not) He He!
I started making little notes after each shelling excursion and I decided
to turn them into a blog post series, so you could come along with me for
the h...
1 day ago
You are not.. alone, my friend. I have done it several times thoughout the years. It's fun to laugh at yourself once in awhile. I think having some clocks that reset themselves and others that don't reset themselves make it even tougher. At least you weren't late!! Hugs, Terrie
Kristen honey, if that's all I had ever done, I'd be proud of myself. LOL. But, since I'm here I'm going to check out your ETSY store, I don't know what that is.
Hi Kristen, Thanks for the giggle! Of course I'm laughing with you and believe me I've done much worse. :) ~Take Care, Melissa
Are you kidding?! We've all been there? That was not so bad, thank God you have a blog for therapy!
I can just imagine how you felt when they told you about the time change...haha...it's good you can laugh at yourself. ;-) Bo
Hi Kristen! Oh, honey, I think we've all done things like this! Better you were early than late!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Don't worry Kristen, you're in good company! :0} Diane
Kristen this is too funny girl..But then on Sunday I went to my favorite breakfast place and it wasn't open so I when home and did't know what time it was until I turned on the TV..great post as always girl..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh YES! I do that by mixing up my days. I get my days off.
I am glad you got your book and pillow. Thank you for understanding about the mixup. hugs, Ellen
Oh, that sounds JUST like something I would do! Everyone has their moments...so don't feel bad! :-):-):-) Susan
You poor girl-I can relate though. However if that were the most embarrassing thing you have ever done-thats not so bad! LOL really!
I don't know if I could ever share my most embarassing moment!
Love your blog-especially the way your home is decorated. I am into the same colors right now.
I am looking forward to checking out your etsy shop!
LOL! No, don't feel alone, we have ALL done something like that, especially me!!! lol!
Buffie :)
Right with you on that one - I hate it when the time changes!! I wish they would just leave it alone - at least you had a good sense of humor about it!!
I have a little something for you over at my place - come over and pick it up when you get a chance.
Wow - You're gonna be a busy little bee!! I can't imagine putting up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, but now, the day after, I'm all ready!!
Good Luck!!
It is so great that you can laugh at yourself about it! Loved your story, and of course, I have done that. Got to church an hour late one Sunday when the time changed. Of course, nobody was still there to see me, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. laurie
During the past week, every clock in my house/car had the wrong time. I was so confused I had no idea what time it was! I don't have the time to change these clocks like this...
Miss Janice
Actually my best friend and coworker had not changed her clock to an hour behind sooooo instead I put her clock forward to when it was 3:30 it said 4:30-that afternoon she rushed the president of the institution out of her office and took off tearing our of work saying she was late to pick up her daughter (she was always late picking up her daughter at daycare)-I couldn't catch her in time and by the time I got her on the phone she was already heading home with her daughter-she said she questioned everything when the daycare said she was finally on time to pick up her daughter-lol!
Oh yes, showed up an hour late for church in the spring and family was in town whom we were suppose to meet there. They thought we stood them up. We thought we were right on time...wrong!
OOOH, I love your new look, Kristen!
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