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Monday, August 22, 2011

Backyard Wildlife And Good Food

This summer our yard has been full of critters! We have grass hoppers at least three inches long! I wish I had a picture of one. We have caught two baby (non poisonous) snakes. Chase wanted to keep them as pets! lol... Now that most of our trees are growing...I say most because one looks dead...we have tons of birds. I love feeding them and watching them take baths. Now we have a tree frog on our patio! I looked out the back door the other day and noticed him inside the birdhouse. Isn't that the cutest thing?

That night when I was walking past the glass door this is what I saw! lol...It startled me for a second! Maybe he wanted to come in for a visit...

I love watching the hummingbirds, but I wish they wouldn't fight over the feeders! There are two of them! Can't you share? They just chase each other off all the time!

I always make sure I have seeds for all of the other birds that live in the yard.

They drink from the bird bath on hot summer days.

Speaking of birds...I also want to show you a mockingbird I raised this summer. Kevin found him at his dad's house on the 4th of July. He was on the ground hurt with no mommy bird or nest in sight. He brought him home for me to take care of! The next day I contacted a bird rehabilitator and was hoping she would take him in. However, she was not able to and gave me the go ahead to raise him myself! To make a long story short, I was able to keep him alive, watch him grow and set him free! I miss the little guy though...He loved sitting on my head! lol...

This is him about a week after taking care of him. He was so funny looking!

He blossomed into a beautiful bird! I miss sitting out on the patio with him. He loved hopping all over me...I think he just wanted meal worms though! lol...

On a different subject...Kevin has been watching alot of cooking shows on T.V. lately. He especially likes Barbecue Pit masters. It made him want to smoke a brisket! was so good! It was so tender it just fell apart!

With all of the peppers in the garden he has been making salsa. All of his friends say it is some of the best salsa they have ever had. That makes him feel good! I'll have to say it IS really good!

He even cans it and gives it away. The only thing missing is his own label!

I hope you enjoyed the wildlife and food made by chef Kevin!lol... I sure wish you could all taste the brisket and salsa. I'm hungry now, I'm off to get one more piece of that tender brisket before bed. Have a great Tuesday!
I am linking to Savvy Southern Style Wow Us Wednesday.


Kim said...

What an adorable post! That frog is hysterical. And what a sweet birdie you raised Kristen. I can't wait to share this with my little birdwatcher when she wakes up (it's not yet 9 here). Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful post!! I have been reading your blogs for years-thanks for all the eye-candy and wonderful photos! I would like to know more about the Dallas Market-what is it, can anyone shop there, how does it work?? Also will you ever have a decorationg workshop, I know many of us would love that!!
Thanks and God Bless

Denise said...

awww, what a sweet post, I love the humming birds too and wish they wouldn't be so territorial with each other. so cute about the bird you raised, did she tell you what to feed it? I wouldn't have a clue!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I like the wildlife in your yard...well I could do without the snakes..and maybe the frog! He is cute....just don't know if I would want to Happen upon him trying to sneak in the house. We occasionally get a lizard in the house here...thrilling!

Michele Smith said...

hahaha cute frog!!
That is so sweet raising that little birdie...LOVE how he's on your head. I can just picture him hopping all over you LOL

Miss Janice said...

I need to get a hummingbird feeder for my yard! So sweet:) The salsa sounds delish!

Kim said...

Wow! That is really, really, really cool. I love birds. My favorite bird is a hummingbird. I like to go birdwatching with my Dad. How did the frog get in your birdhouse? We had a huge snake in our yard this summer. My mom did a post about it. But I wasn't afraid of it. I thought it was really cool.

L said...

How cute! The sweet little bird sitting on your head is adorable!
I love watching hummingbirds. They are a bit territorial aren't they?

My hubby likes to cook brisket in the smoker, too. Kevin's brisket looks delicious. I make salsa each summer from the garden peppers and tomatoes, but we didn't have the best crop this year. I did make some but not as much as past summers.

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

I love all of your animal pictures! That frog is cute! But I am so impressed with your bird!! What a cool thing to have raised it.

Have a great day.

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Kristen it looks like you are enjoying everything that summer has to offer!

Melissa Miller said...

Aw, Kristen that is the cutest birdie. You took some great photos.
The food looks tasty. Your hubby is a true chef. Yum!

We are hoping that the hurricane misses the east coast. Ugh.

Warmly, ~Melissa

Melissa Miller said...

I forgot to mention Jenn re did my blog again. LOL!

Come grab my butterfly button! I know you like butterflies.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

great pics, especially the first on!

Melissa Miller said...

Thanks Kristen! :)

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful post!! I have been reading your blogs for years-thanks for all the eye-candy and wonderful photos! I would like to know more about the Dallas Market-what is it, can anyone shop there, how does it work?? Also will you ever have a decorationg workshop, I know many of us would love that!!
Thanks and God Bless

I posted this already-perhaps you missed it;)) Sorry to bother you

A Hint of Home said...

The joys of wildlife! We get a kick out of watching the birds everyday.
Haven't seen any frogs but we have a resident chip monk. lol
The food looks delicious!

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Penny, thanks for your nice comments! You asked about Dallas have to have a tax I.D. and a business to get in. I sure wish everyone could go! It's a really neat but overwhelming place! A decorating workshop is a really good idea...I will definitely give that some thought! Right now I have fall on the brain! I am going to be doing a little extra decorating this year! Thanks so much for reading my blog! Kristen

Unknown said...

O Emm Gee!!! I would have died if I saw that frog on my window...I am such a scaredy cat and my biggest fear is birds...

You are too cute loving all them critters :-)

Michele Smith said...

Aw thanks for the sweet comment Kristen. I think you're a beauty too! No way you look 38!
Yep I'm still interested in the rooster tassel...yay can't wait to see it. Thank you so much girl!

Michele Smith said...

My email is
I'm heading out to prepare for the hurricane so as soon as I get back I'll check it and send do you wanna do that? Etsy?

Melissa Miller said...

Thanks for putting the new one. The crookedness was driving me batty. LOL!

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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