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Friday, May 15, 2009

The New Patio.....Finally!

I've had this post up a few days and my friend Melissa suggested I link it to Met Monday. Great idea! Be sure and visit our gracious host Susan for a list of participants!

Hi Guys! It's been a while since my last post, so sorry, I've just been busy taking care of things

and spring cleaning so I've had to back away from the computer! I will try to post more often since I'm caught up on everything. Some of my posts might be about random stuff if that' s ok. lol.... Chase is almost out of school for the summer, I can't believe it! Time is flying by. you remember the giant hole hubby started digging about a month ago right? Well here it is, just in case you forgot.

Here it is as of today. Big difference huh? There is still some places where the grass hasn't grown in yet, but it won't take it long, especially with all the rain we've been having. The grass turned green quick!

Hubby really worked hard, he brought in more that 3 tons of crusher dust and sand. I think it turned out to be a little more that he thought, he's so proud of it now though. He kept asking when I was going to post it! lol.... I bought the chairs at Bed Bath and Beyond. I really wanted cushy ones, but because of the budget and not to mention they could catch fire, we decided on these more practical ones. They are actually pretty comfy! I did dress them up with pillows. (hopefully they won't catch on fire)

I splurged a little on this bench from Lowe's. After all... the chairs were reasonable!

I found these little slate tables at Kohl's.

We bought 5 yoshino cherry trees. The nursery told us they would get about 15 ft. wide and about 20 ft. tall. After they planted them... I decided to look at one of the tags....and it said 40 ft. wide by 40 ft. tall Uh-OH! Does anyone have one of these trees? I hope they don't get that big!

We did a little landscaping around the corners for now. We plan on doing more, but the rest will come later. All the rocks were free! Kevin's dad has millions of them!

This is the view from my back door. Now I have something to look at!

Kevin told me not to "flower it up" Well, TOOOOO BAAAAD! lol..... He knows that's impossible!

Here's a closeup of the grill pit. We've cooked steaks, hotdogs, marshmallows etc. It's like camping in the backyard! Everything has such a good flavor!
I posted this pic a few months ago and told you that I was going to stain the concrete, paint the furniture, find new cushions and of course plant flowers.

Here is a pic of the covered patio now. Much Better! Staining it was alot harder than I thought it would be. The colors are not what the color chips show, or maybe it was the concrete. Who knows! I actually have 3 different colors on it. I would show you how to do it, but I recommend you hire someone!lol... It's really a pain and I don't know how it's going to hold up. I painted the furniture with outdoor rustoleum olive green paint and found the cushions at Lowe's.

Chase wanted me to show you this picture he took yesterday. Look at those sweet babies!

I have always wanted some bird feeders. I'm starting to really get into bird watching like Donna at Designs on 47th Street. We have several bluebirds, but this one is some kind of finch I believe. He's blue all over, so pretty! Click to enlarge. Do you know what kind it is?

Look at CoCo. She thinks she's found a new spot! I have to keep an eye on her, she would love to catch one of my birds!

Of course if I'm going to have feeders, I have to have a place where they can bathe!

Well, I hope you enjoyed the backyard tour! I'm going to sit here and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day....tomorrow calls for MORE rain! On the upside, we're supposed to have perfect weather next week. yay!

See you guys soon!!!


CMB said...

Your back yard looks will love the fire pit and if your son is anything like mine he will be begging to have a fire all the time! Glad you are back...I haven't been around much either...such a busy time of year!

A Hint of Home said...

It's a busy time of the year. We have been planting and cleaning outside furniture as well. Your patio and fire pit looks great. I know how hard hubby must have worked and you too. You all will get so much enjoyment out of it.
I just hung a bird feeder today, in fact. I'll try to post it and the yard soon.
Have a relaxing weekend!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Kristen, I am very impressed. Everything.. looks perfect. I hope you enjoy your birdfeeder and birdbath. We love feeding the birds. We have a portable firepit. Maybe someday we'll do something similar to yours. Your new patio furniture is really nice. It's it nice to have paradise in your own backyard! Hugs, Terrie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kristen, that fire pit and patio are so wonderful. I know ya'll are really enjoying it. And what a charming area to see from the house. It does look like it was a lot of hard work, but so worth it! Your bird bath and trees and the stained patio area look great too! Yea!! Spring is here and you have such wonderful spots to sit and enjoy it. laurie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

OH Girl Hi-Five to DH he did an awesome job on that fire pit and the whole yard looks wonderful my friend...I can tell the sweat it took to do this...Oh tell Chase thanks for the bird pictures..Love all your flowers and also tell Hubby a girl can't have too many look just beautiful sitting there sipping your sweet tea..Oh Kristen I have a Blue Jay that made a nest right out side my Kitchen window and laid 4 eggs which all hatchted on Mama and Daddy have been so busy feeding them...I spend my day looking out my window at them also have taken a ton of pictures from building the nest to her laying 2 eggs then 4 and all the babies..I plan on doing a post about them ha ha!! hey its a blogger thing you know that girl..when your brain goes death just love them a bird ha ha!!Hope you have a great weekend my friend enjoy that fire pit roast me a hot dog...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Kristen, your back yard is just lovely. Everything turned out so nice and the fire pit is great! Enjoy it!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

It looks great Kristen! I bet you can't wait now for a chilly fall evening by the firepit!

Yeah...for a week of perfect weather next week!!!!!!! I've seen enough rain to last awhile!


Melissa Miller said...

YEAH! Here it is!

I must tell you it was worth the wait Kristen.
It is all so stunning!!!

Kudos to you and your husband. He did an incredible job laying the brick and stone path. Love all the extra touches you have done with feeders, flowers and birdbath. They just make it all feel so welcoming. Your new trees are gorgeous! I'm so glad you got really good sized ones to start with. They do look incredible and full already.
The bench is perfect.

Love, love, love it!!!

Have an enjoyable weekend roasting marshmellows.
I wish I could join you.
~Melissa :)

Melissa Miller said...

Forgot to mention those precious bird babies.
That is so sweet for Chase to see.

I didn't realize Coco was teeny. Then again my cat looks like a mini mountain lion next to all others cats. She looks ready to get em'.
What happened to the stray? If it's a sad story don't tell me...

Four Paws and Co said...

You guys have certainly been busy, it's beautiful Kristen! The patio stain job is awesome! I think the guys used 3 or 4 colors of the dry powder when our concrete was poured & I've always loved the look. The color of your patio looks very similar to our patio.

The bird pictures are great! Chase is quite the photographer!

Great job! Hugs! ☺ Diane

kate said...

WOW, you made up for lots of Posts!!! What a wonderful space you and your husband have created..I love the details youve added. The pattern on the patio is lovely. I also love the photo of the baby birds, thanks for sharing. And look forward to more posts. I love your flower arranging talent. Look forward to seeing more.

raxx a day in the life said...

Well this was well worth the wait! It turned out wonderful! A really relaxing spot when you feel for some sun! I love how you decorated it, you gave me some ideas for my uncoverd patio as well.

Love your potted hibiscus, those trees are scary how big they will get! your grass is really nice and green, oh how i envy it! lol!!

I keep looking for a baker's rack, then I discovered a metal and glass shelf in my home that I do not use, I put it in my covered porch and it looks great! you inspired me girlie!

Anonymous said...

wow! you guys did a great job! love all the little touches. you have a beautiful back yard. hope you get to spend a lot of time there this summer.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

Wow Kristen, it looks amazing! All your hard work was sure worth it. Your backyard is the perfect oasis for you now. Enjoy it!

Melissa Miller said...

Ah poor Sassy. I hope she recovered well. I'm sure she was surprised to be attacked and you were too since she had been sweet cat before.
I really hope she found a good home. Stray animals always have a place in my heart. If I see one I get soooo sad. I think I told you we found Chestnut in our backyard on Christmas Eve of 03'.
He was a teeny two pound kitten and so darling.

I'm still oooohing and ahhhing over your gorgeous yard!
Kevin really did great on the hard labor. What a transformation.
It's all just amazing!
Why don't you link it up for Meta Monday with Susan. Everyone should see this one Kristen.

I hope you weekend is going well.
Alex just ran a 5K for the wounded warriors. He's on his way home with breakfast.
~Melissa :)

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

I really like what you've done with your new patio. I like the way your firepit is in the round. Kudos to your hubby!
I am going to take a guess on the "blue" bird on your feeder and say it could be a Blue Indigo Bunting...I think they are called. I couldn't get a great look at it, but I have had some in our yard too and they are really pretty. Love the finch though, around here they are usually in the yellow family. Just a guess!

Nicole ~ said...

Kristen, you and your husband did a wonderful job in the backyard. It is such a nice spot to sit & relax with a cool drink. Wow, I do not know anything about trees, but it sounds like your backyard will have lots of shade when the trees have grown. I love all of the pretty flowers and plants, and that cute birdbath.

Have a wonderful weekend, sit back & enjoy that great backyard!! Nicole

Kether said...

Simply beautiful!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I hope you are being extremely nice to your sweet hubby...he did an amazing job!!! Wow that looks like a lot of work!!! Everything looks GORGEOUS!!! You guys make a great team!!!

I love how you finished the corners of the patio with the flower beds...such a nice touch!!!
I think the bench and the chairs look great together and all the flowers just finish it off beautifully!!! The birds are going to flock to your yard for the great set-up you have given them...Its like a birdie spa;)!!!

I am so looking forward to all of your upcoming posts...random or not!!! I love your blog!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Dawn Marie said...

he did a great job, tell him he should be proud. I think your choice of furniture looks comfy.
Bird watching is really an awesome past time.

Unknown said...

Looks Fab. But you are enjoying it alot. Now if i could just get my hubs out the back and finish our deck... hmmmm. any mishelle

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a perfect MM post. I love the new area. It is just gorgeous. You have done such a beautiful job with the landscaping and everything is just lovely. I know you will really enjoy it. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

Kristen- you and hubby did a fantastic job on your yard!! Lots of hard work but worth it I am sure! I hope the weather is as predicted (you know those weathermen!) so you can enjoy your new surroundings to the fullest!


Pinky said...

This is my first visit to your blog but now I want to "follow" you! Your yard and patio look amazing! I love the fire/cooking pit! How neat! You also did a great job on the furniture painting! The new bench is beautiful too! TTYL, Pinky

Dawn said...

What a beautiful patio you now have!!! Great job!

Kammy said...

Great job and alot of hard work. Looks like you are already enjoying the great outdoors !
Hugs ~ Kammy

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call great TEAM work!! Good job you two, it looks beautiful:) Happy Summer Enjoy:)

Unknown said...

That's an incredible metamorphosis! Looks like you are going to have a wonderful outdoor summer!
~Really Rainey!~

From the Old InkWell said...

WOW! I love the firepit and all!

Sandi (Meme) said...

I have always wanted a fire pit. I'm glad to see you are using yours for more than just looking at though. One you can cook on would be even more of a treat!

Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Wow! That backyard looks fantastic. I would love to spend some time hanging out there! I love the birds. You can tell that by my post for Monday with the baby robins. Thanks for sharing your beautiful yard.

Joyce said...

Hard work always pays off and it looks great. I would love a fire pit. You look nice and relaxed in the photo. Enjoy your space.

Miss Janice said...

Y'all's hard work really paid off, 'cuz it looks great. Cudos to your hubby. Love the grill pit and the furniture and plants. Please tell Chase Miss Janice thinks his birdies are just beautiful!

susan said...

Wow--You guys have been busy! This is truly a remarkable change and fabulous improvement. Just stay in that chair and rest a while--you deserve it!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Wow! What a project!!! The end result was worth it! It looks great! I especially like the little corner doo-dads!Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Raegina Kindrix said...

It all looks so great!! You did a wonderful job!

DesignTies said...

Your hubby did a great job building the patio :-) No wonder he wanted you to post pictures of it!!

You really thought of all the little details for both the new patio and your covered patio :-) I like how you used stones to border the gardens.

And how great to have a grill pit that you can cook on. You're right, food cooked outside over a fire just tastes better somehow :-)

Kelly @ DesignTies

Kim said...

So what time should I be there for the barbeque???
LOVE it Kristen! Tell hubs I give him two thumbs way up! Kim

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Kristen, I know you're anioux to attract bird. I wanted to come by and take another look at your space. It looks like it's going to be a bird haven to me. You're doing everything right.
Hugs, Terrie

Cathy Miller said...

Oh, Kristen! This is exactly what ia have in mind for our backyard! We have a screened in back porch and this would be a perfect compliment for outdoor entertaining. Now I can show my hubby your blog so that he knows what I want! Love the blog!

Designs on 47th Street said...

Kristen, I am just in awe over what you and Kevin have done to your back yard. It looks fabulous...truly! Love that fire pitt, along with everything else.

I truly lol when you wrote that he didn't want you to flower it up...yeah, right! I'm glad you added your flowers. So pretty.

What a cleaver idea to hang your birdfeeder from a darling hook off the fence. It was fun to see all your feeders and well, just everything.

I really enjoyed this post!

Unknown said...

Oh that's really hot. You are going to enjoy it this summer for sure! Very creative. Come by to see my transformation! If you like what you see, please subscribe to my blog in the right hand column. Just hit the word "Follow" and stay updated on lots of great tips!

Fifi Flowers said...

Lovely outdoor area!

Bo said...

Hi Kristen...I'm back from the bloggy break that nearly broke us $$$$ have done a marvelous job with your backyard...or should I say your hubby did a marvelous job...It looks so professionally done. I love Chase's photo of the baby birds...I love birds but don't know the least thing about them...Enjoy, ;-) Bo

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Fabulous space and transformation! ~Rhonda :)

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Your backyard looks fabulous. Love the fire pit grill. We have a similar fire pit, but don't use it as a grill. Only for warmth & roasting marshmallows. Love the covered patio upgrade as well.

joyh82 said...

Love your backyard. Your dh did an awesome job. Love the furniture and little tables too. I would love to have a fire pit like that.

Linda in AZ * said...

* Am SOOO HAPPY for you, Kristen, and everything looks just sooo wonderful!!! Your sweetest DH is a "good man" (!) & you BOTH must be just ECSTATIC w/ the results!!!

Linda *

Angie said...

Everything looks gorgeous! Y'all did such a great job on the patio!

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

Hi Kristen,
WOW! What a fabulous transformation! Your back yard is wonderful - the perfect place to entertain and spend time with the family! I'd host a big BBQ for Memorial Day back there if I were you! Hope you have a wonderful week!

mel said...

Your hubby did a fab job!!! It looks AMAZING!!!! So jealous of the fire pit!!! Your landscaping around it looks beautiful! I hope you are enjoying that bright shiny thing in the sky better known as the sun that we are finally seeing. I know I am! We have only been inside the house when the sun goes down ever since Sat!! My house work is getting a little behind. HAHA

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

What a change! I love how you designed the open patio in the middle of your yard. It looks really inviting! We are getting ready to stain our patio too. Hmmm...maybe we will look into someone doing it for us. Yours looks great by the way!

kayleeg2005 said...


Amanda said...

I love everything you did! I wish I was creative like that.

I love, love, love stained concrete. Hopefully one of these days I will talk my husband into staining our porch.

"Blossom" said...

Just lovely and looks so inviting and comfortable for you guest.
Your hubby did a marvlous job.

raxx a day in the life said...

Kristen I just realised the difference you made in your coverd patio furniture by painting, and the cushions made it look totally new!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Kristen: this looks Fantastic! What a transformation! Your stained concrete looks great, even though it almost did you in, it was worth it. Love the patio and the landscaping!

Now all you have to do is Enjoy!

Lou Cinda :)

The Stylish House said...

You and your husband did a wonderful job. This looks very professional and well planned. I especially like the firepit! ~Cathy~

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Kristen, Wow! That is a nice patio. I'll have to show my husband. He would love it. I really like the fire pit and all the birdfeeders! You look relaxed! hugs, Ellen

p.s. I am having a giveaway for my 100th post. Stop by and share a story.

Shana said...

your back yard is beautiful. I'm going to show my husband for inspiration and motivation.

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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