It's almost December! I'm sure you are all decorating by now. I feel like I have been decorating forever and it's not over yet! lol...All I have done in my house is the tree and mantle. I have been cleaning for the past two days...whew! It feels good to get it done!
I ended up doing this mantle totally different than last year. However, I did keep the jars with the glittery sticks and balls. I just reworked them and added the Mark Roberts fairies. I found the tree print at Kirkland's this weekend and loved it! I already had the frame, however, the print did not fit inside of it. Let's just say I made it is my little secret! lol...When I am determined to do something I will find a way to do it! After I added the print to the mantle I started my garland. I used ornaments, ribbons, and narrow mesh to give it lots of pizazz! If you are wondering how the garland is attached I used three tiny nails on the top back of the mantle, one on each side and one in the middle. Next, I wrapped the greenery around the nails to secure it. (A flathead nail works the best) I know alot of people don't want to use nails on their mantle which is understandable. Another thing you can try is command hooks. I just watched a commercial for those and it looks like they might work well. After the garland was done I added the jars with the glittery sticks and balls. Next, I added two different sizes of glittery trees. It was just by chance that I had those trees and they worked well with the picture. Last, I added some little presents under the tree picture. This mantle really sparkles when you walk in the front door! It is full of glitter!
Have a great Tuesday!!
Joining Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday and Rhonda at Southern Hospitality for Merry Mantles.

Just Beautiful!
Totally gorgeous....We use command hooks all the time...on mirrors...on everything...
Thanks girls! Good to know those command hooks work! Teresa knows...she is an expert on decorating houses for Christmas so take her advice.
Your Christmas mantel is absolutely gorgeous Kristen! You are one busy lady. You have wore me out just thinking about all that you have done for others. Can't wait to see your tree.
Simply gorgeous
OMG....I LOVE your mantel!! Beautiful!:)
I was waiting for you to post more decorations - this is beautiful. You do wonderful work, Kristen. Real eye candy!
It looks beautiful, Kristen! I love that tree print!
I love your mantel, it is absolutly gorgeous!
Kristen, your mantel is just gorgeous! The colors are stunning! Thanks for sharing!
I look forward to seeing all your beautiful work - Thank you for sharing!
Catherine from Niagara Falls, NY
Ok, this mantle is one for the magazines, it is truly amazing! You sure know how to work your magic. The colors and the way you have arranged everything is brilliant, so festive, pretty, and elegant. I am in love with this look. I love how you incorporated the ornaments into the floral arrangements, very unique. Fabulous work, girl! =) xo ~Liz
Fabulous...I LOVE that Christmas tree print!!
WOW this is so GORGEOUS!! You sure have the touch girl! I love it all! You have given me some more inspiration for mine Love it!
Thank you all girls! I appreciate all of your sweet comments!! Wish I had time to get back to each of you, but I am off to decorate another house...
You mantle is just beautiful! You have put me in the mood to get mine together...may have to work on that today since it is snowing in North AL! Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great week.
Oh. This is stunning. Please come to my house and help me! ha-ha
This is one of the most gorgeous mantels I've ever seen. You really have a gift. You inspire me so much. I love every little detail!
Wow! Your mantel and is just gorgeous! Especially the swag/wreath (not sure what to call it) :-) !!! Maybe one day if you have time you can do a tutorial on how to make one..... :-) Your work is beautiful thanks for posting!
Kristen your mantel looks beautiful and that painting is stunning!! Martina
This is a great inspiration. I hope to get mine done this weekend.
So beautiful ! I have loved seeing all the decorating you are doing this season ! Love all the decomesh !
This might sound silly but where are your cords to plug in your garland? I always have cords hanging down the side of my mantle with a lit garland so I just gave up.
It looks gorgeous Kristen, so full and glittery :) I'd like to do mine like that but then I wouldn't see our stockings under the mantel, so I put my garland along the top! I still need to add stuff to mine to fill it out a bit.
Kristen - its fun and elegant all at the same time. You are truly amazing with your talents. If you had made a list on paper of all the elements, I would have said "no, no its too much." But its not, one thing just lends itself to another and it came together beautifully. If you don't mind, I would love to share this on my blog for "Barb's design Discoveries." :)
Wow Kristen, I think you outdid yourself this time. Gor-GEOUS!!!
Swoon ... this is fabulous, stunning, gorgeous ... all rolled into one! Love the trees, the lush garland and how you added balls to the glass hurricanes! I'm going back to drool again.
you do a fabulous cute and i really like the photo frames you make
OMG!!! Your mantle is just amazing! You are so talented!
Kristen, I always love seeing your Christmas decorations. Your mantel is gorgeous! By the way, I have a concrete composite mantel, and command hooks do not do well on that (leaves a residue, so be careful. I do use them everywhere else. laurie
Stunning! It reminds me of Christopher Radko's designs. How on earth do you attach everything to the mantel? Do you use wires? or Command strips?
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous mantel.
Fabulous, gorgeous, magazine worthy!!!!
That is the most beautifully decorated Christmas mantel that I have ever seen. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Kristine, What a drop dead gorgeous mantel!! I love the fullness and the festive feel of the decorations. Just beautiful!
I am now a follower.
So, so lovely!!
Bright, cheery and gorgeous! Opposite to my more rustic mantel, but so beautiful. Hmmm, perhaps I'll change it up next year to incorporate more bling? =)
So beautiful..... Love Christmas colors!
Diddie @
Absolutely breaktaking; over the top beautiful! As soon as I saw the first picture..I knew you had to be a floral designer and I was right!
This is definately magazine worthy. Don't be surprized if some magazines contact you. If not, maybe you should contact them and sell your story.
Bet you are really busy now. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Gorgeous! I love the fullness! It's magazine ready! I'm a new follower!
Found your blog through Rodah's site and WOW!!! I love your decorating style :) I love the excessive, over-the-top, rich decorating style. So many decorating blogs seem too spartan or plain anymore which is why your blog just stands out so much more. LOVE your decorating style - gorgeous!
Absolutely stunning! Your ability bring together the colors, textures and collections are simply eye candy!!! I am a huge fan of your creations!
Where in Dallas do you find your stuff?
Kristen, How do you store your mantle garland?Do you take it apart? I didn't want to take mine apart, so I used floral boxes. I had to tape two together.
I will be experimenting with this mesh idea for wreaths and for my mantle...however, since I am not doing the traditional look, I will be doing copper & gold as my liv rm is bronzey colors and it flows so well thru the xmas season..CAN'T WAIT to start!!!!
How did you attach the bulbs to the garland?
Your Christmas mantel is absolutely gorgeous Kristen! I know you told me the color of your wall is SW Harvester? However would like to know where you buy your curtains. Going to paint my tall living room walls this spring and want a golden tan or should I say no green or pink undertones. love yellow, but don't want it to be bright. Again ever thing you do is the most beautiful. Joyce :)
I would love to know where you get some of your decorations...
I would love to know where your purchased some of your decorations...
These decorations are absolutely beautiful. I couldn't find anything I didn't like!! lol
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