Hey Guys! Thanks for all the nice compliments on the pumpkin arrangements and ribbon/mesh wreaths! Alot of you wanted to know how to make the wreaths, you are about to see just how easy they are. In my last post I really didn't know what the netting/ribbon was called...it's called poly mesh. I bought this at a local store that carries a little bit of everything. I know Hobby Lobby carries something similar, but I haven't checked Michael's. My friend Sherry saw my last post and really liked the wreaths and wanted me to make one similar, so I thought this would be the perfect time to show you how to make one for yourself. Here are the supplies... of course you can choose whatever you like. You will also need some sissors for cutting the ribbon, wire and a glue gun to attach the centerpiece.

I started with a basic grapevine wreath...

First I cut eight pieces of the mesh and simply tied them around the wreath. (about 1 yard each)

As you can see I alternated the two colors.

Then I started tying the ribbon in knots in between the mesh. I believe each piece is about a half yard, also be sure and cut the ends of the ribbon into a triangular shape.

I kept adding the three different ribbons alternating them all around the wreath. Next I started fluffing out the mesh to give it a fuller look. I realized it needed a little more fullness so I added a few more pieces of mesh.

The last thing to do is add the centerpiece with a piece of wire. I used a little bit of hot glue to secure it on the sides. See there...all of you can make this!! It's so easy! The mesh naturally curls and is pretty easy to work with. You can fluff it out or squish it in to make it smaller.

I hope I explained everything ok... if you have any questions you can leave me a comment or e-mail me. Good Luck!!
I'm so glad I suggested you do this tutorial... thank you! Now, if I could only find that mesh (No Hobby Lobbies around here)
Thanks so much for the lesson!! I'm so printing this one!!! I will have to do it soon!! I have a Hobby Lobby so I will be visiting!! You might just see a wreath similar to this on my door soon!
It's so easy now that you have shown us exactly how to do this. Wouldn't this be pretty in spring with pastel colors?
Thanks for the tutorial, Kristen! I love this idea and it does seem easy.
That is easy. Thanks for the tutorial. Beautiful wreath.
Kristen, Thanks so much for the tutorial! I have some super wide ribbon I bought awhile back that I think I could use instead of the mesh. I can't wait to try it!
Kristen!! THANK YOU! You have made my day. I just love those wreaths and I am excited to now know how to make one. I think I will give it a try this weekend. Thank you, Thank you!
Kristen, I just found your blog yesterday and love your style. The wreath tutorial made me think even I could do it! I'll be heading to HobLob to get supplies. What else do you have up your sleeve?
LOVE IT! Going to make it!
Yeap! I am so "borrowing" this idea!!! Amazing wreath! Thanks so much for tutorial! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
Kristin! I love this! I bought several rolls of this mesh in Christmas colors!! This would be a gorgeous Christmas wreath too!!
Love it!!!!
Lou Cinda
Thank you thank you thank you for doing this tutorial! And to see that it is so easy...thank you even more!!!!!! We don't have Hobby Lobby here in MA, but I will for sure be checking out Michaels and AC Moore to see if I can get the mesh!!! I must try this!!! :-)
Thanks for the tutorial. The wreath is just wonderful and is easy. Who would think, it looks so gorgeous. Hugs, Marty
Thanks so much for showing this beautiful wreath. I would have never dreamed it would be so easy to make. I have to have one, Hobby Lobby here I come!
Good Morning Kristen... Beautiful wreaths and decorations... Thanks for the lesson! How is your husband doing? Have a great day!
I love wreaths with a little something tucked in the center of them.
You are a peach for doing this tutorial. I'm gonna have to give it a whirl ;o)
Thanks for the super clear instructions Kristen - your wreath is so pretty - I know what is on my "to-do" list!!
Have a good one!
Kristen...these are so pretty...the tutorial makes them sound so easy to make. They are beautiful on your client's doors!!!
Is it to late to request a Christmas wreath? I really would like one of your designs for my front door!!! I will e-mail you later and we can chat about it:)!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
That is the prettiest wrath Kristen! It's so fun and festive looking. You make it look so easy. You do have the magic touch at creatin g my friend. Thanks for showing us how.
I hope all is well with you and your hubby. I'm still praying for peace for him.
Many blessings my friend,
~Melissa :)
PS My sister had Grayson yesterday at 3:34 pm! 8 pds,4 ous. He's a big healthy boy. Yay!
Wow, that does look simple, but so beautiful too. I will need to look in Hobby Lobby see if I can find the mesh ribbon :-)
That's so, so cute, Kristen!
Did you just tie it on, as a single strip or did you make a bow?
Did you say you got the mesh from Hobby Lobby?
Hi Kristen! This is just a wonderful idea and thank you for teaching us how to do it! It's precious.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Thanks for the great lesson..Pat H
Thanks for your sweet visit Kristen! Lamps Plus is a great source.
I'm so sorry about your high liver levels and ultrasound. I hope it all goes well tomorrow. I just read about Gilbert's syndrome and it does sound like it's inherited. I'm sure you know everything about it there is to know.
I do hope and pray you are both okay. Sigh...this is alot to deal with all at once for you all as a family.
~Blessings my friend, ~Melissa
PS Keep us posted when you can.
Thank you for posting this. I am a new follower. Your home is just scrumptious and all of your designs!
Thank you for the wonderful tutorial. I have been trying everywhere to find out what type of ribbon you were using. I know my project for this weekend. Thinking of making two - one for fall and one for Christmas.
This is so pretty and who would have thought so easy! Thank you so much for the tutorial!
Hey there! Two days in a row! You were right, this DOES look easy and it's so pretty at the same time. I truly thank you for this tutorial. Do you make this for other seasons as well?
Thanks so much Creative One!! :)
Kristen, thanks so much for the instructions! I can't wait to try this. It looks simple enough, but when you get my fumble fingers in there, it may turn out to be a joke. I never use my glue gun without burning myself! Hope you and your husband are doing well. laurie
You did a great job of explaining it....I have a shop full of 250 rolls in every color under the sun and we use it in so many ways in our Christmas decorating....We will go through every roll......
What a cool, creative little wreath, Kristen! Thanks so very much for explaining how you made it. I am jotting down the needed supplies & hope to hit HL later today.
♥ your blog....thanks for sharing your wonderful talents with the web world!
YAY!! I was hoping you would do a tutorial on how to make this sort of wreath. I can't wait to make one for Christmas but with red mesh. The wreath turned out very pretty. You are so talented, Kristen! Thanks! ~Liz
Thanks for the great instructions! I think I may try it!
wow that is a wonderful wreath, I will just have to try that, you are just so talented..I am a new follower, just have to see more, ane Christmas is commin...I will be back again,,, come for a visit
This is adorable! I am going to try it...thanks for sharing this! =o)
Hi Kristen,
Great tutorial! I'm sure when I try to do this, it won't look half as pretty as yours. You make it look easy!
Thanks for letting us see how to make this gorgeous wreath.
I can't wait to try it!
This is just beautiful!! And it looks pretty simple and "doable" for your regular person!!
Thanks for sharing!!
I love your wreaths ...Thank you for showing us how to do this.
Wow and it looked so complicated! Thanks for the tutorial! BTW I love your title picture, your home looks like it's right out of a magazine. Lovely!
Hi Kristen, I am so inspired with all the Fall I have seen here today! You did a great job on the wreaths! Thanks so much for showing us how! Nancy
I have been wondering how you guys were doing. I'm so sorry you are having to wait so long to hear anything. That must be stressful.
I hope you hear very soon and it's a great result. Let us know when you can okay.
I'm still praying. ~Melissa :)
Hi pretty Kristen! Oh, don't remind me! I've got to get some candy too! Hope you've doing well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wonderful wreath! Thank you for posting the DIY instructions!
Love your blog!
Thank you Kristen for this great post. I'm always searching for my next project and I think I have found it. The wreath is just adorable! You make it look so easy, so I'm excited to start one!
~Happy Halloween~
Kristen, just came back to let you know that y'all are still in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that you are both doing well. laurie
What pretty wreaths...love this! Just took a look at your pumpkin flower arrangements, just lovely! Hoping hubby is doing better, Kristen. Have a wonderful Halloween.
WOW! That is easy! I can do this!!!!! I just foudn your blog asnd really love it! Your home looks so warm and inviting!!!!! Thanks!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. I want to make one ASAP!
You are awesome for posting that!! You are great! That is so much easier than the wreaths I usually make (intertwining the mesh and fluffing all around) and it looks too cute! I can't wait to do it for Christmas!
I just found your tutorial. Great Job! I am going to share it with the readers on our blog. We are always looking for new ways to use this decorative poly mesh! Thank you for sharing!
I absolutely LOVE this!! You have inspired me to make one for almost every occasion. There is a local store that carries the mesh in just about every color/combo you can think. I am making and LSU, Halloween, Fall, and Christmas wreath. I am going crazy buying cute ribbon for each!! Thank you!
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Loved the wreath- My mesh is unraveling! Any ideas!
Thanks for taking time to do this tutorial- it was very helpful! Joy
With the first wire mesh ribbon do you tie it in a bow? Maybe a stupid question?
The first round of ribbons do you tie in a bow? I know the second kind of ribbon you said you tied in a knot. If you do tie in a bow did you curl the ends up of tuck them under. Hope this isn't a stupid question. Thanks, Pat
Thank you so much. My daughter wants me to make her one and I had no idea what kind of wreath to start with, I kinda figured it was all pretty much tied in different pieces but wasn't sure.
For those of you who have posted you don't have a Hobby Lobby, A.C.Moore now sells the mess, it is around the floral desk.
Thank You So much...I Love Love Love these wreaths my Mom Got one for a get well fift and I just had to figure out how to make it ...Now I can thand Again Kristen!!!
Thanks you so much for this tutorial...I Love Love Love this wreath...My Mom got one for a get well gift and I just had to figure out how to make it...I have to have one...Thanks Again Kristen you really made it simple!
So glad I found your instructions. Saw Christmas wreaths made like this at OKC Affair of the Heart but were so expensive I was hoping I could find out how to make one by looknig online. Loved the fall theme--Thinking a wreath for each month?
You can get the mesh online at bbcrafts.com. Very reasonable with many more colors than hobby lobby aand much cheaper.
Kan iemand mij vertellen waar ik Mesh deco kan kopen in Nederland?
Kan iemand mij vertellen waar ik Mesh deco kan kopen in Nederland?
Thanks for sharing.
Just an fyi Sam's Club's in the Chicago land area have the deco mesh Christmas colors 10 yards 6.98.
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