Hey Guys! The last days of summer are upon us! School starts Thursday! I love summer, but it's been so hot here you don't want to do anything and I want my blogging room back! LOL...Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have a room where kids can come over and play games and computers, especially when it's this hot outside. I have also taken some kids swimming and to the waterpark to stay cool and get out of the house for a while. We've had fun! I think I need a schedule though. I am not getting up until around 10:00 most days, and by the time I water my flowers and get a shower... it's noon! Oh My! Well, it's time I get it together and get on the ball! My blog has suffered this summer and I've got to get it back in shape! I will be posting more often for sure...I always have more to show you in the fall. I have so many things to make for my Etsy store too...I will be listing some new items tonight. Even though it's still scorching here...I'm ready to get motivated again! I will also start working part time at the home furnishing store again... Yay! I will show you everything I make there. Thanks for sticking around over the summer months...

Our newest project... My hubby has been wanting a boat for YEARS! Every summer he complains that we have nothing to do as a family on the weekends...if we only had a boat. Well, since a big nice ski boat or yaht was out of the question, he bought a small sailboat...it's a 1959 Lido, but in really good condition. The only problem, was the bottom needed painting and the trailer needed some work and definetly some paint,you will see below... It's a pretty little boat...love the aqua color. We took it out last week and had alot of fun. Hubby still needs to practice on working those sails though...oh, and did you know you need wind for a sailboat? lol... that's why we put a little motor on the back. Hehehe.

I painted the bottom of the boat with grip paint...now we won't slip around and it looks alot better. I also put some stain on that middle wood piece.

This is the trailer before...it's awful!

Here it is after hubby replaced some things and gave it a coat of paint. The only thing left is to put carpet on the boards...he will probably do that tonight. We are planning on going to the lake on Wed.

I admit...I had mixed emotions about buying this boat, but knew how much hubby wanted it. Although we didn't pay alot of money for it...I just kept thinking of things I could buy for the house! LOL!
I hope you will check my store tonight...I will be listing several items, including arrangements and rooster tassels.
Gotta get this blog going again!! Thanks for stopping by!
Edited to add Aug. 17...things got busy yesterday and I didn't get everything listed in my store, if all goes well, I should have several more items listed tonight. I apologize for the delay...