Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Share Your Creations Party #17

Welcome to Share Your Creations party #17!

Boy, this week is flying by! Only 3 more days until Christmas! Are you ready??

Share Your Creations

I really enjoy looking through all of the links every week. I am always amazed by your talent!!

For this week's features I am focusing on Christmas again. What are we going to do when we have to take all of this pretty stuff down??? I'm already

Take a look at this fun and whimsical tree created by Suzi at Worthington Court. If you have not visited her blog you should. She has some wonderful Christmas decor!

For a tutorial on how to make those wonderful cones visit The Project Queen. Love the way this sideboard is decorated!
You all know how much I love peppermint and gingerbread decor! Visit Pinky at Designs by Pinky for more pics of her pretty Christmas decor.
Love this Santa mantle by Linda at Beautiful Ideas! She really does have some beautiful ideas...

This tree is adorable for a little girl's room...look at the zebra tree skirt! Visit A Southern Sanctuary for more pics.
I was going to show you my parent's house tonight, but decided to save that for Friday.

One of my clients told me about the other day. It's a site where you can put a slide show together with music. You can e-mail your slide show, post it on a blog, share it on facebook, or burn it onto a CD. It's a really neat site! I decided to mess around with it today and came up with a slide show of some of my Christmas creations of 2011. It includes my house and some of the houses I decorated this year.

Just click PLAY to watch the slide might want to visit Smilebox. com to make your own!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

I know you are all probably busy getting ready for the big day. If you have time I would love for you to link up!

You can share an item you have created, a room you have decorated, a piece of furniture you have painted, a vignette, a recipe...the list goes on and on.

Please add a link back to my blog so others can find the party.

What did you create?


  1. So many creative people out there-I love to see it all! Thanks for letting me join in on the party and Merry Christmas to you!!


  2. I love the features. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Thanks for hosting! I really enjoyed your slideshow! =) Merry Christmas! xo ~Liz

  4. CHRISTmas Blessings from my mountain top to your home…May it be the best one ever..Hugs and Love Gloria.

  5. Great features this week!

    Thanks for hosting and hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Wow, Kristen! What a delightful surprise to see my Christmas tree featured! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Now off to watch your slideshow...

  7. Kristen- All the features look wonderful. You do a great job hosting. xo Diana

  8. What great features this week Kristen! Thanks for hosting and wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas....Gail

  9. Hi, I linked my table runner tutorial - and I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


  10. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for hosting !!
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with you family.
    XXOO Diane

  11. Wow, so many gorgeous sharings. Thanks for hosting!

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and all good things for the new year.


  12. Wow, so many gorgeous sharings. Thanks for hosting!

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and all good things for the new year.


  13. Beautiful creative ideas!! Lovely home...Merry xmas!!

    stop by @

  14. Hi Kristen,

    I love your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to join your party. It was so much fun. And, I was so SURPRISED to see my 'Santa Mantle' featured. Thank you for the lovely compliment! I'm new to blog land and to the blog parties, so this is a first for me and VERY EXCITING! Lol

    Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your entire family.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas
