Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gingerbread House Tablescape

Doesn't everyone love a gingerbread house? I know I do...I've always had a thing for them. They just look so yummy and colorful! I bought a real one the other day for Chase and me to make together...well, that didn't go so well. Chase kept bugging me to eat it and when it broke apart I finally just gave in! lol...Goodness that was alot of sugar! I am going to buy another one and be more careful. I will probably have to make it by myself!

I've been doing my kitchen in a gingerbread theme for several years now. Last year I bought the little gingerbread plates and gingerbread house napkins. I've had the white and stripe plates, coffee cups, napkins and place mats for a few years now.

I have actually sold this arrangement, but did a quick tablescape this afternoon before boxing it up. I should have made one for myself! Unfortunately I am out of that gingerbread house. Oh well, there's always next year.

Love the cute little faces of the gingerbread girls and boys...

You can see my gingerbread tree in the background...I will show you better pics soon.

More to come...

We didn't decorate the house I told you about yesterday. Unfortunately they had to cancel due to health issues. I am still going to be decorating my parent's house in the next week or so. I will be sure to show you pics when I'm done. I will also be doing a Christmas giveaway soon, so be sure and watch for that.

Thanks again for all of your nice comments on my decorating!!!! I really appreciate each one! I am catching my breath now, and should be able to start my blog hopping again soon.

I am working on more Etsy store items tonight and should have them posted tonight and tomorrow!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Joining Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday.


  1. This tablescape is adorable!!! Just too cute! I love gingerbread houses too, but I have never been brave enough to try to make one!

    I am visiting from Wow Us Wednesdays :-)

  2. Looks so cute Kristen. I love gingerbread men too. Take a breather now, you sure have been on a roll.

  3. I knew we were decorating twins. LOL I love to do my kitchen in Gingerbread Men too. I have dishes that I have had for about 15 yrs. Love your table, and as always your centerpiece is to die for!

  4. I stumbled across your blog from Pinterest somehow. Am I ever happy I did. I love your decorating style and all the tips, etc you share. Every house is absolutely beautiful!

  5. This is so breathtaking & simply precious to look at! I love anything with gingerbread houses so I am gonna come back here a lot and just stare! You are wonderful, Kristen!

  6. That is a gorgeous centerpiece. I never would have thought of that but it is so cute.
    What a busy time of year this must be for you.

  7. That is a gorgeous centerpiece. I never would have thought of that but it is so cute.
    What a busy time of year this must be for you.

  8. At the moment I baked my gingerbread coockies for decorating my Xmas tree, but in the next days I'm going to make my gingerbread house!!! HAve a wonderful day, hugs, Flavia

  9. How sweet is this, Kristen? I love the gingerbread tablescape ... the centerpiece is too stinkin' cute. And, I spy a precious gingerbread tree in the background, which I look forward to seeing more of soon!

  10. I found your blog on pinterest.com and love following you now.

    I thought I'd give you a helpful hint that I learned a few years ago that makes gingerbread houses possible for me now. I use a hot glue gun to put it together! I now do not have any that fall apart, except for the kids pulling pieces of candy off every day!

    Thanks for your posts, keep them coming!

  11. What a beautiful Gingerbread house in the arrangement, Kristen! It does go so well with your table. I hope you do make one for yourself, even if you have to wait until next year. Looking forward to seeing the tree, too.

  12. I love this tablescape!! It looks like a fun table to sit at!! I love the centerpiece!

  13. Love it, Kristen!! I love gingerbread men!! :) Take a breather girl, you've been extremely busy!!

  14. Adorable! Gingerbread decor is so fun at Christmastime! Love it, Kristen.

  15. Super Cute!!! Love the arrangement and the little gingerbread dishes! Adorable! :)

  16. You KNOW I love this as I have a gingerbread theme going on in my kitchen too! Where did you find the gingerbread houses? LOVE the arrangement. I remember the plates from last year, so cute!!! XO, Pinky

  17. I love the Gingerbread Arrangement! I also saw mini red lanterns today at Lowes and tried to figure out how recreate that tree lantern you had out.
    Have you seen the Scentsy Gingerbread Warmer? I think it would look perfect in your kitchen! There is also a matching plug-in. Here's a link to it-

  18. I LOVE your gingerbread themed kitchen Kristen, I can't wait to see more! You inspired me a few years ago to do a gingerbread theme as well. Thank you. I LOVE it. Your arrangement is fabulous too, and I love your tree!

  19. It's adorable! I'm back into gingerbread loot this year:)

  20. Are you selling the gingerbread houses this year? I LOVE it!
