Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day! We sure did. We spent the day eating, relaxing and opening presents. I think eating was the biggest part of the day...I'm still full! =0

I kept forgetting to take pictures but luckily Kevin took a few.

Here's Chase after opening up his Ipod. He was so excited...that was the main thing he wanted.

Here's me...I don't know what I was doing with my hand on my stomach. Probably trying to push my belly in from all of the food I ate! lol...I could have dressed up a little more, but I was in a hurry to get ready.

Here's my mom holding up the jacket I bought her. That color is really good on her.

I love this picture! My dad bought Sassy Cheez-its for Christmas...they are her favorite treats! Every time my mom and dad come over she will not stop barking at them until they give her Cheez-its. I think she's a little spoiled!

I wish I had more pictures to show you. I didn't even get any of my brother or grandma! Shame on me!

We have another Christmas next weekend with my dad's side of the family. I still have more presents to I will be out shopping again tomorrow. I thought I would wait until the after Christmas sales.

I still can't believe Christmas is over! After next weekend I will be ready to get things back to normal. I will also be listing new Etsy store items this week and next. I am anxious to get started on some new everyday items.

I hope you have a wonderful week!!


  1. Great pictures Kristen! Glad you had a great Christmas!!

  2. Glad you had such a nice day with your family and that you have another celebration to look forward to attending.

  3. Great picture of you, Kristen! Happy New Year!

  4. Love the pics,looks like you had a lot of fun. Happy new year to you too Kristen.

  5. Fun pictures, Kristen! Clearly, you guys had a fabulous holiday! Happy New Year, friend!

  6. Love your pics Kristen, so glad you had a good day. I wish we were having another Christmas too, I don't want it to be over!!! It went way too fast for me! XO, Pinky

  7. Kristen- What a beautiful family you have! I can certainly see how pleased Chase is with his IPod! You are just a pretty-inside AND out! Love your Mom's jacket. It is a great color for her! xo Diana

  8. I'm glad you had a great Christmas! I had to laugh at the Cheez-It's. Our doggies love them, too! Have a blessed new year!


  9. Merry Christmas my sweet friend - you look beautiful! I didn't even put on my makeup until 4 o'clock in the afternoon and that's only because we had to go out. Your home looks absolutely stunning for the Holidays.

  10. افضل معدات وعربات وسيارات نقل عفش المتطورة والحديثة فالسيارات الحديثة مُجهزة لنقل قطع العفش من وإلى أى مقر أو مدينة داخل المملكة العربية السعودية ، كما أن لدينا أفضل عمالة فتية جاهزة ومُدربة على فك وتجميع كل قطع الأثاث المنزلى بكل انواعة والحفاظ على ترتيبة ، حيث تبدأ مهمة نقل العفش اعتبارا من فك كل القطع الخشبية وحتى الإنتهاء من نقل كل القطع بالكامل ومن ثم نقلها إلى البيت الجديد والذى يتم تهيئة ليكون جاهزاً لتركيب الأثاث فية ، حيث نبدأ فى تنظيف المنزل الجديد على الكثير من خطوات ليصبح جاهز للسكن مؤسسة نقل عفش بالرياض

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    شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى حائل

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