Friday, November 4, 2011

Guess Who I Met Today? The Pioneer Woman!!

I know most of you are familiar with the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond. If you're not, she is a blogger who now has her own cookbook and even a cooking show on Food Network! Wow! She started her blog in 2006 and her success has sky rocketed from there. I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend to a luncheon/book signing where she spoke about her country life and how all of this started. It was very inspiring! I'm so glad I got to go! The lunch was right out of her cookbook and was delicious!

You can tell I was a little flustered by by red chest. I do that when I'm nervous or mad! lol

Here she is speaking about her life on the ranch. She called herself and accidental country girl and cook. She said she always thought she would live in the city, but things changed when she met the Marlboro Man. That's what she calls her good looking hubby! She was so much fun to listen too and even had a slide show of life on the ranch.

Here is her book...I can't wait to look through it and try some of her recipes!

Of course I had to have her sign it!
She was so inspiring! If you ever get the chance to hear her speak you definitely should!

On another note...Do you know who this is?

It's Bryan Adams!

Kevin and I went to his concert on Saturday night. It was amazing!! He's still sounds like he did in the 80's and 90's. I have always loved his music and even play "Heaven" and "Everything I do" on the piano...(easy version of course) lol...He played all of his hits and songs he has recently written. He is so talented!

If you ever get the chance to go see him you should!

I got to see two famous people in one week! Wow! That's definitely a record...usually no one famous comes this way.

Have a great weekend!


  1. How cool! She really seems like a super neat, down to earth girl. Looks like you have been having some fun lately.

  2. Lucky you to meet her! She seems like she would be very doen to earth and FUN! I have followed her for a long time, but sporadically. Have a great weekend! XO, Pinky

  3. Two famous people in one week! Lucky you!
    It is amazing how quick Pioneer Woman's blog has grown. I've tried a few of her recipes. Yumm

    I'm glad you got to go to your concert after all, and that he was as good as ever. Fun, fun!

  4. How fun! What a wonderful opportunity meeting her! I LOVE her cookbook. The food looks fantastic. I have only made a couple of things from it, but one day I will set aside time to make it all.
    I haven't listened to Bryan Adams since I was a teenager! Love his music.
    Have a good night!

  5. I would love to meet Ree! I love her piecrust and will never ever make another recipe ~ it is perfect. Oh Bryan Adams......that was the last concert I ever attempted to get near the stage. I am thinking about 1982 or so, it was over 100 degrees and everyone was pushing and squeezing. He even stopped the concert and told everyone to stop or he would leave. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in the medic tent ~ with footprints all up and down my legs. That was so scary, but he was good live. Awww good times.......... :-)

  6. I would love to meet her. How exciting!

  7. Kristen, my mom and I love Pioneer Woman and share her cookbook between us! Try her cinnamon rolls! Bryan Adams' song Everything I Do was mine and Hubby's wedding song! Us '80s girls had it figured out! ;)

  8. The Pioneer Woman was the first blog I ever found. I was amazed...and I'll bet she is just as down-to-earth as she seems.

    I also have loved Bryan Adams-I'm glad he is as good as ever! xo Diana

  9. Pioneer woman was the first blog I found too. Try the Ranch Dressing from her book. Yummy. You'll never go back to bottled. I'm sooo jealous of you! ~ Maureen

  10. How awesome is that, Kristen?! Love that you got to meet her AND jam with Bryan Adams ... you've been a busy girl!

  11. I'm slowly but surely trying to cook my way through her cookbook. I love it, love her too :-) can't wait for her Christmas special show.
