Sunday, March 13, 2011

~~YOUR Beautiful Mesh/Tulle Wreaths~~

Hey Guys! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I am ALMOST done with my cabinets!!! Yay! I will be showing you soon. Also, since it was so nice yesterday we went ahead and bought a little patio conversation set at Wal-Mart I have been wanting. I am going to dress it up a bit with some cute pillows, but we really like it, you will see that soon too...The warmer weather really has me in a sprucing up mood! I can't wait to get outside and plant flowers.
Now on with the wreaths...
You will probably remember the tutorial I did on the Easter mesh wreath a week or so ago. Click HERE if you missed that post. I asked if you would e-mail me a picture if you decided to make one. I'm still waiting on some, but thought I would show what you have sent me so far. They are just beautiful! Look at this one Carrie from Dittle Dattle made....Adorable!! She actually painted the bunny to brighten it up a bit. She could not find the mesh so she used tulle and it worked great!! So there's an idea! If you can't find the mesh...use tulle. It is probably alot easier to work with too. Beautiful Carrie!

Here is another adorable wreath made with the tulle from Kimberly at Kimberly's Corner. Love that cute glittery "Happy Easter" in the middle. Beautiful job Kimberly!!

Both of these wreaths are made by a reader named Shannon. She made one for Easter and St. Patricks day. They are both so cute!! Love the bunny she used in the one below.

Beautiful job Shannon!! It looks like the mesh in this one might be wired around the wreath rather than cut. Another great idea!

Thank you so much for sending me these pics! Keep em coming! I am going to start my giveaway on's some pretty cute stuff so you don't want to miss it! Have a great Monday!!

One thing I need to mention about the mesh is that it does tend to unravel on the ends. Since the mesh naturally curls, I just tuck it underneath. You will need to either trim as you go, or trim it all after you are done. A few of you have e-mailed me about this problem so I felt like I needed to address it here on my blog. If the unravelling really bothers you then you can go another route. You can wire the mesh on like in the St. Patrick's Day wreath above, or you can use tulle instead. As you can see in a few of the wreaths above, it works well too.


  1. I am going to soooo make one of these maybe more...when I do...I'll take pictures and send to you or post on my blog.

    Carol-the gardener

  2. These are very lovely easter wreaths! I'm also inspired to make one too!

  3. I was so impressed with Carrie's when she posted it! Love all of them. I just might have to join the bandwagon. :) Have a great day, Becca

  4. Kristen they all created such beauties! I really want to try one soon.

  5. Lovely wreaths, ladies! I finished mine a couple of days ago.

    have a happy day~ L

  6. Blogland is so talented, they are all so pretty !!!

    Kathy :)

  7. Thanks for the shout out, Kristen! Yes, the tulle is really easy to work with but I just love the vibrant colors that the mesh comes in. I love to see all the variations of your fabulous wreath! Have a great week.

  8. I finished two of mine and I have to send you the photos. Thanks for the inspiration Kristen!

  9. They all did amazing jobs. They look so cute!
    Can't wait to see your cabinets finished.

  10. Love your idea! I made 1 and posted it on my blog

  11. Hey sweet Kristen! I LOOOOOOVE your NEW blog design! Its BEAUTIFUL!!! I have been a bit MIA the last 2 weeks on my blog...this week was Spring Break...I LOVE your giveaway too! I have NO CLUE how to post your giveaway in my sidebar??? HELP! I would love to be entered...but I would love to post it...Hope you have a BLESSED weekend!


  12. Hi Kristen, I love all of these ideas that you've shared for spring and can't wait to see what you did with your new W-M purchase! Forgot to tell you in my last comment that I'm now following and hope you'll also stop by my blog someday!

  13. I made one!! I will email you a picture of mine..

  14. This is awesome. Where do you get your material from? I get work wreath material from Party Time and have been pretty happy with it - but yours looks AMAZING!

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