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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flowers~Flowers~ and More Flowers~Come See My Yard and Patios!

Hey Guys! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! It turned out to be a wonderful day today! It was supposed to rain all day, but the sun came out for a while and warmed everything up... it was a little chilly this morning. I have been wanting to show you my yard and patios for a while now. Everything is really starting to grow! I just gave all my plants a shot of Miracle Grow yesterday, so they should really take off now. I took this first picture looking out my back door, I love all the color! You might remember last year I bought the new cushions, painted the table and chairs, stained the concrete and hubby built the patio and fire pit. Boy! We did alot!

This year I added the rocks in front of the patio. The main reason I did this was to cover up all the grass would grow there. I LOVE colorful hanging baskets! I planted the two hanging from the porch and bought the one by the humming bird feeder. Here is a better view of the little rock landscape. I did it all by myself!

I always forget what this trailing greenery is called. Does anyone know? I just love it!
I bought this beautiful pot of flowers the other day. Sometimes I just can't resist pretty flowers!
Here is a closeup of the hanging basket with our hammock in the background. I am enjoying laying on it on a beautiful afternoon!

Here is another closeup of one I planted hanging from the porch. It's really taking off!
I have a little bit of everything on this baker's rack.

I bought the "Grow" sign at TJ Maxx the other day...

along with these cute ceramic turtles. One thing you may not know about me is that I love turtles!

I even have real ones!! This is Dan...a red eared slider. I've had him a few years now. He loves to come outside in the spring and summer months. That's shrimp's all he will eat! lol...He wants Red Lobster everyday!
This is Little Guy... a map turtle. He loves his shrimp too! All I have to say is "shrimpy shrimpy"... and they go crazy! lol...
Here is the paver patio with the fire pit. I ordered the striped pillows this year to match the cushions on the covered patio. The others are faded, but I am going to keep them this year, but I will probably change them out next spring.
We have already had lots of cookouts on the fire pit! Everything just tastes better...

Hubby said I went crazy again with the flowers... at least they're not pink! Ha! I say that because he called this HIS patio.

Here is a closeup of one of the new pillows.
I planted these baskets a few days ago. I love the shape of the basket!
Here is the's really growing!! We already have several hot peppers and bell peppers starting to grow.
This is the front of our house. I love my new butterfly "Welcome" flag.

On my trip to TJ Maxx I also found the butterfly welcome sign in front of the crape mertyl. We bought the fountain on sale at Wal-Mart during the winter months, it really adds to the flower bed and I love the sound. Looks like I need to clean the slime out of it though...Oops! I shouldn't have pointed that

I have alot of flowers in the front too...
I love pentas...they attract butterflies.
This is lobella...I love the pretty bluish purple color. It also looks good in hanging baskets.

This is a little landscape we did a few years ago.
We also did this landscape a few years ago. We have a corner lot and this whole side was a blank slate! We did the landscape and added the brown fence around the air conditioner unit. This isn't the best picture, the sun was in the way and I couln't get a good angle.With all the rain we've had...everything should really start growing now. I will post more pictures as things start filling out. As you can probably tell...I love flowers! I spend alot of time in the yard at this time of the year. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

Kristen it is all gorgeous and so inviting. I love every detail. Way to go. Hugs, Jenn

leelea said...

Everything is just beautiful!!!! Love the turtles!!! The trailing greenery is called creeping jenny...i love it too!!! Some of mine came back in some pots that i have planted. I love sweet potatoe vine also! It goes wild and it is a bright green color!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your yard is lovely. All of your flowers are so pretty. I just love them. So many things don't grow here in the desert, but we do have a better chance when fall comes. Your yard is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Oh my gosh girl... you're as talented decorating the outside as you are the inside! I wish you were my SIL of BFF. Heck, I'd even settle for you as a neighbor!


Melissa Miller said...

Kristen everything is so lush and beautiful in your front and backyard! Your new striped pillows and flowers are so pretty. I really like the unique cone shape of the new baskets. Everything looks really good. Great job!

Love the turtles! How cute! Now I want a turtle too. We feed our fish the same shrimp.

Have a relaxing Sunday! I'll be posting something new finally. ~Melissa :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am so jealous....and makes me want to GET someone to work in mine when I get home from vacation.....

Kimberly said...

Everything looks great Kristen!! I love the firepit!! I would like one of those and a fountain! I have been looking but haven't found the right one.

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Everything looks so beautiful. The flowers add so much color to your porch :D I love the plant holder that the "creeping jenny" sits in.

Paula@SweetPea said...

It looks beautiful! Your hard work has really paid off. You need to have a party so your friends can enjoy your hard work, too.

Courtney said...

Your yard looks great! Have a wonderful weekend!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I LOVE your covered patio, Kristen! Love your whole set up there and I wish my patio was covered. Good idea with the rocks.

Beth said...

Your yard and patio are all beautiful!!! I would love to know how your DH built that firepit...think we could get a tutorial out of him??? Thanks for sharing your home and yard and talents with us!

Simply LKJ said...

It all looks wonderful. We are working on our yard the next couple weekends. We had a deluge last night! We put in a pond two years ago, a bar last summer, and this year we plan on a fire pit. I am using yours for inspiration!! We are opting for using more ferns, greens and herbs for our pots and baskets this year. The GA sun is just brutal on flowers, and the natural elements blend better with the rest of our yard. I'll post pics on my new blog when done.

Tina said...

W-O-W!! I love all the flowers, it looks great. What a wonderful area for entertaining and relaxing with the family.
I especially love that little garden!!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Kristen...goodness have outdone yourself with this one! What a gorgeous yard! I am going to have to have you come work on mine;)! You are the flower genius...inside and out! You must have a magical touch!

All of the accessories you use are beautfil as well...they add such a personal touch...LOVE IT!

I love your little turtles real and faux. Are they hard to care for? I might need one of those too...actually I was thinking maybe for my youngest:)!

You have a wonderful gift for making everything around you beautiful...always an inspirationto me!

Happy Sunday!

Gypsy Heart said...

Looks beautiful! I love flowers too, the more the better. I know your plants will flourish with all the rain ~ we've had so much the past couple of days.


Marigene said...

You have a beautiful and inviting outdoor space!

Lynn said...

It's all beautiful! I love flowers too and we have a short season to enjoy them. I made my first trip to the greenhouse yesterday [there will be more:o)!] and I purchased the same greenery that I see others have already said is Creeping Jenny. It looks great as a filler in pots with purple flowers but I really like the way you have yours displayed. I love your flower beds, I have space only for containers now and I miss the yard with room to try so many different flowers. Thanks for sharing!

Melanie said...

It is so beautiful. All of it and the fire pit area is just gorgeous.

We just moved into a new home and there is so much yard work to do that I get overwhelmed.

We don't leave anywhere long enough to have a yard like that. We probably won't be in this house that long either so I am doing buckets and planting just enough to get by.

I just want yours though:)

9405018--Pat said...

Everything is just beautiful.....thanks for sharing..have a great week...Pat H

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kristen,
The additions you have made this year just enhances the whole yard. It is stunning. Your neighbors must love looking at it, too.
I'm like you, I just love looking out and seeing green and flowers.
Love your new garden.

Anonymous said...

Everything is so beautiful!! Cute turtles!!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I had to come back by for another look...I am sure it will not bemy last;)!

Still stunning!


Melissa Miller said...

The turtles are precious! I wonder what Chestnut would think if I brought one home for his room? Ha!
I'm sure he would love it.

Come by and check out my newest post when you have time. One thing is for sure it has been much harder to lose anymore weight the last few months. Whew! I'm still working hard at it though.

Have a great week. ~Melissa :)

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Oh, I can just imagine sitting in the patio on a cool evening rosting marshmallows or drinking lemonade. I love it.

I had a RES too, he got to be too big and was donated to a school after we moved from our house...he was higly entertaining :)

Leanne Helums said...

Just gorgeous!!

John Travertine said...

Very nice garden, looks lovely.

Rettabug said...

It all looks so lovely, Kristen! You are very talented with both REAL & FAUX flowers! LOL The stone area was a brilliant idea...well done!

I was going to say the green trailing plant looks like "money wort", but others think differently. ??? I just bought some. Maybe its called by different names in different areas of the country. Whatever, I love the lime green of it. :D

I'm working on getting my wrought iron bakers rack on my front porch filled. You've given me some great ideas...thanks for sharing your talents.


Help! Mama Remote... said...

These pictures give me hope that summer is soon to come.

Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

Hi Kristen!
Your yard is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love it!!

I have an award for you on my blog! Please stop by and check it out. :-)

Kim said...

Beautiful Kristen! I just love all of your splashes of color. You gave me the idea to look for a Baker's Rack for my patio. I'm on the hunt at yardsales.
Thanks for all the wonderful outdoor inspiration!!

The Prudent Homemaker said...

Very nice!

Denise said...

Hi Kristen, your flowers and porches are just amazing, so beautiful, wish I could come over and visit :) Glad to see your garden growing too, I've got green beans and peas ready in mine we've been eating some this week, it's fun when you finally get some 'fruit of your labor'! Come say hi!
Hugs Denise

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Hi Kristen your yard and landscaping looks BEAUTIFUL!!!I love all the flower pots you put around,great job as always!

Southern Fried Gal said...

Everything looks so beautiful, Kristen! I love all the color in the hanging baskets. And all I can say about the firepit is gasp! Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwh, so beautiful. It's called Creeping Jenny. I love it too and use it in many of my planters and baskets.

Melissa Miller said...

Thanks for coming by Kristen! I understand believe me. I have nothing new to post on at all. Hopefully I can come up with something this week as well. :)

Unknown said...

Such lovliness!!! I wish we could have more of an outside life..the misquitoes in Houston here will carry you off! I envy that you can have that lol.

Melissa Miller said...

Kristen I thought about it afterwards and was worried I may have posted the wrong thing. Oops! I did not want anyone to feel bad about what I said. I just muted the music and went on with the comment verification stuff anyway. *Smiles* Thanks for not thinking I was being a meanie. I don't mind a few ads and I do not feel that way about Etsy at all. I love Etsy on blogs! Who doesn't enjoy shopping while blogging right? LOL!

Have a great evening. ~Melissa :)

Rick said...

It all looks so nice and neat. Great choices. You need a couple of big dogs for your backyard. It's already too hot here to enjoy the outdoors in my opinion.

L said...

What a lovely yard. Everything looks so pretty and inviting!

Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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