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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall is in the Air...

Hey guys! I hope you are all having a great week! I hope everyone is well...Chase has a sore throat and was home today and I had one last week. I think there's alot going around right now.
Congrats to Pat...the winner of my giveaway! I will be shipping out her loot out tomorrow. I will be having more giveaways a little closer to Thanksgiving and you will still have some chances to win! I know I said it in my video... ( Ooooh! the sound of my own voice! :0 lol) but I really appreciate you all.
I don't decorate alot for fall, I would love to do the living room, but I know I wouldn't be able to stop at just a few things, I would want to go all out! So I choose to just do the kitchen. I also do a little in the front yard that I will be showing you soon. (it's not much) Here is my table... I had the plates, round wicker place mats and faux pumpkins and gourds. I added the napkins I found at Bed Bath and Beyond and the leaf bowl from Hobby Lobby. I made the leaf placemats. They were not my idea though, I saw the idea on Lauri's blog... Bargain Hunting with Laurie. She's on a blogging break right now, I know we are all missing her though. Anyway, I thought it was a great idea. My table looked so plain, now it's more colorful! They are simple to make, I have instructions on down below.

I had material left over from my curtains in my bedroom, so I just cut out 4 circles and glued the leaves around it. SIMPLE!
Here they are finished... I put the wicker placemats on top so the material doesn't show... although, it's a good color.

I know some of you have seen this rooster arrangement a million times, but I just wanted to show how I dressed it up for fall. I added fall leaves, pumpkins, and gold sunflowers.
I dressed up this candleholder for fall, it was simple too. I bought the glass candle holder at the dollar store and added fall leaf stickers, gold beaded wire and some jewelry beads I already had. I just hot glued them in the corners. Another easy project!

I made this pumpkin arrangement last year.
I had green pears in this jar, but found some small pumpkins and mixed them in. Oh and see that cute little rooster cut out! My friend Cathy frome Mille Fleur sent that to me as a thank you. She is just the sweetest! She also sent me some cute little towels pictured below.

I bought the pumpkin towel at Homegoods in Dallas, but prefer the red one from Cathy. Although this one is cute for the season.
Have you guys ever used a candle warmer? My friend bought this for me for my birthday, I put a pumpkin candle from Yankee in it and it really smells up the whole kitchen. You just turn it on and it turns it into wax. I love it!
My only indoor Halloween decoration.

I hope you enjoyed my little fallness! Before we know will be Christmas time!! Alot of you have seen my Christmas frames and even purchased some last year. This is an example of what I will be doing. I have ordered alot of new embellishments and will be making all kinds of frames. Maybe even some intial ones for Christmas. Hmmmm...My creativity is officially flowing!! I will have more everyday frames for sale soon! Look for some Christmas ones soon too, I'm going to start early this year!

I hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend!! Monday I will be showing you my craft desk redo!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen! Oh, I love your Fallen table. Everything looks so nice! Now I don't care how many times you show that Rooster piece - I love it! If you turn your back for long, don't come over here looking for me if it disappears! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Kristen,
Oh what a gorgeous Fall post! Your Fall table and leaf place mats are so pretty! What a creative idea.
I didn't see them at Laurie's blog and I just adore them. Your precious items from Cathy are so cute! She is the sweetest. That is so neat you two have the same Birthday!

I'll be on the lookout for the Christmas decor' that you make.
I can't seem to go very long without buying one of your pretties. He!

I had a busy decorating day. ~Whew. I'll post tomorrow.
~Melissa :)

Four Paws and Co said...

I love your fall table & kitchen decor. The leaf placemats & candle holder are too cute for words too. ☺ Diane

Sandy said...

Everything looks great. What a good idea for the placemats!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Your home looks all decked out for fall! That is a great idea with the fabric and the leaves! I may just try that! Have you enjoyed that fire pit yet on your new patio?

Miss Janice said...

Kristen, love your fall tablscape! Those placemats are just too cute for the season:) I also love the darling rooster arrangement.

The Tuscan Home said...

Wow, Kristen, I love your fall table and decor. Your placemat idea turned out gorgeous. Hmm, may try this today.

I have to tell you, I am in love with your Rooster arrangement...just lovely!

You have such a talent for creating beautiful bows on picture frames. You have inspired me. I made a few yesterday and am hoping to post pictures later today! I would like to purchase some of your picture frames soon, so I will definitely be back.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your kitchen looks great! I love the leaves placemat ~ seems easy enough to make {even I could do it!}. I was thinking about looking for little pumpkins at the dollar store to put in my kitchen jar to replace the lemons currently in it. The Christmas frame is so pretty! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Jo said...

What a clever idea for the placemats. You autumn decor is loving. Where did you find your fabulous rooster?

Have a great weekend ~

Tammy@InStitches said...

I love your fallness. The leaf place mats are adorable !

squawmama said...

Good Morning Kristen... Beautiful Fall decorationas and I just LOVE your leaf placemats... What a wonderful idea! And it goes without saying that your rooster arrangemnt is the tops... BEAutiful!


Southern Fried Gal said...

Everything looks beautiful! Your frames are so cute. Can't wait to see your home at Christmas!

~Kristen~ said...

Your fall decorations are so sophisticated and beautiful! I love everything little fall touch you added to your decor. Just beautiful!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your decorations are just stunning. Everything is so pretty. I love the rooster arrangement. It is fabulous. Thanks for sharing such inspiration. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen....Nice job....who could ever get tired of your rooster not MOI !!! lol

Poor Chase hope he feels better soon !!!

Love those placemats.

See you Monday, have a great week-end...

Kathy :)

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Kristen...I must tell you that every time I see that stunning rooster arrangement I think of taking a trip to your house and stealing it from right under your nose...I just love it!!!

Your table is sooo beautiful...what a shocker...hehe!!! I love the placemats you made and they are perfect with the chargers on top!!!

Thanks for mentioning are too sweet!!! Thanks again for the gorgeous goodies you have made for me...I love them!!! I can't wait to see my frame!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

The little rooster is a cookie cutter...I am sure you know that already...but it is so huge I just thought I would mention it:)!!!

Kim said...

Hi Kristen, thanks for sharing all of your beautiful fall decor with us. You have such a flair for decorating, no matter what the season or holiday! Kim

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Kristen,
I received my frames today and I love them! Thank you soooo much. I was able to get the package off to Michele today too. ~Whew!
Now I can only hope she doesn't have the baby tomorrow. LOL!

Come by and see my drapes when you get a chance!

Have a good weekend, ~Melissa

Angie said...

I loved this post! Such gorgeous colors and I want all your awesome accessories. They'd go great in my house! Love the placemats with the leaves.

Leave a Legacy said...

Hi Kristen,
I found you via Melissa's Heart and Home. You both have beautiful homes that I can relate to. The colors are very similar to what I use in my home. Your blog is very pretty and so are your frames.
I'm so glad I met you. I also have an Etsy site that I'm just starting. I'm going to visit you there now.

Melissa Miller said...

Thank you! Kristen I'm so sorry I forgot to thank you for it. Yes! It is so precious and just smells incredible. I love Yankee Candles.

Thanks for checking out my new drapes. I'm so happpy you likke them! That was a looooong overdue project. I've been thinking about changing them for at least two years. Blogging has made me decorate more that's for sure. He!

I hope Chase is doing better. Let me know when you get the check. It's in a "teeny" envelope. I should have put it in a bigger one.

~Melissa :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Kristen, thank you so much for stopping by and your very gracious comments. I was so impressed with your beautiful rooster floral arrangement that I created a version of my own for my island. I will be showing it for my MM post. I have acknowledged you as the inspiration and referenced your beautiful post here. I sincerely hope you don't mind. Hugs, Marty

Paula@SweetPea said...

Your fall decorations look so nice. I love how you made your placemats with fabric and faux leaves. That's a great idea.

Pat@deepintheheart said...

Hi Kristen!
You are so talented. I love the rooster piece, in fact I love your house. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I can't wait to get it and will post a picture of its "new home."

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

Now, this is one beautiful table! The colors and the centerpiece are just perfect. I absolutely adore your placemats...that's such a good idea to just put those leaves around a circle. Very smart and very creative. I also really like how you added in some fall pieces to your preexisting rooster arrangement. Thanks for sharing.

Rhonda said...

Hi Kristen,
Your fall decor is really lovely! Thank you for sharing!

Sandra said...

Hello! I love your decor! I just found your blog and after reading this post, I decided to become a follower. Come visit my blog sometime. Have a wonderful weekend.

Paula said...

Dear Kristen,

I am sorry you and your son have been sick. I hope you both are feeling much better!

I love all of your beautiful fall decorations! Your table looks so lovely, and I love all of the pretty fall arrangements you made. You are so creative! The tea towels your sweet friend gave you are so pretty! Your Christmas frame is beautiful!!!

Love, Paula

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Just beautiful, but the best part was seeing your little shih tuz, as I sit here typing with one on my lap. I have two and they are the best breed out there. Thanks for sharing , your home is 5*.

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Kristen.. I found you on Marty's blog and thought I would pay you a visit.. I love to find new blogs and new friends.. Your Fall kitchen decor is just gorgeous, you have some very lovely things. I really enjoyed your blog, and I will be by again.....
have a great week


Alicia said...

Thanks for the idea for the placemats. So simple and so pretty. Marty from A Stroll Thru Life mentioned your rooster display, so I had to come right over and see it. Love it!

Please feel free to stop by some time and say hello.

Unknown said...

Your centerpiece creations are stunning. You gave me an idea to make my pumpkin much cuter. I just love how you made those darling placemats with the silk leaves. Your frames are beautiful with the gorgeous ribbon accenting each one. Thanks for sharing these great ideas.
Katherine S.

Julie said...

Hi Kristen, I love the rooster arrangement...Such beautiful colors...You are so ready for Fall...

Embellished Bayou said...

Just found your blog from Creative Home Expressions and wanted to say you are very talented! I love those placemats and our centerpieces are gorgeous.

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi Kristen... Your fall decorations are just lovely! Just the perfect touch here and there! I really liked your rooster centerpiece on your counter. Your holiday frames are too cute! Hugs!

Barbara said...

kristen, Love your fall decorations, especially the rooster centerpiece.

I am interested in one of your frames, but not sure what all you do. Please let me know if there is a list anywhere.


joyh82 said...

Love your 3d decorative frame you made and your fall decorations. Are you still making and selling frames?

AMIT said...

The table looks very wonderful color is also superb.

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Featured in Country Woman Magazine fall 2012 for kitchen and crafts

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I'm a 42yr. old mother of 1. I've been married for 21years to a wonderful man, Kevin. We have one son together named Chase who is 14. We live in a small town in Arkansas and have a dog named Sassy, a cat named Coco and now a chinchilla, Tiki. My husband is a Database Administrator and I have my own business called Kristen's Creations where I make and sell a variety of crafts. I worked in a shop as a floral designer for 15 yrs. until it closed. My former boss decided to retire and lease out her building. I enjoy crafting, decorating, and hanging out with my family. E-mail me at

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